It's a pity that Yuehua thought and said this, but she never expected that after the scholar got his answer, not only did he not let him go, but he immediately turned his face and completely imprisoned him!

He only saw the scholar take two steps back in a row, and a crazy look suddenly appeared on his face. The next moment, he felt that the original trace of true essence that could work was frozen by something, and he could still move. Every movement of his fingers immediately became weak.

There was a trace of anger when Yuehua arrived: "you—"

After he made his voice, he realized that the voice was not from his mouth, but like a kind of emotional shock, which naturally manifested throughout his body.

At the same time, he was even more aware that he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth.

Yu Zhan covered his face, the emotions and desires of many people entangled around him, it seemed that he was blurred in an unknown aura for a moment, making his whole person become hideous.

Such a feeling is extremely terrifying.

Makes people tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

It's just too...ominous.

Soon, Yu Zhan calmed down again, he straightened up and walked over step by step, each step seemed to be stepping in some unknown airflow, and his voice gradually became fluent: "Take me to Brother Lian, Take me to find Yanhua!"

Yuehua was shocked by him, but still said: "What do you see Yanhua doing? Ordinary people can't enter the inner door of Xian's house. If you have anything to say to Yanhua, I will bring it to you."

Regardless of Yu Zhan's concern, his voice turned stern: "Tell me now, where is Yan Hua... Yanhua, Yanhua, Yanhua! Tell me! Tell me - tell me!"

His clear mind just now seemed to become confused at this moment. He muttered to himself, and kept reciting, his mouth was full of "Yanhua", "Where", "Take me there", and even the front and back did not match, as if he had become more crazy, and all over his face, also The color of frenzy.

Yuehua's heart skipped a beat.

This Yu Zhan scholar, he, he, to the end of Yanhua...

He paused for a while, and finally tried: "Yanhua doesn't want to see you, you have a deep estrangement with him..."

Yu Zhan turned around suddenly.

At this moment, there seemed to be a lot of strong breaths, rushing from all directions, and countless air currents poured into his eyes, making the air mass in his eyes even darker.

And on his pale skin, there are extremely strange lines on his back, cheeks, and neck, which are constantly spreading, and the breath he exudes is even more powerful and more mad!

It's not just weird anymore.

But... like a devil.

Yuehua suddenly remembered a word: Enchanted.

But monks can fall into demons, but mortals can't cultivate, how can they also fall into demons?

Yu Zhan's voice became faster:

"Yanhua won't see me!"

"I have rescued our baby!"

"When I meet Yanhua, our family of three will be able to reunite!"

"Since it's a fairy, why do you want to beat the mandarin ducks, and why do you want to break us up?"

"I hate it! Yan Hua, he is so cruel!"

"Yanhua clearly loves me! I clearly love him, why can't we meet? Why can't we meet—"

These words are topsy-turvy, and the rich emotions seem to be turned into substance.

The many rocks and trees in the mountains also seemed to be infected, and suddenly became wet, and finally broke suddenly and turned into a cloud of dust!

Yuehua couldn't help but stagnate.

When he was first photographed, seeing the scholar's mad words to the light group, he also wondered whether the scholar could really reunite the soul of the fetus, but he just remembered that the master couldn't do it, so he never seriously asked.

Hearing him say this at this time, how could he not be shocked.

Moreover, the love that this scholar keeps saying... He said, he loves Yan Hua wholeheartedly?

No, he clearly had no intentions of Sanniang, and he clearly had a grievance against Yanhua.

This, what's going on here?

Yuehua has never been tainted with love and can't understand the true meaning of it. At this time, he only felt that what the scholar said was very different from what he had seen before, and he was also a little confused about how to act.

But, he knew a little...

"Master doesn't allow one day, you can't meet Yanhua."

The hatred in Yu Zhan's heart finally burst out.

At this moment, the sky was dark, the wind was rolling, and within ten miles around, the earth collapsed and the mountain collapsed!

When Yuehua saw this, he felt that it was not good. He thought about it for a while, and immediately said: "If the master agrees, you will naturally be able to see Yanhua again—"

If this demon cannot be appeased, there will be dramatic changes.

In the Northern Territory Inn, Xu Ziqing was about to hear the shopkeeper Ling Qian talk about the abnormal situation of the local devil, but suddenly, his heart palpitated.

The author has something to say: I found that there are people who doubt that the scholar and Biandilian are splitting three times... how is this possible.

Think about it, everyone, the scholar's obsession with Yanhua has become a demon, that is to say, he became a demon because of the process of "seeking but not getting → getting but not knowing → getting and then losing", although it was fate. He was born, but his obsession was his love for Yanhua. If he could still fall in love with Yuehua, wouldn't this infatuation become a joke? The purpose of arranging the scholar to meet Yuehua is to explain one thing. Back then, when he faced the same person Yan Hua, he admitted his mistake. He felt that he was blind and gouged out his eyes. vein homology

, Yuehua, who looks exactly the same, he didn't admit his mistake again, and of course he wouldn't fall in love.

