As for the Son of the Blood God, this is not so much a person's name as it is a title. Anyone who can be called the Son of the Blood God is the one who has been appointed as the successor in the Blood God Sect. He can be called the Young Master of the Blood God Sect. Tu Lian-marriage must have been confirmed, and from now on there will be only this young master and only one blood god son.

After hearing this, Xu Ziqing asked again, "What is the current cultivation of these two?"

Ling Qian had a hint of worry in his eyes, but this was something he had already discovered, so he said, "Gui Tu Yinshan was originally a peak cultivator in the late Jindan period, he broke through to the early Nascent Soul stage a year ago, and now it is said that his realm is stable. After coming down, in a short time, he will marry the Blood God Son. The Blood God Son is older, he was the ancestor of Nascent Soul as early as a hundred years ago, and he broke through again more than ten years ago, and he has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. "

The two young demons are first-class leaders in the two giant demon sects. Although there are many geniuses in the immortal sect, there are few who can compare with them. This is not a good thing for immortals.

What's more, they need to combine even more now, when the two big demons will also combine, as if there is a conspiracy brewing in it, which makes people feel that they can't be neglected at all.

Xu Ziqing didn't worry too much when he learned this. Those two people have been ruining the world, and they can improve their cultivation to such a level. They must encounter many adventures and have extraordinary aptitude, but he and his senior brother will never do anything like this. Fear, whether the ghost slaughtering the mountain or the blood god son, may not be able to threaten him and his senior brother.

What he is thinking now is that the marriage happened suddenly, is it really a catastrophe shown by people and demons? But if there is no introduction and pretext, it will never be the case.

Now that he remembered it, Xu Ziqing also asked.

Ling Qian added: "There is indeed a reason for the marriage."

Xu Ziqing's expression became solemn: "Tell me in detail."

Ling Qian nodded: "This is the inside information of the Demon Sect, and the younger generation doesn't know it very well, but I only vaguely heard that the Blood God Sect has obtained a strange mine and produced a kind of foreign iron, which has an excellent magical effect on the breakthrough of the magic method. In the Blood God Sect, there are many 'Blood God Sons' who have successfully made breakthroughs with the help of this mine. The one with the highest potential is today's Blood God Son. Therefore, the number of Yuanying cultivators in the blood God Sect has increased, right The Ghost Spirit Sect caused a lot of pressure. Later, the Ghost Spirit Sect inquired about it from nowhere, and took the initiative to seek out the Blood God Sect to seek this kind of foreign iron, mainly because of the ghost who had been stuck for many years at the peak of the late Jindan. Slaughtered the mountain."

At that time, the Blood God Sect made a request that if Guitu made a breakthrough, he would marry into the Blood God Sect and become the Taoist companion of the Blood God Son. Only because of this method of refining foreign iron, only the core of the Blood God Sect would know. If Gui Tu refused to marry, It is an outsider who can't allow it - this method is domineering, if Gui Tu can't break through through this, only one death, but he is not afraid of her revealing it.

Guilingmen coveted this method, and Guitu was also a high-spirited generation who refused to be left behind. In the end, Guilingmen pushed the boat smoothly, and Guitu also agreed to the marriage.

For these reasons, there were only two marriages.

Ling Qian added: "After the breakthrough of the ghost slaughter, the marriage has become a foregone conclusion, and there are many small demon sects arguing with the immortal faction in various places, in order to plunder enough blood, spirits, etc., as a wedding banquet. offerings."

Therefore, in recent years, the Demon Dao has become more and more restless.

Xu Ziqing finally understood, he sighed: "When is the auspicious day for the marriage of the two sects?"

Ling Qian said, "There are still more than three months."

Xu Ziqing thought for a while: "Where is the strange mine, have you ever found it?"

Ling Qian smiled bitterly: "I don't know... Now, apart from the Blood God Sect, there are other demon sects, and I don't know it. The juniors check the many dark lines from time to time, but they have no clue. He was directly persecuted and died. If it weren't for that dark thread being clever and indexing the thread into a small demon gate, I'm afraid that the secret post where the secret thread was located would also be removed by the Blood God Sect."

Xu Ziqing also knew that since the strange mine was an introduction, it would not be easy to find out. Now that he has asked, it is just to know.

He reassured: "This matter still needs to be investigated, but the safety of your family is also very important, but you can take it slowly, it is not easy to practice, and don't damage it easily. After a period of time, dozens of people from the main sect will come to help. It was cheap then."

When Ling Qian heard the words, he was very grateful: "Thank you two inspectors for being sympathetic!"

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing told him to exit first.

After the people left, Xu Ziqing said to Yun Lie, "Senior brother, why don't I go out for a walk tomorrow?"

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "Alright."

The two brothers and sisters decided to go and see for themselves the people and customs in this northern region.

Speaking of the other side, Jia Er was ordered by Xu Ziqing to return from the Northern Territory and go to the Eastern Territory to find some of his disciples in order to maintain the safety of those disciples. As a star slave, he had already tied his life to Xu Ziqing, and since he didn't dare to violate the slightest bit, he searched carefully.

