Immediately, there was only a loud noise - "Boom!"

The fortress was like tofu, it was cut open by the sword intent spawned by the six refining sword souls, and it was divided into two halves!

Even the barren mountain where the fort was built was split in two by this blow!

The demon bandits in the fortress had no idea what was going on. After the fortress cracked open, there were hundreds of black shadows in the fortress, each stepping on a little aura and flying out!

Yun Lie's killing intent spread all over his body, and his voice was cold: "Kill."

Immediately afterwards, all the star slaves and followers also moved.

The crowd separated in all directions, only to see a star disciple pushing out his palms. Immediately, a sea of ​​fire appeared in front of him, and it boiled. Several fiery tigers turned out of the sea of ​​​​fire, issued a long tiger roar, and frantically slaughtered them out.

Every time a demon bandit encounters this fire tiger, he will immediately turn into a fire man. Even if he tries to save himself with water, he can't put out the fire with this method, and he has to scream and be burned to ashes!

There are star-level disciples with several stars floating around, each star has boundless power, from top to bottom, aiming at the gathering place of the demon bandits, smashing hard!

When the stars fell, the bandits vomited blood and retreated, but after the stars fell one after another, they were directly smashed into the ground, and their flesh was broken into pieces.

A star disciple's eyebrows flickered, changing into countless golden cones like showers. Each golden cone seemed to have the ability to track. Tell them to howl and die!

After a star-studded disciple made a move, the cold air spread, turning the surrounding into glaciers and snow, and all the demon bandits who touched the ice mist would freeze their souls and lose their vitality!

There are also star-level disciples who run the great formation, and just as soon as the demon bandits who want to escape escape to the edge of the great formation, they are involved in the illusion, and then they are transformed and killed by the formation! The demon bandit seemed to have encountered a ghost, and after walking a few steps in the formation, it suddenly exploded and turned into countless blood and flesh.

There are many other star slaves, all of which are magic tricks. In less than half an hour, most of the many demon bandits died, and even the primordial spirit could not escape!

There are many evils, and evil spirits are haunted, and there will be consequences in the end.

The remaining ones who can survive are the five demons who are in the Nascent Soul stage. Among them, the late Nascent Soul is wrapped in a mass of demonic energy, which looks especially terrifying.

The other demons were terrified in their hearts, and they scolded and cursed in their mouths, but they couldn't suppress the horror.

Yun Lie looked at it, and pointed out: "Kill to kill."

Immediately, a sword intent was cut out, as if five thin sword marks were formed, which were drawn out extremely quickly and silently.

The five-headed demons seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, urging their own natal magic weapons, riding the demon cloud, and madly fleeing for their lives!

But the five sword marks were separated, but they chased after them at a faster speed!

There was only a very slight sound.


Wherever the sword light passed, the five demon heads were also cut into two pieces under this sword intent.

Yuan Ying flew out, Yuan Shen wanted to escape.

But in the aftermath of Sword Intent, these two things were also shattered...

The rest of the many immortal monks killed all the remnants of the devil.

Those who enslaved mortals in those days were like enslaving livestock, but now they are all removed, their souls are destroyed, and there is no possibility of life.

Ordinary people, who do not know the magic, can only see with the naked eye that many "immortals" kill those demons one by one. In addition to their joy in their hearts, they also have infinite awe for the "immortals".

Since they were born, they have been precarious because of the demon bandit's arrogance, and now that the demon bandit is dead, it makes them feel a little bit at a loss - from now on, should it be mining, or continue to farm?

Many monks have returned to the great sword, and they are all smart people, and they will not be left behind.

The demon bandits have been eliminated, and mortals also need to be resettled.

Yun Lie said: "Jiayi, take a picture of the people from the sect of the Immortal Dao."

A one is naturally irresistible.

The giant palm came out again, and came to the three small sects in a hurry. The total number of cultivators in it was only a mere dozens of cultivators, and all of them were captured. Not bad.

This small sect is not even as good as the ninth-rank sect. There are no more than ten or twenty people in each sect, and the highest realm is no more than the Golden Core Stage.

It can be seen that they have very few resources and are gradually unsustainable.

These monks have been trapped in the place where the bandits are rampant for hundreds of years, and the only ones they have seen are the Nascent Soul old monsters in the fortress. Where have you seen these many young monks with extraordinary bearing but high strength?

What's more, they also had a panoramic view of the demonic scene just now.

——The demon bandit who easily tormented them, in the hands of these cultivators, was like a terrifying dog, and they were wiped out with a wave of their hands. How could they not be shocked, how could they not be afraid?

Compared with those mortals who can't understand, their hearts are even more shocking.

Immediately, they were all trembling.

Although the three sects have different inheritances, they are very close because of the evil bandits. Among them, the old man in the middle stage of Jindan is a sect master. At this time, for fear of angering everyone, he immediately saluted: "The old sect master Zhao Pengze, and Fei Fei. The sect masters of Shemen, Qianshan Sect, and the disciples of the three sects, meet the envoys of the upper sect. What are the orders of the upper sect, but please tell me, the old sects do not dare to disobey!"

