At night, at midnight.

Xu Ziqing was lying flat on the bed, and suddenly, he felt a demonic energy coming in from the crack of the door, and rushing towards him, as if he was about to burrow into his seven orifices immediately, ignoring his sanity.

He secretly said in his heart: here!

Those demons did not wait for the sacrifice tomorrow, but instead came late at night.

If Xu Ziqing was really a mortal, he would definitely be invaded by demonic energy and be slaughtered by others.

It's just that he is not an extraordinary person after all, this is probably just the magic energy sent by the foundation-building stage demon, and it really doesn't matter to him.

But Xu Ziqing didn't want to startle the snake.

He didn't kill him directly at first, because he was worried that the grass could not be eradicated and the devil could not be completely executed. Moreover, the villagers and townspeople here have all been manipulated by the devil. If he shows his power, I am afraid that instead of being able to thank them, he will reveal their behavior, and even be blocked by the devil... At that time, if we want to get everything out. It is very difficult to remove the devil together.

If it is not necessary, they are people in the immortal realm, but they do not want to hurt the innocent.

So when the demonic energy hit, Xu Ziqing let it intrude, and then the exercises in his body ran, and he wrapped the demonic energy with a huge blade and hid it in the small universe.

In this way, this demonic energy never broke off with the demon, nor did it seriously hurt Xu Ziqing himself, so he made a false impression—he slowly got up from the couch, his face was expressionless, and the light in his eyes was dim, it was just one. The appearance of the vice in the magic.

Then he opened the door, and outside the door really stood a white-faced monk in a black and gray robe.

This person is building a foundation, and his demonic energy is condensed. When he saw Xu Ziqing come out like this, he showed a smug smile: "Sure enough, he is full of blood, like the children of this kind of mortal family, who have struggled since childhood. Bones and bones, taking many elixir, although not as good as our monks, but among mortals, it is a great refining material."

Xu Ziqing's face was sullen, and he noticed that people came out of the "Tian" room on the left and right.

Those star-level disciples are all very alert, and they are like Xu Ziqing, and they all seem to be controlled by others. Even the two female nuns were no exception.

At the same time, the warriors who lived in other rooms of other names also walked out of the room like puppets.

But the difference is Jia Er who suddenly fell from the roof.

He was originally hidden by Xu Ziqing's side, but after discovering Xu Ziqing's plan, he emerged from the other end. In order to show the truth, he even blurted out: "How can there be such a devil here? Let go of my son!"

After speaking, Jia Er used the strength of the tenth level of Qi refining and attacked and killed a demon.

The devil who came here, although there are some Qi-refining periods, most of them are foundation-building periods.

Jia Er was surrounded by digital base-building demons and pretended to be unable to fight. Just after a demon waved a black flag, he fainted.

The devil is very proud: "In the end let me come out on top!"

The other demons glanced at him and said a few sour words, but they didn't fight for anything.

Then, the devil put away the black flag and approached Jia Er, who was standing still, but at this moment, Jia Er suddenly opened his eyes, with a flash of light in his eyes. Also a sudden change.

The rest of the demons each took the "Wufu" or "Children" controlled by their own families, and no one noticed the difference between Jia Er and the demon opposite him.

In the corridor, the shopkeeper and Zhu Hou looked around, and one of the leading demons smiled and said, "You did a good job this time, and tomorrow the sacrifice will definitely come naturally!"

When Yu Na Zhu Hou, the shopkeeper, heard the words, he also smiled flatly and was overjoyed.

After walking for a while, the group came to the outside of the town. The place they were going to was also the palace that Xu Ziqing and others saw at first.

At this time, the demon who manipulated the first two patted the shoulder of a fellow student next to him. The man looked over and met the demon's eyes. After he seemed to be punched, he also looked at it. to the next door.

Just like the plague, in just a short time, all the demons looked at each other's eyes, and were immediately controlled by Jia Er's pupil technique.

At this moment, everyone's expressions have changed, and they are not as stiff as before.

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "A Second, your pupil technique is very good."

Jia Er said respectfully, "Thank you, Young Master, for your appreciation."

Since the beginning of his practice, Jia Er has practiced a pupil technique, which is a supernatural power in the eyes, and there are two kinds of people who can be most controlled by it. One is not strong-willed, and the other is a person whose realm is far inferior to him.

The cultivation of these demons is still shallow, and they must not be as determined as those old demons. Moreover, as a Mahayana cultivator, how much more than two or three realms are better than the demons? Naturally, as long as one looks at each other, it will be easy to grasp, and it will not cause the slightest disturbance.

Now that these devils have been led out, and they have all acquired magical powers, things will be much easier after that.

Xu Ziqing then said: "Let's follow this demon up the mountain, and ask them to control the demon in the temple as much as possible, turn it into a flying insect, follow the demon to inquire about the news in the temple. If you encounter a demon that is difficult to control, don't be alarmed. , just report the news to me, and then I will care about it.”

Huáng Yuan took the order, and immediately transformed into ten million, and stopped on many demons.

At the same time, all the cultivators were still mortal, following these demons and heading up the mountain.

