Beneath the altar, there was a pale man in a dark red robe. His appearance was sullen. At this time, when someone came down, his expression was extremely ugly.

This Nascent Soul Demon has words in his mouth at this time, and the nine stone pillars seem to have just communicated with the nine-faced human-headed banner. Isn't it at a critical juncture that the human-headed banner must absorb the nine adult souls?

There is also a female demon, but it is not here.

The flying insects transformed by huáng Yuan were very obedient, they flew into several surrounding palaces in the blink of an eye, and then flew back and reported immediately when they landed, with anger in their eyes almost overflowing: "My lord, that female demon is in the southeast room, these few In the palace, all, all..."

At this time, he was unable to say such a tragic situation.

Xu Ziqing was already angry when he saw Gu Chi and the nine mortals who were ripping off their souls, but now hearing what Huáng Yuan said, his anger deepened.

The rest of the many immortal disciples are also all angry, the devil is rampant, and its evil is outrageous!

Xu Ziqing's expression was cold and solemn, and he tapped out with his right palm.

In an instant, a azure light erupted, and it turned into dozens of blood vines immediately. It opened its sharp mouth, surrounded the Nascent Soul Demon from all directions, and suddenly bit it!

At this moment, the Nascent Soul Demon couldn't care about the human head banner that had not yet been refined. He gave up and jumped up, intending to escape the blood vines.

But how can the bloodthirsty demon vine that has been promoted to the current realm be so easily avoided?

Before the Nascent Soul Demon head could turn into a ball of blood and escape, he was rushed down by many demon vines. After that, all the demon vines moved suddenly and stabbed into the body of the demon head, and they devoured him all at once. Only one bone remains!

From entering this underground palace to the time when the Nascent Soul Demon was sucked in, it only took a few breaths in total.

From the beginning to the end, the Nascent Soul Demon was already slaughtered before he could even make a cry for help.

The next one is going to deal with the witch.

Xu Ziqing had shown great power before, and when his followers saw it, they also had business in their hearts.

After entering, the female demon screamed. It turned out that she was cultivating and concentrating, but she did not notice that someone entered the underground palace, but now she suddenly saw these many hands, and she became a little flustered.

Xu Ziqing also immediately entered the palace where the witch was, while the rest of the star slaves went to another palace to investigate. Jia Er was ordered by Xu Ziqing to save those mortals first, and then collect the nine-faced human-headed banners.

In the palace where the witch was, the scene was even more tragic, and it really made people angry.

There are more than ten children here, all with spiritual roots, naked and kneeling under the image of an old Taoist wearing a robe, with a painful expression, but a very pious posture. They were skinny, except for their huge abdomens and dark complexions, which looked strange. And these children, each of whom are less than seven or eight years old in appearance, have already suffered such bad luck!

Evil... let's kill!

Anyone who sees this situation has the same killing intent in their hearts.

The witch was sitting on a blood futon. She was originally cultivating magic arts to absorb the huge resentment. When she saw these immortal masters coming in, she couldn't escape.

Many star-level disciples didn't want to talk nonsense with her, and the moment they saw her, they all shot at the same time, playing their most powerful magical powers.

There were countless black lights all over the witch, and there were also many ghosts vying to resist for her. But each of these core disciples is a genius, and the cultivation methods are very good, and they are all in the realm of Nascent Soul. When they work together, how can they be unable to deal with a wild devil?

So within a short while, the female demon had turned into a pool of ashes under the attack of the star-level disciples, and the demon baby flew out of her body, and the primordial spirit wanted to rely on this ubiquitous demonic energy to escape. She fled, but she was still caught, and under the anger of Que, thunder slammed into all directions, killing her without a trace!

After that, Xu Ziqing looked at the children, the anger in his eyes faded, but there was pity. He didn't say much, walked over quickly, grabbed a child's skinny wrist, and checked his internal condition.

Seeing this, he squeezed his fingers.

The child's bone age is only six years old, and the vitality in the body is long gone. Instead, it is filled with a kind of evil energy between heaven and earth. If you want to bring him back to life and come back to life... If he dies naturally, the flesh and bones may be available, and the wood energy in his body can also nourish his body, but there is no way for this evil energy to play a role.

These many children cannot be saved.

Not only Xu Ziqing was investigating these children's scenes, but several other star-level disciples were also checking each other. Suddenly, someone whispered: "What is this?"

After that, several people in a row said, "It's so weird..."

Xu Ziqing was eager to check the child's internal condition before, but now he heard it and looked down carefully.

At this time, he saw the child's navel.

There, it was like there was a bulge.

Chapter 587

The bulge was about the size of a pigeon's egg, and it was actually embedded there, where it was combined with the child's belly, leaving only a little lump that was exposed.

Xu Ziqing frowned slightly, and several star-level disciples also looked solemn.

If they are not mistaken, the reason why these children are so strange is mostly related to this bulge.

Xu Ziqing sighed: "End their pain!"