Because he has a Mahayana cultivation base, it is extremely convenient to travel. Compared with following Xu Ziqing, Yun Lie and others, it is several times faster, and when he crosses the sea, he does not need to sail. Soon he reached where he wanted to go.

Jia Er knew that Master Xu had four disciples, Yan Hua and Yun Tianheng. One was seriously injured and the other was healing. They would never leave Wuling Xianmen. Hu Xueer was the weakest. The person most likely to encounter danger is only Yuehua, who is looking for medicine for his brother.

Chapter 604

With this speculation, Jia Er chose Yuehua's breath and began to calculate. Although he is not as deep as the ties between Xu Ziqing and Yuehua, he can use the ties between himself and Xu Ziqing to search indirectly.

Ziqing is taller, so the calculation is quite fast.

Moreover, since he already knew that Xu Ziqing failed to calculate the details earlier, now he just calculated the general direction of Yuehua's location, and this calculation was naturally calculated.

Soon, Jia Er cut through the void, hid and fled, and in just a few breaths, he arrived outside a wilderness.

However, unexpectedly, he never found any trace of Yuehua. it a mistake?

No, based on his cultivation, it shouldn't be like this.

Then, it's probably... being blinded.

Just what is it that can actually distort the calculation of the sky?

Thinking of the cautiousness of his young master when he gave the order, Jia Er was also a little anxious.

He took out the breath, calculated again, and walked through the void again.

So again and again, over and over again.

It took more than an hour to calculate, and Jia Er finally realized that he was constantly moving within a radius of 100 miles, never far away... Really, it was something that affected the result of the calculation, which made him always unable to find it. When you get to the exact location, you can only go around in circles in an area.

However, since it was going around in circles, the distorted destination should be nearby.

The left and right are not very broad, he can't calculate it, so he just goes to find them one by one.

Thinking like this, Jia Er settled on his mind, and then released his spiritual consciousness, covering the entire hundred miles of land in an instant!

——He will not let go of every corner!

Seeing the sudden outbreak of abnormality, Yuehua's heart skipped a beat.

He now knew that he had just misunderstood Yu Zhan's thoughts on Yanhua, and he told him to give up. like sight.

In addition to being anxious, Yuehua didn't know how to remedy it, so she quickly said "you can see Yanhua again as long as the master agrees". At the same time, he didn't know how to deal with this scholar.

It seems that it is too light to be too heavy, and a careless one can make people jump.

——Looking at countless years, Yuehua has never been so emotional. It can be seen that there is a big difference between being a pure white lotus and transforming into a human being. It is no wonder that when Yanhua went to the world, he fell in love with a mortal person. Deep-rooted, to actually do such a big thing to reverse the yīn yang damage to the foundation!

Fortunately, this scholar Yu Zhan seems to be not hard-hearted. After Yuehua mentioned that he had a chance to see Yanhua, he calmed down for a long time, and he was different from the terrifying appearance before, and the chaos was turned upside down.

I saw that the hatred that was constantly moving and almost condensed into essence slowly calmed down, like a layer of invisible waves, entangling around Yu Zhan, as if immersing him in a deep layer of water, only him. This figure is thick and colorful, but the facial features are blurred, and it seems that they are all twisted in hatred.

However, the suddenly changed sky was still dark, and there were more emotions, thoughts and regrets, rolling like cháo, and dispersing in all directions. After a while, more emotions and six desires came back, and they also gathered in the scholar Yu Zhan. the surrounding area.

Finally, after more than half an hour, the scholar's dark lips and turbulent eyes all returned to the same level as before, except that his complexion was paler, as if he was wearing a bleak fluorescent light.

At this moment, the scholar's aura was even more depressed and stronger than before.

Yuehua is keenly aware of the restraint on his body, and the power of the scholar seems to be even more terrifying.

How did he make it? It seems that the mention of Yan Hua and the past will make him feel uneasy.

No matter how much he guesses, Yuehua won't think about the demons. He is just very vigilant and pays attention to Yu Zhan, a scholar who looks very much like a demon.

And after Yu Zhan calmed down a little, he held the light group that contained a fetus, and said in a hoarse voice, "Take me to your sect and find your master."

Yuehua wanted to shake her head, but found that she couldn't shake her head, so she "thought" and said: "Master is now going out with his uncle to inspect, not in the sect."

Yu Zhan's breathing was a little short: "What about Yanhua?"

Yuehua said: "Yanhua is down, you are weird, but you can't enter the inner door of Wuling Xianmen."

Yu Zhan's breath was a little unstable.

Yuehua continued: "Master doesn't allow me, so I can't take you there, otherwise I'll be blocked from the sect, which won't do you any good. Even worse."

It wasn't until Yuehua said the words "not good for Yanhua" that the restless scholar was suppressed again.

Yu Zhan covered his face and asked in a low voice, "Then where is your master?"

Yuehua said, "Master has gone to the Northern Territory."

At this moment, outside the void, there was a sudden explosion.

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