When Yun Tianheng and the others heard it, they were naturally happy. They discussed with each other, and even Master Qiuhe was moved. In the end, more than ten people from Xiaozhufeng's lineage were dispatched to visit Yanhua.

The group's cultivation base is now quite good, and they are also very fast on their way.

In less than three or two days in total, he was already approaching where he was going.

That small country is called Xitang Kingdom. Although the territory is not very large, it has a large population. The ordinary people live well, and most of them are safe and happy. It shows that the lord of the country is also a benevolent ruler.

Yanhua chose this place back then, probably for this reason.

But now Yanhua's married scholar is from a township, and his family has ten acres of fertile land, which is enough for two people. I heard that the scholar is not one who has no power, he has practiced a period of swordsmanship, and when he was with the man Yan Hua, the two learned from each other.

If so, Yan Hua should be quite happy.

Thinking like this all the way, Xu Ziqing and others gradually came to the sky above this town.

But unexpectedly, the townspeople who were supposed to be working in the fields or walking around were nowhere to be seen.

How sensitive the six senses of the immortals are, if ordinary people can't detect it, but they don't need to listen carefully, they have found that the people of the township are actually going to one place.

——That place is actually the residence of scholars!

At this moment, Yuehua's face suddenly turned pale: "Brother..."

Xu Ziqing's brows furrowed, and her heart was alarming: "Yuehua, what's wrong?"

In Yuehua's expression, the indifference turned into anxiety: "Master, something has happened to Yanhua! I'm afraid he will give birth at this time!"

When everyone in the Xiaozhufeng line heard this, their hearts became nervous.

Although Yan Hua is reversing Yin Yang, but since he paid such a price, he is no different from a mortal woman, and should be pregnant for ten months. But now it's only August, how can you suddenly give birth?

This, this is so unusual!

The crowd didn't say much, and all of them turned their real energy immediately. In the blink of an eye, it was the rotation of heaven and earth, and they went to the residence of Yanhua and the scholar!

The next moment, a look of worry appeared on everyone's face.

In the place adjacent to the water, beside the willow tree, a large lot of lotus leaves grew, covering the sky and covering the earth, not only covering the big hardwood house, but also covering the river.

The red light was faint, and the voice of someone in the big room was as thin as a gossamer, which seemed to be extremely painful. A few feet outside the house, there was a slightly fat cultivator holding a flying sword. On top of the lotus leaves that lived in the big house - with every move, the lotus leaves would shatter a few pieces, and although they grew again, they were not as tough and wide as before.

Behind the slightly fat monk, stood a tall and elegant man. He seemed to be about thirty years old, handsome in appearance, and seemed to be a little scared and a little worried.

Soon, the more the lotus leaves were chopped up, the louder the moaning sound from the room, and the elegant and gentle man's brows were also furrowed even tighter... After that, he couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Xianxian Long, that lotus monster was also my wife, and since she didn't take it seriously, she didn't have to kill me... it's better to let her go!"

The slightly fat cultivator snorted coldly, but carried the man behind his back, showing a sly smile: "You are so confused! How do you think it has turned into the appearance of your friend's relative and sister? If it hadn't devoured your real lady, How can a lotus monster in the foundation-building stage have such magical powers! It is now in the womb, do you think it is really your child? Human monsters cannot be blind dated, and if a human monster can conceive children, the half-demon body will be a monster. What to make up for! It harms your wife, devours your son, and also damages your spirit, yet you are actually bewitched by it, you have to be soft-hearted!"

Hearing this, the elegant man's complexion changed slightly, and his expression was also a bit gloomy: "The immortal chief said very much... The lotus demon harmed the real Sanniang. If even my brother knew about it, I'm afraid I would hate me too."

After speaking, he slightly clenched his fists and turned his back.

Even if the lotus demon had bad intentions, they were married for several years. He didn't want to believe that the immortal elder was someone from outside the world, so he shouldn't be deceived, and such a situation... made him have to believe it.

What's more, after he received a talisman from the fairy, he was indeed half-awake in the middle of the night when he saw the lotus demon approaching his nose and mouth to suck the spirit, which made him quite tired on the second day...

Xu Ziqing stood tall in the clouds, his expression was slightly cold, and he asked, "That man is Yan Hua's husband?"

There was also a hint of coldness in Yuehua's eyes: "Exactly."

Yun Tianheng and the others were also furious.

That cultivator was just a cultivator in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Normally, Yan Hua could be crushed to death with just one hand, but this fellow took the opportunity to attack. Seeing the greed in his eyes, he was clearly the inner core of Yan Hua!

Even if the scholar was deceived by others, he could not escape the guilt. Yanhua's affection was so deep, he was willing to risk the loss of his soul to give birth to a son for the scholar, but he was so betrayed...

Even if the scholar's sins did not end in death, Xu Ziqing and the others did not have the slightest affection for him.

At the same time, in the big room, the red light was shining brightly.

Chapter 594

Countless lotus leaves suddenly grew wild, almost in an instant, they were densely packed, covering half of the sky.

This is precisely because Yan Hua is extremely dangerous, and the body supernatural power bursts out in an instant, and it evolves into such a scene.