It is better to live like this than to die. Not only is the body tormented,

The soul is also half-deadly detained in the body, and if it goes on like this, I am afraid that the soul will be exhausted, and the sanity will be completely eliminated.

Among these male cultivators, only Xiang Man's wind technique was the most neat and less painful, so he kept silent and swept his fingers.

Immediately, a few wisps of light wind blew past, and this light wind turned into a seemingly invisible wind knife, and gently cut the children's necks - immediately let the children stop breathing, and they didn't have to suffer any longer.

At this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Xu Ziqing's heart, and he immediately fluttered back.

Several other star-level disciples also quickly escaped.

Immediately, only a few muffled sounds were heard, and the belly of the dozen or so children actually exploded!

That belly full of black water burst out and landed on the ground with a "swoosh" sound. If Xu Ziqing and the others didn't react quickly, they would have been contaminated by this black water... They wouldn't suffer any serious injuries, but they would be somewhat affected.

Xu Ziqing took a deep breath and saw that in the black water, something "gululu" rolled out and was staying three inches in front of his feet.

His eyes moved slightly, and he stretched out his hand.

The pure wood air swept away the black water and filth, and the true appearance of the thing was revealed.

It is as hard as stone, with colorful luster, and it is like rainbow light when it flows, which is very moving. But there is one color, slightly obscure.

This is……

Xie Tongde said in surprise: "How could someone seal the meteorite in a child's body?"

Que Xuan and Xiang Man are also very puzzled.

Sky meteorites are extremely rare, but now there are as many as ten in the belly of these ten children.

Xu Ziqing's expression was a little complicated, but he shook his head: "No, this is the Heavenly Demon Stone." His voice was slow, but he reiterated the distinction between the Heavenly Demon Stone and the Heavenly Meteorite.

However, he also understands one thing: "However, this day's magic stone may not be naturally mutated, but someone used the child's pure body, with the help of the spiritual root in his skull, plus a lot of evil spirits, to 'refine' the meteorite of that day. The method of refining and creating it. The picture... must be not small."

The way these people practice is extremely evil. The children have suffered so much to turn the meteorite into a demon stone, and when their meritorious deeds are completed, they will be killed, and the belly will be opened, and the demon stone will be born.

Obviously, although this was done by the male and female demons, it was definitely not just the conspiracy of the two of them. Otherwise, they would not have been killed by both of them, but these children were still unaffected.

So who is the mastermind behind the scenes?

It's a pity that the two demons have been completely eliminated. Otherwise, their Yuanshen and Yuanying can be bound and sent back to the sect, and the sect will investigate the matter thoroughly.

However, when they came down, they were shocked by the evil deeds of the two demons, and they did not show mercy, so they cut off the clue.

But Xu Ziqing was thinking in his heart: If it was a coincidence, it would be too scary if the person behind the scenes could even figure it out. Then imagine that if the exorcist didn't know the Heavenly Demon Stone and saw this "Heavenly Meteorite", even if it had a strange origin, he might not be able to resist the temptation, and then bring this thing back to the sect, but I don't know which outstanding disciple to assign it to. In the hands of the mighty...

Thinking deep, can not help but horrified.

It didn't take him long to think about it. After the child's belly exploded, the soul lost its restraint and slowly floated out of the corpse. But these souls looked a little sluggish, but because they suffered for too long, their resentment suddenly grew, and they could not be liberated for a while, nor could they return to reincarnation.

Xu Ziqing didn't think about it anymore, just spread out his palm, a thin layer of light appeared there, and after the light dissipated, a piece of lustrous white wood appeared.

This is a kind of soul-cultivating wood. Although it is not as good as the ancient divine wood that has been created by the heavens and the earth and can raise the spirits of immortals, it is not difficult to raise the souls of children who have never practiced.

However, these children's souls are already ignorant. If they are placed in one place, I am afraid that grievances will promote each other, and there will be signs of mutual devotion. Therefore, when his mind moves again, the wood for nourishing the soul suddenly cracks and turns into dozens of wooden slips. Those souls are collected separately.

Since then, the bodies of these children...

Xu Ziqing was silent for a moment and said, "It's safe to put them in the ground."

There was Xie Tongde, who practiced the earth-related exercises, and with his palms, he sunk the land in that area, and also swept in the bodies of many children, until the ground was hundreds of feet underground, and he would never bào on the ground again.

At this time, outside the palace, a star slave reported: "Xu Shaozhu, I was waiting in the rest of the palace and found many young children..."

Xu Ziqing was stunned, and immediately reacted. He took the pictures of the old Taoist hanging on the wall, put them away by themselves, and asked him to destroy all the demons, while he took the other two and followed them. Xingnu, have seen all the other palaces.

Sure enough, in these palaces, there are blood futons and old Taoist images, and there are more than a dozen children sitting on their knees, all of which have the same distended belly, the same as those seen before. Naturally, at their navels, The same person refines a demon stone.

Seeing the child's strange behavior, the slaves didn't dare to make their own decisions, so they invited Xu Ziqing and others.

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