Seeing this, it seems to make people understand a little bit.

The Flying Dragon Immortal Sect does have some status in the Northern Territory, but what they can definitely protect is only this pier. If those who come to the Northern Territory leave the dock, they will no longer have the responsibility to intervene.

This must be... it is the agreement between the Flying Dragon Immortal Sect and the Demon Sect here that makes this happen.

Xu Ziqing didn't look at it much, and still joined hands with his senior brother, and came to the long street entrance.

Behind them, a lot of eyes passed over them, but they quickly moved away, and they didn't look at them too much, and they didn't have much covetous intentions.

There is always someone who can see through it. The four of them are not the ones who can be easily crushed...

In the northern region, there is also the stronghold of Wuling Xianmen.

This is not surprising. After all, the Northern Territory is dominated by demons. This place is where Dao eliminates demons. However, people in the immortal Dao cannot occupy a large piece of land here and share large interests with the demons, but it is feasible to put some people in. .

The people in the Demon Sect also know this truth, and not only the Wuling Xianmen, but also many other immortal sects and even the demon sects in other regions have some connections here, where can they be exhausted? Just more surveillance.

However, always pay attention to the stronghold on the bright side that there is a magic door, and there is a stronghold in the dark, but it is unknown to the people in the magic door.

The stronghold that Xu Ziqing, Yun Lie and the others went to was the secret one.

In the Northern Territory, just like the other three territories, there are many states and cities. The Wuling Immortal Gate has dozens of strongholds on the bright side and dozens of hidden strongholds here.

The closest one is on the most crowded long street near the pier.

It was an inn, not too big or too small, just enough to stand on the ground without being eye-catching.

The second children running the hall are all monks in the Qi refining period, and the shopkeeper is a foundation building. It is said that there are two golden pills enshrined here, and it can also protect the peace of this side.

Naturally, RBI is also indispensable.

When Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie came to the inn, they happened to see two slender monks wearing dark green robes, talking to the shopkeeper with a face, and the shopkeeper handed a storage bag over with a respectful face.

This is obviously on offer.

Xu Ziqing glanced at these two monks. Their auras were very dark. They must not be monks from Immortal Dao. They were probably the most powerful demon gates around here, not even the masters of Changjie.

However, this is not the time to explore, and he does not want to reveal his identity at this time.

So, Jia Yi took a step forward: "Treasurer, is there any room left here?"

The shopkeeper just bought a sum of money, and now seeing this obviously extraordinary monk, of course, he immediately said: "There are some guests, please come in and take a seat!"

As he spoke, he welcomed a few people in.

The two demons didn't say anything, but Xu Ziqing could sense that they were both greedy and cautious in their eyes.

Sure enough, it is a demonic way, with an unrighteous mind, and the atmosphere of the people here is really bad.

When they entered the inn, Xu Ziqing and the others behaved in the same way as ordinary monks. It wasn't until late at night that he took out a letter talisman, injected his true essence into it, and shot an aperture on the wall.

After another hour and a half, someone knocked on the door.

Xu Ziqing allowed someone to enter the door, and the person who came was the shopkeeper.

When the shopkeeper saw the light on the wall, he immediately bowed down: "Junior Ling Qian, I have seen all the seniors of the main sect!"

Xu Ziqing flicked his hand: "No need to be more polite." He asked gently, "My brother and I came here on the order of the suzerain to investigate whether the demons in the Northern Territory have changed. You have been here for many years, and I don't know if there is any news. Up?"

Because it was a matter of privacy, he did not disclose the identities of his two inspectors.

When Ling Qian heard this, his expression changed.

Obviously, there must be something going on here.

The greatly changed scholar sat on the rock with his eyes closed, motionless, but surrounded by an indescribable peculiar aura, the closer he got to him, the more likely he would be influenced by him.

Yuehua was trapped by him, even if he was not bound by a rope, and he had never been subjected to any magical powers, but he couldn't move, which made him depressed for a while.

After a long time, Yuehua was a pure white lotus. After calming down, she was able to control herself a little and said, "You scholar, you trapped me here, why did you come?"

Hearing the words, the scholar turned his head slowly and opened his eyes again, his persistent gaze fixed on his face.

Yuehua was getting closer at this time, and only then did he really realize that the scholar's eye sockets did not seem to be eyeballs, but... but a strange air mass.

Where did his eyeballs... go?

Chapter 602 Scholar and Yuehua

Yuehua frowned: "No, or I should ask the last question, who are you?"

Although he looks like a scholar and speaks like that scholar, he is only a mere mortal scholar. How can he have such great power in such a short period of time?

Or, is there some strange thing that robbed the scholar's house? However, since the scholar has no spiritual roots, what is the use of taking his home?

With many doubts lingering in her heart, Yuehua held Hu Xue'er tighter, and stared at the gray-robed man on the opposite side. At this time, it is under the control of others, but this person does not seem to have any intention of killing him. He needs to know the purpose of the other party before he can decide to act in the future.

