Xu Ziqing was a little silent when he saw it. He sighed and turned to look at the many star disciples: "Three junior brothers, what do you think?"

Xie Tongde also sighed: "This matter is very important, I'm afraid we can't decide."

Que Xuan and Xiang Man have clicked on the picture, which is also the default.

Xu Ziqing couldn't bear it in his eyes, but just now they made a move to end the child's pain, but they discovered the existence of the Heavenly Magic Stone. Now, for the sake of the overall situation, it cannot be done arbitrarily.

If all these children die, many clues will be lost, which will be more and more unfavorable for those who seek behind the scenes in the future. But if you haven't seen it before, it's fine. After you see it, you have to ignore it, and it's not in line with his nature.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Ziqing closed his eyes: "There are still six palaces, one person is left in each place, and the rest of the children will be killed by Junior Brother, I will nourish their souls, Junior Brother Xie will bury the body, Junior Brother Que will clean up the funeral... That's it."

The other three star-level disciples knew that they could only do so, so they took action one after another.

Xu Ziqing took out another huge piece of wood and asked Jia Er to carve it. He walked through the six palaces one by one, and collected all the remaining souls of the children, not a single portrait of the old man.

After everything was done, Jia Er also made the giant wood into a giant coffin, and the bodies of the six remaining children were put into the coffin. Xu Ziqing hesitated for a while, and gently brushed the eyebrows of many children. He used a soothing technique. Although he could not nourish the soul or heal the body, if the coffin was not opened, their sanity would fall asleep and relieve a lot of pain. .

This is the only thing he can do...

Outside the palace, inside the underground palace, the nine-faced human-headed banners had long been put away by Jia Er. The nine mortals were rescued, and the human-headed banners lost their souls. The pain in their expressions has also dissipated a lot.

Xu Ziqing sighed lightly. There was a strangely fragrant object in his hand. As soon as it was slightly broken, nine drops of water that exuded strong vitality were squeezed out. It popped out quickly and fell into the mouths of nine mortals.

The next moment, many cultivators present could perceive that the nine mortals were already close to nothing, but at this moment they burst out suddenly, hanging their lives, and the Shouyuan after that will slowly recover.

In short, it was saved.

It's just a pity that the white bones in the bone pond, these mortals who were used as "sacrifices" to capture their souls, can no longer be resurrected now.

Numerous star slaves quickly cleaned up the mess, and everything was sorted out, and then Huáng Yuan came to report: "My lord, five hundred miles to the east, there is a mountain gate called 'Shuitianmen', and there are more than twenty monks. , is still alive."

Xu Ziqing was slightly surprised, and then said, "I'm going to find them."

He knew earlier that there was a small immortal sect here, but after seeing the reaction of the villagers and townspeople, and seeing the demons so rampant, he thought that the demons had lost patience, and this sect would no longer be inherited. Unexpectedly, it is still there.

That being the case, it's better to see each other.

Huáng Yuan led the order and quickly went to the Shuitianmen to convey Xu Ziqing's intentions. The remaining monks never imagined that the devil who had been doing evil for many years would be settled. Under the joy and shock, they were even a little confused. Follow Huáng Yuan to this underground palace.

When they saw the controlled demon in the hall, and then saw the remains of the two demons in the underground palace, they finally believed it.

The Sect Master of Shuitianmen is also quite a qualified person, but unfortunately, after conjuring the pill, he was in chaos. Hundreds of years have passed, his blood has been exhausted and he has grown old, and the number of disciples in the sect has grown from nearly a hundred to only twenty-three.

The rest of the disciples, there are those who have not broken through the end of their own life, but more are captured by the devil, and they have become the refining materials of the human head!

Now that the great revenge has been avenged, the Sect Master of Shuitianmen is in tears.

Seeing these immortal monks like this, Xu Ziqing also felt sentimental in his heart, but he still had things to do, so he comforted him: "If you are interested, you can divide the outer sect of my Zhoutian Xianzong, and educate the mortals in this place. After the demonic energy has been eliminated, there are mortals in this area who are of good aptitude, and you can also accept them as disciples and show the prestige of my immortal sect. Sect Master of Shuitianmen, I wonder if you would like it?"

Where is there unwillingness? The Sect Master of Shuitianmen was overjoyed and immediately said, "Yes! I can't be more willing!"

Xu Ziqing nodded with a smile: "The ancient town was originally a gathering place, and the people of a town were treated as living corpses by the devil for a long time, but now the soul is full of sin, which is very detrimental to Shouyuan. Now there is a method, you have a good understanding of it. , No matter how much time is spent, crack the sarcophagus of the ancient town, and replace the evil of the evil way with the power of the immortal way."

The Sect Master of Shuitianmen knew that this was the task assigned by the Shang Sect, and he agreed with sincerity and fear.

For the nine people who were rescued, he would also settle down easily.

Then a group of people destroyed the upper hall, and the hundreds of demons under control were also executed. The few Nascent Soul demons were buried with them because of the prohibition in their bodies when the two demons were killed, but because someone was watching over them. , but rescued his Yuanshen, but Yuanying blew himself up, but there was no other way.