Chapter 586: The Devil in the Palace

Gradually getting closer to the hall, the demonic energy became more and more intense, and the black mist formed obscured the mountain road.

This is indeed the case. Those who reported news to the demon before, often lost their heads in front of the black fog and did not dare to move forward.

But it was to use a means to let the black fog separate a path, which made the person who reported the letter even more in awe of these "immortal" methods.

At this time, the demons returned to the mountain, and it was no exception.

If he only looked at his behavior, the smooth tactic of the leader, no one would be able to see that he was already controlled by Jia Er. After a while, the black fog dissipated, and a broad stone road appeared, leading to the palace.

The demons walked first, followed by Xu Ziqing and others. Occasionally, there were several demons on both sides of the stone road. After seeing them bring these "mortals", they couldn't help showing envious expressions.

Jia Er's thoughts moved, and these demons looked at those demons one after another, and manipulated them as well.

About a moment later, everyone was before the palace.

In this place, the blood is so close to the substance that it makes it difficult for people to breathe.

But the many demons who bathed in it were full of enjoyment.

Looking at this hall from a close distance, the bricks and tiles built are also covered with a layer of very pale blood. The hall is quite spacious, divided into inner and outer halls, and many small halls, which also look very majestic.

Xu Ziqing and his party were tied by a rope and placed in the outer hall for the time being.

In the outer hall, there were also some disciples of the demons of the lower realm. They sat cross-legged on the ground, breathing in and out. Blood and energy poured down from the top of the hall, and they were all inhaled into their bodies.

This is practicing magic.

When someone came in, they couldn't help but open their eyes. After that, the eyes of many demons swept over and controlled all these disciples who were not in the Qi refining period.

Then, among these demons, those at the foundation-building stage or above entered the inner hall to complete the order of the first two.

The fist-sized human-faced flying insects that remained on Xu Ziqing's wrist gathered together what he had seen and heard from many of the insects, all of which were reported to the lord one by one.

Xu Ziqing heard that the foundation-building demons first "see" all the demons in the same realm as their own, and then visit their teachers, those demons in the Yuanyuan period and the Jindan period, and then the demons in these two realms, and then again. Go to see the Yuan Ying period...

Before you know it, there are more than 300 demons in this entire hall, all of which are already under their control.

However, the black clouds over the hall were still raging, so they couldn't take it lightly.

What is even more surprising is that those "sacrifices" have never been found here... Could it be that they have all been sacrificed? If this is the case, when there is a magic weapon of evil spirits born.

Soon, Jia Er gathered these demons together.

After that, he used supernatural powers to capture a demon in the Nascent Soul period and asked why.

At this question, the expressions of many Immortal Dao cultivators changed.

It turned out that what they had not discovered in this hall was hidden under the secret room, in the underground palace... Moreover, although five Nascent Souls have been controlled here, there are still a few people who really control these demons. Ridu is practicing in the underground palace, but most of the refining materials they get are also used by them.

It was a pair of demon couples, each of whom was at the peak of the late Nascent Soul, and they had already used ruthless means to restrict all the disciples in the temple...

Xu Ziqing secretly said that he was lucky.

Thanks to Jia Er's magical powers of pupils, otherwise if they killed the demon directly, I'm afraid that the demon couple would escape. It is said that the couple's skills are very strange, and they have to take advantage of them. It is impossible to say that this task is really impossible. successfully completed.

Immediately Xu Ziqing asked the two female cultivators to stay here—not for the sake of the other side. Originally, these two were not good at attacking, so it was more appropriate to assign them to be guards. If there is an emergency, the defense ability of the two women is not bad, and it can be used.

The rest of the many star slaves, except for the ones above the out-of-body stage, are also guarding these many demon cultivators. Xu Ziqing himself led the three junior disciples, together with the star slaves of higher realm, to the underground palace.

And Huáng Yuan was still transformed into a flying insect, exploring the way ahead.

According to what the Nascent Soul cultivator said, everyone quickly came to the secret room. Immediately, a supernatural power hit the secret door, blasted it open, and jumped down at the same time!

Perhaps because few people came here, although the underground palace was dug under the hall, the underground terrain was not that complicated. Therefore, they just got down to earth when they heard a lot of mourning sounds, and after the consciousness was released, they didn't need to look at it, and the scenes of the entire underground palace appeared in front of them.

In the underground palace, there is a huge pool.

However, this pool is not blood, not water, but white bones and skeletons.

Behind the bone pond, there are nine-faced human-headed banners, standing high, and there seem to be countless souls struggling above, but they are immediately pulled back by the banner, unable to break free at all. The mourning voice just now came from the mouths of these souls.

Under the banner of the human head, there is a blood-red altar, which is the same as that in the ancient town, but there are nine stone pillars on this altar, and each stone pillar pierces an adult from bottom to top. Whether it was a woman or a young man, they were all skin and bones, and their soul was also half separated from the body. It was also like being penetrated by something invisible. The mouth was also full of sorrow, which echoed with the nine-faced human head on the banner, and it seemed more and more. Made miserable.

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