I just don't know if he is willing to tell me?

The grey-robed scholar said, "I'm... Yu Zhan."

Yuehua frowned even more, Yu Zhan was the scholar's name, but he couldn't believe it.

Could it be that this person is really unwilling to tell him his identity?

Yuehua didn't have that many twists and turns in his heart. The other party refused to say it directly. He asked again: "If you were Yu Zhan, why did you take me here?"

The self-proclaimed "Yu Zhan" answered any questions: " lady."

Yuehua paused: "As far as I know, if you don't believe in Sanniang, you have cut off your fate."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a suffocation in his chest, and the pores all over his body were blocked, as if the spiritual roots that communicated with the heaven and the earth were also entangled by some heavy emotions, even a dignified person of Jindan was unable to absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth, almost About to suffocate!

He moved his lips again, but he couldn't speak, and his face turned pale little by little—

In Yu Zhan's eyes, the black air mass suddenly rose three feet of light, and above his head, there was an invisible thing that kept shaking, and the surging emotions around him almost turned into substance, and it was moving frantically!

"shut up!"

He didn't open his mouth, but this sentence seemed to be instilled directly into the depths of consciousness by something, like thunder, and like a giant làng, it shook people's minds blankly in an instant, leaving only this mighty prestige, two big words!

The scholar Yu Zhan originally had a calm expression despite his strange appearance. Hearing Yuehua's words at this time, a sudden hatred burst out from his heart, turning the surrounding ten kilometers into a long stretch of land. Hate hell, but anyone who has passed by here, as long as they have a momentary evil thought, will immediately arouse, become a kind of inner demon, rooted in the heart, and even those with strong evil thoughts will break out and fight with the people beside them, killing blood. Flow into a river!

Even as pure as Yuehua, at this moment, there seemed to be a wave of hatred, which made him hurriedly restrain his mind, and then suppressed the emotions that did not belong to him.

When Scholar Yu Zhan looked at Yuehua, his face finally twisted: "You are also cunning and greedy, deceive me, and seek the inner elixir of your wife! You are also ruthless and cruel, and if you do not allow me to explain a little bit, they will The lady took me away, so I couldn't be with the lady! You owe me, you owe me—"

Yuehua was annoyed, and snorted coldly: "It's clear that you misunderstood first, you have no love for my brother, and caused his stillbirth, so he was discouraged, and now you blame the fault on the Isn't it extremely shameless to be on the head of others?"

Yu Zhan's expression suddenly became sober: "You said... my brother?" He moved his feet, and the whole person was in front of Yuehua. The hatred just now dissipated suddenly. Feeling extremely deep regret, several times stronger than the hatred before, "You say brother, but even brother? But my wife? But what was said by the person who took her away, 'Yanhua'? Your name is 'Yanhua'? What's your name? Yes, you are so similar to your concubine, and your appearance... the appearance is also the same..."

At this time, he finally went to "see" Yuehua's face.

Yuehua was puzzled when he heard him ask these many words repeatedly: "You and Yanhua have already broken up, so what's the use of asking again now? Besides, how did you become like this now? If so? Because I want to apologize to Xun Yanhua, but I don't have to. He is now seriously injured by his Yuanshen and is healing his body. I came out this time to find a treasure that is very beneficial to him. If you still have some points for him Brotherhood, just let me go and let me go back to save people, that's serious."

Yu Zhan's face twitched for a while, he stretched out his hand, trying to grab Yuehua's neck, he told him where Yanhua was, but when he just raised his hand, he seemed to remember something and shrank back.

However, the layer of sullenness that shrouded his eyebrows jumped faster at this time, and his tone became more hasty, as if he was a little cautious, and repeatedly asked: "Brother Lian, he is now How is the injury? With what you have in your hand, you can heal immediately?"

Hearing his tone, Yuehua seemed to be caring, but his anger at this person faded a little.

He only thought that even though this scholar had once betrayed Yan Hua, in the end he was blinded by despicable people. Even if he had no love for Yan Hua, his concern was genuine, and Yan Hua did not care about him in vain... even if he It's just a white lotus, but he also knows that this love affair cannot be forced. It was Yanhua's request, and if he didn't get a response from the other party, he just missed it, but it was not the fault of this beloved scholar.

By this time, Yue Hua's voice became calmer, and Yan Hua's real situation was not concealed from Yu Zhan: "You scholar, don't worry, although Yan Hua was severely injured, Shizun and Shibo are even more powerful. By cultivating his primordial spirit, I got a seven-leaf green lotus, a heaven and earth spirit, this time, just to 'fill the form' and speed up the recovery of his injury, but Yanhua itself is not in danger of dying. You hurry up Go home!"

It's just why the scholar has changed into this appearance, and he is so capable, the other party has always refused to say it, and he will no longer be reluctant. He was deeply taught by his master, and this has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't have to go to the trouble of others, he has to get to the bottom of it.

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