A distorted smile appeared on the corner of Yu Zhan's mouth. His voice was hoarse, and he murmured in a low voice: "Good boy... good boy... Daddy will go with you to find your mother..."

"Your mother will be very happy to see you..."

"Your mother will forgive Daddy when she sees you..."

On the "fetus", the black qi also stretched and stretched, as if it was joyful, and at the same time, it seemed to be responding to something.

And Yu Zhan also seemed to understand, he put the "fetus" carefully into his sleeve, then raised his head and roared - in an instant, the clouds closed and the wind dissipated, and the boundless "black cloud" poured down, just in an instant , was absorbed into the net by this Yu Zhan.

Those who were originally stunned also lifted their eyelids and returned to normal.

Actually, I don't remember anything...

In front of the big house, a pale-faced scholar in a gray robe stood quietly, holding a ruined lotus leaf in one hand and a jade bottle in the other, his expression dead and not like a living person.

Then he turned around, his eyes were closed, and he stumbled step by step.

Crossing small roads and long streets, crossing rivers and mountain roads, scholars walk in the countryside and never enter the city.

People who come and go find him strange, and they all come to look at him, but he bows his head and walks forward, as if he doesn't know.

No one has ever seen that in every place he passed, there were traces of air currents, rushing from the surroundings, and all of them disappeared into his body... And every time he absorbed some more air currents, the air he contained in the depths of his body. The momentum and strength are even more powerful.

No one heard him. Every time he took a step, he had to read softly: "Wuling Xianmen, Wuling Xianmen..."

A few days later, the world will be destroyed.

At the same time, among the large sects and forces of all parties, the stylus pens in the land of divination were all broken, the treasure mirrors were all cracked, and the pattern on the gossip was almost divided into two.

Big bad, big bad.

It was at this moment that many great masters changed their expressions and said in a deep voice:

"Human demon..."

The birth of human beings and demons is the beginning of chaos.

After returning to Wuling Xianmen, Xu Ziqing and others did not go to Xiaozhufeng first, but came to Xiaolianfeng.

This peak was given by the sect after the brothers Yuehua and Yanhua formed alchemy. The two were born together, and when they practiced, they also wished to be in the same dojo. What's more, the body of Bing Dilian is still in the middle of the peak, in the cold jade pond deep in the mountainside mansion.

Yan Hua's breath was gradually weakening. Due to his premature delivery, his Primordial Primordial lost too much, so the incarnation of the Primordial Spirit was looming, and it was obvious that he was about to collapse. Now he needs to go back to his main body, so that he can live and nurture. I don't know how many years have passed before he can re-converge and cultivate again.

——Fortunately, even though his realm has fallen below the foundation building, the foundation is still there. When he cultivates and rebuilds, as long as he has enough natural resources and panacea, he can always make it up quickly.

Soon, a group of people rushed into the lotus heart mansion, and suddenly felt a cold air blowing towards the face, Xu Ziqing walked very fast, only after a few breaths, he had come to the side of the cold jade pool, and the only thing left in his hand was hazy. The flame of the phantom, fluttered his arms and threw it in!

Immediately in the cold jade pond, the radiance of the lotus and the lotus radiated, and the flames turned into a red light, which was immediately inhaled by the red lotus, making the many lotus petals seem to be coated with a halo, like blood jade. Then, the lotus petals closed, as if caring for something, and finally turned into a lotus bud.

Xu Ziqing sighed, "Yanhua, are you alright at this time?"

The lotus bud trembled slightly, and a clear voice came from the inside: "The disciple is fine, and the teacher is worried..."

Everyone in Xiaozhufeng was relieved to hear his voice.

Xu Ziqing turned around at this moment and said to the others, "Yanhua's vitality is badly injured, but he can't just rest in the lotus bud. Before my brother and I returned, we also got some things to cultivate vitality. Save it for the future, but now it can be used first.”

Real Master Qiu He was the most senior, his originally frowning brows slowly loosened, and he smiled with relief: "If Ziqing has a way to help Yanhua, it would be the best."

In addition, many second- and third-generation disciples of Xiaozhufeng's lineage also said, "I'll wait here to guard Yanhua, lest anyone be disturbed and something goes wrong."

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing looked at Senior Brother again.

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "Go."

Xu Ziqing didn't hesitate, and he called out, "Yuehua, come with me."

Yuehua was also very caring for this fellow brother, so she immediately left.

Xu Ziqing said: "I want to turn many precious medicines into jīnghua and merge them into the pool, but at this moment, Yanhua may be difficult to absorb on his own, and you and Yanhua share the same roots. It’s several times the effort. But this move will also consume some of your skill and a lot of time. I wonder if you are willing?”

Yuehua's temperament is cold and his tone is also cold, but he has no refusal: "Yanhua's younger brother should be protected by the disciple. The disciple is incompetent, and the teacher respects the treatment.

When Xu Ziqing heard the words, he was also somewhat comforted: "Okay, you are like Yanhua, and you join the Meridian Lotus."

Yuehua's figure swayed slightly, and suddenly turned into a ball of white light, and went straight to the white lotus.

After that, the white lotus turned into lotus buds, like bright white jade.