Therefore, three splits are impossible, this is a joke at all.

Chapter 603: The Demon Sect's Marriage

Yun Jie turned his head slightly: "Zi Qing?"

Xu Ziqing's smile subsided a little, raised his hand, and told Ling Qian not to rush to speak, while he looked at Yun Lie: "Senior brother, just now my heart suffocated, as if someone called me."

Hearing this, Ling Qian quickly lowered his head, not daring to think about it.

Obviously, this was something the two inspectors related to themselves. Although they never told him to go out, he still thought it was good that he had never heard.

Yun Yan thought for a while: "You can count."

Xu Ziqing also nodded, then pointed at the void in front of him, pinching his fingers to calculate.

This monk's realm has reached the end of the baby, and he can somehow sense the secrets of the sky. Even if it is not as good as those who specialize in calculating the secrets, he can still peek at a few things.

However, the more it is related to one's own body, the more ambiguous it is, and the lower the realm of the person who is connected with the calculation is, the more able to calculate and understand.

In the previous moment, the heart palpitations came without warning, as if it happened suddenly, which should have something to do with him, and the words of the call were probably not false, but if someone really called it like this, it would be conveyed.

It's just that the person who can convey the voice of his heart should also have a very close relationship with him.

Xu Ziqing is so cautious now, because he thinks of the person who calls him, I am afraid it is his master or his disciple... For monks, apart from blood relatives and Taoist lovers, there are only these two. The closest.

However, that cloud of azure light jumped in the void for a long time, Xu Ziqing's fingertips trembled, but suddenly when the void was about to show an image, it suddenly exploded and exploded into azure light spots all over the screen.

Actually... failed?

Xu Ziqing's disciple, at most, is not at the Jindan stage, and is two realms lower than him. It is reasonable to say that this should not be the case. However, it appeared unexpectedly. It can be seen that this matter is no trivial matter.

- Yes, if it weren't for that, it wouldn't make his heart palpitate.

In Xu Ziqing's heart, an idea suddenly occurred.

Human devil?

It was this matter that was close to the biggest thing related to him, and then he changed his mind and erased it.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence. If his disciple called out eagerly, he might not be able to make him feel it... After thinking again and again, although Xu Ziqing couldn't figure out which disciple was frustrated, he couldn't ignore it.

It's just that he himself is in the Northern Territory now, and he still has important things to do.

Thinking about it like this, Xu Ziqing's voice transmission is the second.

This person is a Mahayana cultivator who serves him personally, like a great housekeeper. This level of realm is already a top power in the world of ruin. It should be no problem to let him go to arrange it. There is a blood contract to connect the two, he You can also relax.

Jia Er got several breaths from Xu Ziqing's hands, and they were for him and Yun Lie's disciples. By searching and calculating them one by one, they would naturally be able to find the trace of the disciple who called Xu Ziqing.

Immediately, Jia Er took his orders and left, and next to Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, Jia Yi was left... However, only this person could be called.

After Jia Er left, Xu Ziqing looked at Ling Qian again and said with a slight smile, "Something happened just now and I neglected you. Now, please report what you know, and tell me and my senior brother to listen."

Seeing him being kind, Ling Qian repeatedly said, "I don't dare", and after that, he calmed down. He picked up the most important news first, and said it: "This first thing is a ghost. The door and the Blood God Sect are married."

Xu Ziqing was startled.

These two sects have been rampant in the Northern Territory for many years, even if there is no conflict of interest with each other, but in the end there is no room for two tigers. Even if the well water does not violate the river water, and they are not enemies with each other, the relationship can never be said to be good.

But for so many years, the two sects have never been married to each other, so why do they suddenly have this idea now?

He was puzzled, but his face was calm: "Who is the marriage partner?"

Ling Qian replied, "Yīn Shan, the core disciple of Ghost Spirit Sect, and the Blood God Son, the core disciple of the Blood God Sect."

Xu Ziqing heard this person from Yīn Mountain, and it sounded familiar... He immediately remembered, this Yīn Mountain was probably the Ghost Tuyin Mountain who was on the Heavenly Dragon Ranking with his senior brother back then? That year, Senior Brother ranked fifth, while Guitu Yinshan ranked fourth. As for the Son of Blood, he didn't know much.

Ling Qian naturally understood that these two inspectors probably didn't know much about the Demon Sect, so he quickly introduced their identities.

That Gui Tu Yinshan is a woman who was trained by the Ghost Spirit Sect. She was on the Heavenly Dragon Ranking when she was young, and has been ranked first since then. Like the Ethereal Fairy, she is a female cultivator. The first- and first-class characters in the rank - don't look at them, it seems that their ranking is slightly inferior to the first or second place, but this is only a rough judgment on the dragon list that day. Two people.

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