When the scholar saw the cultivator's ugly state, a loud bang came to his mind, and everything that was not clear before that was immediately connected.

Xu Ziqing sighed and said, "You are a vicious and vicious person who snatch my beloved disciple's inner alchemy and kill the child that my beloved disciple has worked so hard to conceive. I will not tolerate you."

When his voice fell, the giant hand suddenly exerted force, and the sound of begging for mercy stopped abruptly, and the cultivator also turned into minced meat.

Then, Xu Ziqing looked at the scholar again.

After all, ordinary people have limited knowledge. Xu Ziqing and others have practiced for many years, so they will not feel that scholars are heinous. Seeing Yan Hua's tragic situation, he was unhappy in his heart. Although he would not kill the scholar, he was unwilling to promote his marriage with Yan Hua.

Even if the scholar is just being deceived, in the end... the estrangement has arisen.

But the scholar's face was full of disbelief, and a pair of eyes fell on Yan Hua.

Xu Ziqing's heart moved, as if he understood something.

But he shook his head, but he said: "Scholar, Yan Hua is not a demon, but he is the third disciple of the master of Wanmu Peak from the Xiaozhu Peak of Wuling Xianmen, it is wrong for him to lie to you before, you are deceived , I won't blame you, but now that the fate of the two of you is exhausted, and there is a difference between Xianfan, I will take him back."

The scholar woke up suddenly, as if to say something.

But Yanhua turned his face slowly at this time, and also said, "Brother Yu, I lied to you, I should have this retribution, and it was my fault that I wasted time. If you don’t entangle again, you can marry a wife, so that you can live a good life and show your ambition.” When he said, he took out a bottle, but because his fingers were weak, it fell to the side, “I will give birth to the baby safely in the morning, and I will absorb you. 10% of jīng qi is really inappropriate, there is an elixir in this bottle, which can increase your lifespan by ten years, although it can't make up for your case, it's the only thing I can do, just talk about it..."

The voice fell behind, and Yan Hua's breathing became even weaker, but he slowly turned his head and stopped looking at him: "Master, the disciple is unworthy, let the master be burdened, please... bring the disciple back to the sect."

Xu Ziqing nodded and said gently, "Okay."

After that, the two of them turned into a ball of azure light, rushing straight into the sky.

On this ground, only the dumb scholar was left, along with a few broken lotus leaves...

In the void, Xiaozhufeng's whole line was heartbroken. When they saw Xu Ziqing bringing Yanhua back, they didn't want to stay here any longer. And go.

In an instant, it has been a hundred miles away.

Outside the dilapidated house, the scholar was stunned for a long time, and his expression suddenly changed.

He rushed forward, grabbed the bottle left by Yan Hua, and frantically gathered up the remaining lotus leaves and hugged them tightly, his body trembling.

"Lian Yan, Lian Sanniang, Lianxian Yanhua..."

"How, how could this be!"

The scholar's face was pale, he staggered one step at a time, and he murmured, as if explaining to someone, and as if he was talking to himself in a maddening manner.

"I left my brother without saying goodbye, but it wasn't because I lost my morals after drinking and confided my heart..."

"Send Sanniang here, and I won't write letters for many years, and I'm not asking me to cut off my evil thoughts and empathize with Sanniang..."

"Brother Lian and I...are we both in love?"

After getting acquainted with Lianyan, the scholar gradually developed a love for him. He originally wanted to express his intentions when the friendship between the two became deeper. Guess Lian Yan said that he had something to do at home and was about to leave. He was depressed, and he drank too much wine at the farewell banquet. The next day, Lianyan disappeared before he woke up. He was at a loss, thinking that it was because he couldn't contain himself and lost his morals after drinking.

Later, Lianyan wrote a letter to marry his sister. The scholar thought that Lianyan had no intention of him, but he took into account the friendship between the two and believed in his character, so he would like him to wield his sword to cut the love and empathize with Sanniang. Later, when he saw that Sanniang's description was 80% similar to Lianyan, he thought more and more that, while he was happy that Lianyan never hated him, he was desperate and couldn't respond to his feelings.

He just thought that since he had no relationship with Lianyan, Sanniang was the kind of woman he originally thought of in his heart, he should treat Sanniang well, and after a long time, he should treat Sanniang wholeheartedly. At that time, when he meets Lian Yan again, that mutual friendship can be restored...

The scholar did the same. Sanniang treated him very well, and he also cared about Sanniang. Although he still couldn't forget Lian Yan, he could restrain his feelings. Therefore, even if Sanniang had no children for several years, he had no intention of taking a concubine. He did not want to live up to Lian's trustworthiness, nor did he want to live up to Sanniang's affection.

Until Sanniang was pregnant for more than seven months, a fairy came to the door... He didn't believe it at first, but Sanniang sucked at him, but it was true.

He thought that... Sanniang was actually his enemy, who killed Lianyan and the real Sanniang.

Who knows, who knows?

All kinds of things with Lianyan, all kinds of things with Sanniang, at this time, like countless fragments, vividly in his mind, it gave him a splitting headache.

The scholar went crazy for a while, his expression became more and more distorted, he laughed several times, and even said three words "hate"!

"Hate! Hate! Hate!"