And this kind of danger... Naturally, Yan Hua gave birth!

From ancient times to the present, it has been extremely difficult for women to give birth, not to mention that Yanhua has turned from yang to yīn, intending to go against the birth of a child. In the end, it is not as good as a real woman.


Therefore, it has been in pain for a long time, and now it has finally occurred, but it is unbearably painful.

It is said that the mother's body is the most powerful when it is pregnant, and its attack power is stronger, but when the mother's body is giving birth, it will turn from the strongest to the weakest.

Sure enough, although there are many lotus leaves here, when the cultivator attacks again, it is much easier than before.

The cultivator looked overjoyed and hurriedly worked harder.

As a loose cultivator, he had already guessed that the woman in this room was a demon cultivator who was originally in the Jindan stage. Later, he hurt his vitality for giving birth to an offspring, and actually fell into the foundation-building stage. Isn't it a great opportunity for him? When he kills this woman and takes the inner core, he escapes again after the event. From then on, the sky is high and the sea is vast. Let him travel, and he will not worry about resources for many years!

Soon, those lotus leaves were torn apart.

In the sky, everyone in Xiaozhufeng's lineage couldn't bear it.

Xu Ziqing didn't take action before. First, he didn't know Yan Hua's situation at this time, so he didn't want to act rashly. Second, he wanted to see this scholar, and he had some sincere feelings for Yan Hua.


At this time, Xu Ziqing saw that Yan Hua was in the most critical moment, so he wanted to take action immediately.

He didn't hesitate, grabbed his palm and grabbed it——

At this moment, the foundation-building cultivator and the scholar below saw only a giant hand grabbed from the air. The force in the palm was as heavy as ten thousand, but the shock of the pressure made the foundation-building cultivator unable to do so. Gathering True Essence, he actually leaned back. There was a look of horror on his face, and he felt extremely terrified.

And that giant hand was already pressing on him, making him unable to move at all!

The scholar also felt a gust of wind hit him. Although he was not injured, he stumbled again and again, and he stepped back several dozen steps before he was able to stand firm.

He murmured: "This, this is..."

The next moment, he saw the innumerable lotus leaves drifting away. The big house he lived in was torn apart, leaving only the middle of the house, covered with blood.

The many lotus leaves on the side of the chuáng have not dispersed, but they are gradually thinning, revealing one of the long black hair, which is meandering to the ground, and it looks a bit desolate against the blood and water.

The scholar opened his mouth, first took two steps forward, and then took two steps back as if remembering something.

That is the lotus monster, not the lady...

But at this moment, above the sky, a man in blue slowly descended. The man's robe was fluttering, his appearance was handsome, and he was like a person in a fairy. People thousands of miles away.

After this person fell to the ground, he did not dislike it, and went straight to the blood and water, to the edge of the big river.

Then, with a gentle expression on his face, he picked up a small figure in the quilt.

Immediately afterwards, the expression of the man in Tsing Yi changed again.

Although this little figure is still a little warm, it is already... breathless.

A little soul has long been broken, and it has long since dissipated from the body.

A trace of sadness flashed in Xu Ziqing's eyes.

The child that Yan Hua gave birth to after fighting for his life was actually... a stillbirth.

He endured so much suffering, he did not hesitate to exhaust his cultivation and regress his realm, but because of the disturbance of the foundation-building cultivator, the child was born prematurely and could not truly gather together.

Xu Ziqing closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he took out a jade box and collected the body of the fetus. Then he looked softly, stretched his arms, and together with the thin bedding, he picked up a... boy with long hair hanging down.

Yan Hua reversed Yin Yang, using supernatural powers and consuming cultivation. Now that the foundation-building realm has been broken, naturally it cannot be maintained again. It has already restored the original manly attitude.

Xu Ziqing said softly, "Don't be sad, Yanhua, go back with Master."

The young man opened his eyes slightly, but a tear fell from the corner of his eyes: "...Master, the disciple has failed to keep him in the end."

Xu Ziqing stroked his long hair with his hand, and said softly, "Don't be afraid of Yanhua, even though that child was never born, I will definitely recognize him in the line of Xiaozhufeng."

Yan Hua's voice choked: "Thank you... Master."

On the other end, the Foundation Establishment cultivator and the scholar were all dumbfounded.

The scholar looked into Xu Ziqing's arms, and he couldn't say anything: "Lian, Lianxiong? That Lian Yao is Lianxiong? Sanniang is Lianxiong? How could it be Lianxiong? How, how could it be Lianxiong! It will hurt me! If I had known earlier...If I had known earlier..."

The foundation-building cultivator was even more unbearable. He saw Xu Ziqing like this, how could he still not understand that he had provoked a famous disciple? He felt hatred in his heart for a while, hating that demon cultivator who had already studied with a famous teacher, but came to marry a mortal, he was really willing to degenerate! For a while, he was afraid again. How could he beg for mercy when he did such a thing in order to save this little life?

But no matter what, he kept saying, "It's the junior's greed, the junior doesn't dare to do this anymore, I beg the senior to spare his life! The junior is willing to make a demon oath, and is willing to self-destruct and cultivate, just ask the senior to see that the junior has never succeeded. Forgive the junior!"

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