Xu Ziqing's face was straight, and the palm of his hand was bright and gleaming. With a flick of his long sleeves, there were five or six items that were sacrificed in the air. He opened his mouth and released a ray of cyan flame, and he breathed a few short breaths. , to fuse that thing.

Immediately after several consecutive degrees, they all merged into several things, and finally left a beautiful water mass the size of a human head, after being scolded by him

, did not enter the cold jade pool.

In an instant, the pool water churned.

Chapter 596 The Sect Master Summons

The mottled water mass quickly turned into the cold jade pond water, and this pair of Biandilian has been in the pond for countless years, and the body has already been connected to the pond. The force of the pull, in a short time, makes these medicinal forces form a stream of water, like a blooming flower, which is sent to the center layer by layer.

The faster the tumbling of the pool water, and the faster Tilian absorbed it.

Yuehua's heart-centered younger brother comforted him, but he refused to absorb half of it on his own. He only quickly turned the medicinal power into a gentle force, and followed the lotus root system and spread it into the red lotus.

Although Yan Hua seemed to have a lot of energy earlier, he was actually badly damaged. He didn't want to let many of his fellow teachers and teachers worry, so he never shared his pain. Now that he was empowered by his brother, he was very comfortable right away, and Lianbao also He couldn't help but tremble slightly again, and the blood-jade-like lotus petals also seemed to have blood flowing, and the beauty was unspeakable.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing knew that this was Yuehua's achievement. Now he only needs to add precious medicine from time to time, and then Yuehua can be the master and Yanhua's assistant, and gradually make up for what Yanhua has lost, so that he can reincarnate into a human form and rebuild his roots. .

Everyone from Xiaozhufeng's lineage really felt relieved at this time.

In the blink of an eye, time flew by, and there was a half-moon scene again.

On this day, Xu Ziqing just gave the precious medicine, and his mind moved.

Everyone in Xiaozhufeng was worried about Yanhua, and since they had been paying attention to Xu Ziqing's reaction, they immediately noticed it.

Hu Xueer spoke quickly and immediately asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

Xu Ziqing returned to her senses and smiled at her: "Nothing, just pass the news for the people under the master." After he finished speaking, he looked at Yun Lie again, "Senior brother, it's the second one."

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "The same is true for Jiayi."

The two brothers and sisters have the highest cultivation level in the Xiaozhufeng lineage, and they have just returned from outside, and the rest of them are not people who are not familiar with the world.

Only Master Qiuhe was concerned: "Ziqing, Yun'er, do you two want to leave first?"

Xu Ziqing nodded: "The disciple does not hide from the master, it is the sovereign's call."

Master Qiu He was stunned, and now he can't see what the two disciples are capable of, and since the two of them left and returned, they have become more and more mysterious. But the bigger the disciples are, the more happy he is as a master, and he won't hold them back.

So, he smiled and said, "If you have something to do, let's go. It's just that there are rules for Yanhua's affairs, and Ziqing needs to inform him as a teacher."

Xu Ziqing's heart warmed, no matter how he and his senior brothers improved their realms, in front of the master, they were only disciples who were worried by the master. He replied: "This time, the precious medicine has just been put in, and it will take a few days for it to be exhausted. The disciple refines some and puts it in Tianheng's hands, and he will apply the medicine. Although the method is a bit complicated, it is best to use Tianheng. Qualification, after a few days, you should be able to master it."

And this is also just in case, if the things the Sect Master ordered do not take too long, they will return soon, and there is no need for Tianheng to do it.

Master Qiu He also understood and said, "Ziqing knows what he has in mind, and it is very comforting to be a teacher."

Next, Xu Ziqing really passed on some magic tricks to Yun Tianheng, telling him that every time he saw that the medicine in the pool was used up, he would put it back into it and not slack off.

Yun Tianheng obeyed his teacher's orders, and he did not refuse.

Afterwards, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie didn't stay here any longer, and as soon as they turned around, they fled outside.

Where they go, first of all, is the upper peak where Jiayijia2 is now.

The peak at this time is very different from the beginning.

On that day, the master set up this mountain, and only laid down a second-order spiritual vein as a reward for Wuling Xianzong, but this mere spiritual vein is really nothing to those who practice in the great world of Qianyuan. Even if the spiritual energy spreads all over a mountain, it still makes people feel shallow.

However, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing have many spiritual veins on their bodies, and even the number of first-order spiritual veins is more than that of second-order. In addition to the rewards from Zhou Tianxianzong, they also exchanged resources for their own resources and obtained from adventures. There are really not a few. . Once you get your own top, you will be able to make arrangements.

Therefore, after A, A, A, and 2 were busy for days, not only was this terrifying chain formation laid out inside and outside the upper peak, but there were three first-order spiritual veins, all of which were arranged within the upper peak, and there were also second-order spiritual meridians. There are several spiritual veins interspersed, forming a lot of spiritual xué with extremely strong aura. They each leave the mountain house and become the place where many star-studded disciples live.

And on the top of that peak, stood a huge immortal mansion, which was built by the two Mahayana star slaves according to the preferences of the two young masters, and was the place where Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing lived.

When the apprentices and brothers arrived here, A, A, A, and A were already waiting, and all the star-level disciples came to pay their respects.

Xu Ziqing greeted his junior brothers and sisters, and then looked at the two Mahayana star slaves: "Where is the messenger?"

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