"I hate immortals for being immoral, cunning and deceiving, causing me to misbelieve slanderous words, and act wrongly, and this is the end!"

"Brother Erhen Lian doesn't tell the truth, it's so hard to hide from me, and let me do such a painful thing!"

"Three hates me, Yu Zhan, for being blind, believing in wicked people, not knowing your lover, mistaking fate, and it's hard to turn around!"

"Thousands of hatreds, no more hatred than this one at this moment!"

The faster and faster he spoke, the more urgent he spoke, and at the end, he suddenly raised his hand!

Chapter 595

In an instant, the two

A finger was inserted straight into the eye socket, and the two eyeballs were dug out and fell on the ground, and was smashed by the scholar Yu Zhan.

At this moment, the heartache is unspeakable, and the pain of gouging an eye is nothing.

Yu Zhan's hair was messy, his face twitched, and he was still screaming:

"If you have eyes but no pearls, what is the use of your eyes! If you have eyes but no pearls, what is the use of your eyes—"

He whispered again in a low voice:

"Why is the surname Yu? It's better to be surnamed Yu..."

I saw two lines of blood dripping from the eye sockets on Yuzhan's surface, gurgling down like blood and tears, and the sound of grief was like weeping blood.

Countless hatred rises into the sky, and no one is obsessed with this.

And the world has changed.

Suddenly, a black cloud appeared above Yuzhan's head.

This black cloud is not a real cloud, but seems to have suddenly drawn countless emotions and six desires from all directions. Within this "black cloud", circles of extremely strange air currents are surging, and each layer of air flow seems to be able to lure Out of the deepest desire in the heart of others, people immediately immersed in it, controlled by it, almost like a puppet.

At the same time, in the "black cloud", it seems that there are many people struggling and moving in these air currents - no, that may not be a struggle, just disordered, classified as a ghost due to various desires, and wants to come out cause trouble!

The "black cloud" is getting bigger and bigger, and the countless air currents are expanding and stretching for it. In a short time, the sky above this town has been covered with these air currents. generally!

But at the next moment, in this "black cloud", a "black eye" suddenly appeared.

In this "black eye", a black beam of light plunged straight down, in the middle of the Yu Zhan Tianling!

Just like a flood pouring in, the "black cloud" is continuously drawn and absorbed by the beam of light, and the airflow that is still gathering is all penetrated!

Yu Zhan screamed in the sky, as if he didn't realize it.

In his eyes, which had turned into two holes, as if something was suddenly pulled out, a ray of black air appeared.

Immediately, the black air became thicker and deeper, and within less than half an hour, the two holes were filled up—it seemed like two black clouds were floating in it, more like two air masses squeezed in.

It's so weird, so... hideous.

Heaven and earth changed color, thunder and lightning flashed.

People who dare not leave their homes hide in their rooms and tremble; pedestrians, who dare not return home, lean against the wall and hug their heads and cry.

Those who are happy are more happy, those who are angry are more angry, those who are worried are more worried, those who are thinking are full of lingering thoughts, those who are sad are crying, those who are afraid have a look of fear, and those who are shocked are completely lost...

The seven emotions and six desires were all unable to guide themselves, and wisps of light air flowed from the top of their heads, turning into a faint smoke, and went straight to the sky.

The beam of light poured faster and faster, and Yu Zhan's body twitched faster and more urgently. The clothes were shattered, the muscles were shattered, and the whole body was turned into a blood man. This blood flow is fast, but it also stops fast. Every time it stops, it bursts again after an instant.

It seems to have been shattered countless times, and it seems to have been reorganized countless times.

But Yu Zhan was still clinging to the thing in his arms, unable to roar, but he stood firm, as if he was stubborn about something, unwilling to compromise at all, and could not be transferred at all... And the momentum around him was also An earth-shattering change has taken place.

If it was a moment ago, he was still a mortal man with endless heartache, but after this moment, he seems to be reborn, and he can no longer see the slightest trace of the past.

Yu Zhan's body was a foot taller. He became broad and strong at the shoulders. His long hair instantly reached down to his waist, and it was as black as ink. His complexion is pale, his lips are blue and black, and his fingernails are long.

And in those eye sockets filled with black energy, the black light bào rose, almost penetrating beyond the eye sockets! The surrounding of his body was also surrounded by black mist, which quickly spread, turning the surrounding ten meters into a gloomy darkness.

As if it were midnight.

Then, Yu Zhan's cry stopped abruptly, as if he had discovered something, he slowly turned his head in one direction.

There, there seemed to be many scattered white light spots scattered.

This light spot is very pure and childish. It is incompatible with this "magic realm", and it is very weak. It seems that it will be scattered even more in a short time...

Yu Zhan's face froze, as if he was ignorant, he knew how to do it.

Immediately after his five fingers, a huge black net spread straight out, turning into flowing water, searching for all the light spots and gathering them in the palm of his hand!

This scene was very strange, and strands of black air also emerged from Yu Zhan's body, and bit by bit, it disappeared into the white light spot.

Gradually, the white light spots turned into black light spots, but under the action of these black qi, they converged and contracted extremely quickly, and gradually formed a curled up ball...like a fetus.

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