Chapter 585

These immortal sects who have been oppressed for a long time are full of obedience. Just because they were able to endure the burden and survive under the demon bandits, now that they have met people in the same way, it will never be worse.

Moreover, if it can be sheltered under the banner of Shangzong, it is also a kind of good fortune, and it is unknown.

Such as the task of exterminating demons, in

Zhou Tian Xianzong also has a set of practices. Remove the devil from one place, and the place occupied by the devil will become the domain of the sect.

Like this time, there can be three small sects in the same place, and many follow-up matters can be directly handled by them. And these three small sects are also included in the outer sect of Zhoutian Xianzong.

——The outer door of this main sect, except for those originally connected to the main sect, there are many places in the great world of Qianyuan, and there are also divisions. It's just that the size of the door is different.

This kind of trivial matter does not require the personal instructions of the star-level disciples such as Yun Lie, so Jiayi will send a star slave to replace the three small sect masters, so that they can settle down, shelter mortals, and give them a token. There is a sound transmission array method, which can be used to transmit information into the outer gate of Xianzong. If there are evil demons here again, these people can report it.

The three small sects did not know which disciple of the major sect came to carry out the task, but now they heard that they were among the giants of the Zhou Tian Xianzong, and they were overjoyed immediately-even if they were imprisoned for hundreds of years, the illustrious name of the first-rank Xianzong , they are also familiar.

Unexpectedly, now there is such an opportunity to become an outsider.

All the devils have been executed, and the affairs of mortals are also handled by the outer sect. This task is now complete. Because the task was taken by Yun Lie, no matter how many shots he made, he could divide 50% of the contribution value of the task, and the remaining 50% would be distributed among many followers.

As for how to divide the law, there is a photo stone as evidence.

Jiayi put away a fist-sized transparent spar, which recorded the scene of all the demons killed by the demon slayers. Those killed by the star slave of the star-level disciple are also counted in the name of the star-level disciple.

A lot of the rest of the star slaves searched the fortress that was split open, but did not find any other means of influence. It was indeed only a nest of demon bandits, so they also released some imprisoned mortals and came back.

This matter is over, Yun Lie and others will not stay here any longer, the black and gold giant sword turned its head and left as quickly as lightning.

A star disciple asked, "Senior Brother Yun, I'm waiting to go back to the sect now?"

Yun Lie said, "Meet Hou Ziqing and the others in Tianhua Town."

These star-level disciples looked at each other, only to feel that Senior Brother Yun and Senior Brother Xu really had a deep friendship, and they also thought that if there was an accident in that mission, they could immediately support them, so they said in unison: "Yes, Senior Brother Yun!"

Yun Lie didn't speak anymore, he swore his sword intent, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of miles passed by.

Xu Ziqing and the others stayed in the ancient town inn for two days, strolling around the town in their spare time, acting like a mortal son. But they found something more than when they first came.

For example, the townspeople in this town look no different from ordinary people during the day, but when they look at it at night, they can vaguely find that there is a blue-black air between their eyebrows, the color of children is lighter, and the color of adults is more intense. , it seems that there is some coldness - this must be one of the influences caused by the gathering place.

The whole town is not too big, with a radius of about tens of miles. There are more than hundreds of thousands of townspeople. Every townsman has an image of an "immortal" in his home. The eyes look very strange. If there is aura, you can see that the blood in the eyes is red, and there is a strong color constantly brewing, as if wanting to shed blood and tears, which is very strange.

During this period of time, Xu was the demons who had given orders to ask Zhu Hou to hold back these "mortals". Zhu Hou and the shopkeeper were extremely considerate to the group, lest these "brothers" suddenly change their minds and ask for go back or something.

Xu Ziqing and the others followed their plan, waiting for the group of demons to come to the door.

On the second night, Xu Ziqing and the others sat on the first floor of the inn, enjoying Zhu Hou's flattery, and said in their mouths, "Is there really an immortal coming tomorrow?"

"I haven't seen this kind of sacrifice before, but I don't want to disappoint you."

"If it is really interesting for me to wait, then there will be more rewards!"

Zhu Hou and the shopkeeper stayed by the side, they were all submissive:

"Don't worry, young masters and young ladies, sacrifices are a local custom in this town, and you will not be disappointed. Many immortals who protect the local area will definitely show up here."

"Everyone, rest early tonight, tomorrow morning will be auspicious time for offering sacrifices, and by then, it will be really lively!"

Xu Ziqing exchanged glances with the star-studded disciples, and they all looked forward to it.

They also want to know what is so strange about this sacrifice, and those demons, they also want to take this opportunity to catch them all.

After drinking and eating, the group went back to their respective rooms.

Since the disguised identity is "Young Master Brother", then these star-studded disciples naturally cannot live together, but each occupy a house.

However, although this is the case on the surface, the one with the most powerful skills among the many star slaves is stealthily accompanied by his son/young master, and there is no room for loss.

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