At this point, Xu Ziqing and others also left.

Chapter 588 Forty Years

Tianhua Town, in the restaurant.

Yun Lie and his party have lived here for two days, Xu Ziqing and others have also completed the task and came here to join them.

Because Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing are dual cultivators, they share their tasks with each other, and the star disciples who follow behind them have a good relationship with each other.

At this point, they will complete their tasks

Whatever happens, tell the other person to know.

It is good for Yun Lie and other bandits to annihilate the demons. Because of his temperament, he quickly dealt with all the demons without encountering any accidents. On the other hand, Xu Ziqing was more cautious, and there were oddities in the middle. It seemed that this cautiousness was also beneficial.

But no matter what, the tasks Xu Ziqing and others did were more complicated.

When Tong Ran Ran quickly told the experience one by one, the star-level disciples who followed Yun Lie also felt the strangeness at the same time. However, they just keep these things in their hearts. If they really want to intervene, they are not enough.

Therefore, when they go back, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie will come to the Wuling Mountains again.

——In Zhoutian Xianzong, star-level disciples will also encounter various accidents when they take over tasks and complete tasks. Among them, there are many rare news, which can be regarded as a great achievement and can be rewarded by the sect. In the past, every time, there was an unwritten rule, that is, all the things that will be credited to the sect are done by the domain master of the mountain where the star disciple is located.

After all, a mountain region can earn more than a star-level disciple, and even a star-level disciple may not be qualified to face the suzerain, the weighty elders and others.

On the contrary, the domain master, no matter how big or small, has such power.

This time, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie took over the two tasks respectively. The rest of the star-level disciples just followed them. Originally, the star-level students could not access these tasks at all. Mountain area, take the credit.

Therefore, what the pair of cultivators discovered was reported to the Wuling Mountain Region.

Xu Ziqing pondered: I don't know if they told the Lord of Hangyu how many times they had encountered the demon stone earlier, whether the Lord of Hangyu has already reported it, if not, just say it together, it is more cautious, if it has been reported, it will be added. Evidence, it's just that the Lord of Hangyu will be more troublesome...

Thinking like this, many star-level disciples have completed their tasks, and many of the contribution points are also distributed by those who receive the tasks after watching the photo stone.

Xu Ziqing asked Jiayijia2 to take his and his brother's star-level disciple Ling, and pay the task together with the younger brothers and sisters, while the two of them had to go to the Wuling Mountains first and give everything to the master of Hangyu , and let him report it quickly, and let the sect prepare early.

The background of a large sect can always find its clues faster.

The first one, the second one, led the way, and the two brothers and sisters here went to see the Lord of Hangyu again.

Xu Ziqing screened the rest of the group back, and showed what they had gained.

There are soul-raising wooden slips that have gathered the souls of nearly a hundred children, there are nine-faced human-head banners, several extremely weird old Taoist images, and a huge wooden coffin containing the bodies of several children. Even the altar and the blood futon are all different. Take one and bring it back.

However, it recorded all the photo-taking stones, which have been taken away by Jiayijia2. When the task is completed, they will be sent directly to the sect master, and there is no need for them to worry.

Seeing this, Lord Hangyu was also quite shocked. After he pondered for a while, he said, "The matter of the demon stone has not been reported yet. Now you have brought these, and you can send them together." He paused, and his words became firmer. , "On these two days, the old man will use the power of this domain owner."

When Xu Ziqing heard it, he felt relieved: "The Domain Lord's words are great. Since this is the case, the disciples and senior brothers will not stay here, and the matter of the Heavenly Magic Stone will be entrusted to the Domain Lord."

The Lord of Hangyu smiled with relief: "let's go, now, you still have to practice cultivation."

Xu Ziqing thought about it for a while, and it will be decades before he and his senior brother can go back to the great world, sit in the Wuling Xianmen, and inform the Lord of Hangyu.

He said, "I have been away from my teacher for a long time, and my disciple and brother are willing to return for a while. Now I have no shortage of resources to cultivate, and I have been in the sea of ​​stars for a long time. We are at a bottleneck. We might as well go back and stabilize our state of mind. , or you can get a glimpse of some mystery in it... At that time, there is no way to know what you will get. Now in forty years, it will be time to go back. If the Lord of Hangyu has any generation, you can tell me to wait. Disciple and senior brother, you can definitely entrust the domain master to the hands of the suzerain."

Lord Hangyu never imagined that these two disciples now have the opportunity to go back. With their current status, it is no exaggeration to call them "homecoming".

That being the case, he really has some news, and he wants to replace the sect master of the lower realm, so that their foundation sect can make preparations early. What's more, there are other things. If you need to take it back, you have to prepare for a while. The situation of these decades is just right.

At the moment, the owner of Hangyu twitched his beard and smiled: "Alright, before the two of you return, come visit the old man again!"

Xu Ziqing also smiled: "Yes, the disciple obeys."

Not long after that, the Lord of Hangyu really reported the matter, but Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie had already returned to the Zhoutian Xingchen Realm.

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