It seems that there is some extremely powerful magical power, bombarding this place surrounded by seven emotions and six desires, almost a few times of offensive, the distorted atmosphere of the outermost layer has been completely destroyed.

Yu Zhan suddenly raised his head, stretched out his right palm, and grabbed it brazenly!

At the same time, there was also a torrent of power rushing down in the void. It was very powerful. It was caught by this invisible giant claw, and it was "shattered to pieces".

At this moment, another figure slowly appeared, standing in the sky above the sky.

It is the second coming.

It turned out that he used his spiritual sense to watch it for a long time, and finally found that this area was controlled by a distorted force, so that all the scenes inside were distorted to the original shape, so that the power of calculation was always bounced to other places. He intends to enter into the twisting power of the person, but he finds that the force of pushing and refusing is very powerful. If he approaches, he will also be a warning sign, as if he will be affected.

He suddenly understood that Yuehua was probably in it, but he was blocked by others, so he just used his own supernatural powers and bombarded repeatedly, and finally tore a crack in the outermost layer, and bombarded it a few more times, and finally saw the twisting force. central thing.

Sure enough, there is the still standing lotus demon Yuehua!

When it was, Jia Er shot again and was taken over.

But he took the opportunity to get in.

At this point, the two sides confronted each other.

Jia Er first glanced at Yuehua, and saw that he didn't seem to be injured, he was obviously just trapped, and it was not bad for him yet. The person on the other side didn't know it, but felt that he looked strange and should be a person in the devil's way.

Since it is the magic way, most of it is the enemy.

Thinking like this, Jia Er opened his mouth and said: "You demon, you trapped me, Young Master Wanmufeng Yuehua, why did you come? Let him go quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Hearing his words, Yu Zhan vaguely seemed to see that he had just found out that Sanniang was Lianxiong a few days ago. Before he could be happy, Lianxiong was taken away by the "immortal" and never stopped for him at all. He felt resentment in his heart. He rushed out in a hurry, ignoring what Yuehua had said earlier, the air mass in his eyes exploded!

In an instant, an overwhelming force burst out from Yu Zhan's body. The force was extremely strange, invisible, but it carried a kind of shocking energy, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Na Jia Er!

When Jia Er saw that this person did not know the good or the bad, he was also vaguely angry.

In the end, he was once a sect master. Although he fell into a star slave after the sect was destroyed, he was not deceived by everyone. Now a mere demon, it seems that he is only a god, out of the body. Realm, how dare he be so hard on him, how can he not be angry? Also immediately shot.

However, Jia Er did not expect that the demon he thought was not an ordinary second demon.

Although he hit a magical power and was in close contact with that power, not only was the power not suppressed by him, but instead entangled with the situation. In an instant, an indescribable feeling came back from the magical power, and suddenly entered into his body...

At this moment, his previous slight anger suddenly turned into a sky-high anger, and even his eyes became as red as blood under its influence.

The anger was rolling in his heart, and his mood was dàng endlessly, as if this hatred would make him rush back to the Wuling Xianmen immediately, first kill the two young masters, and then go to find the Zhou Tianxianzong, causing a lot of confusion, If you want to kill Zhoutian Xianzong monk Yiying, it will be difficult for that Zhoutian Xianzong to break the door!

- No, no, that's too much.

Jia Er snapped the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, his mind suddenly became clear, and most of the hatred and anger just now were driven away by him, and the remaining few could no longer shake him.

It is true that after the sect was destroyed, he had to be captured by the Zhou Tianxian sect, but he chose the latter by himself, or whether he died as a slave. In order to save his life and seek immortality, he voluntarily surrendered. Although he has a bit of hatred for Zhou Tianxianzong, this hatred does not make him act rashly, and he will not shake his state of mind, let alone try to Do something bad for yourself!

But at that moment, he seemed to uncontrollably magnify the hatred that he had put down long ago. It was incredible. That power was absolutely weird!

When Jia Er looked at the "devil" again, he became more cautious.

This is also why Jia Er was too lighthearted just now. Although Yu Zhan has indeed not yet become a true demon, he can shake the mood of those whose realm is higher than himself.

As long as there is a flaw in the emotions and desires in a person's heart, his power can take advantage of it, making it impossible to guard against - the danger of human beings and demons, and it is far more than that.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie walked on the long street, slowly looking at the scenery of the Northern Territory along the way.

In this place, mortals are not as rich as the Eastern Region, and their faces are often worried, and most of the major shops are looked after by people from the lower realm of the immortal realm, but every so often, someone comes to ask for property-except for Outside the large-scale sect that originally held this place, there were also many people from small forces, who were also extremely greedy.

Those people in the Immortal Dao had a bitter face, but they had to give it. If they were not careful, there would be troublemakers in the shop, making them miserable.

The more Xu Ziqing looked, the tighter his brows became.

However, such oppression can be found everywhere in the Northern Territory, and in the eyes of the people in the Northern Territory, it seems normal, and there is no need to make a fuss.

Chapter 605: Underground Dark Workshop

Although he couldn't bear it in his heart, Xu Ziqing also understood that he could not act rashly at this time.

It was his fault if he accidentally slapped the grass and startled the snake. When the big event was happening, it was inevitable that he had to forbear in the small sections.

After a while, Xu Ziqing stopped looking at these scenes, and turned to look at Yun Lie: "Senior brother, how about you and me going to Fangshi here? Let's also see how the devils are easy."

Yun Li naturally agreed.

The two soon searched for Ling Qian again and learned about this place in the city.

It turns out that these devils are not different from the people in the immortal way who put all kinds of things in broad daylight, but turn to the dark place, which is not surprising - they are the monks of the immortal way, and there are also underground workshops. city? It's just that most people in the magic way like to act sneakily.

Therefore, there are also several underground places of exchange, which are called "dark squares", also called "magic squares", which are places where many devils privately exchange their incomes.

However, to enter this kind of place, it is different from the immortal realm where there must be passable things such as letters and tokens. Here, you only need to put on a "shadow canopy" to restrain the breath of the whole body, and then find the entrance on your own. able to enter.

The entrance was naturally informed by Ling Qian, and the two "shadow tents" were also sent by Ling Qian.

Not long after, the two came to a dark alley and put a long dark cloak over themselves - immediately they were covered from head to toe, and they could no longer see their original appearance, even if they used divine sense. Inquiries, and can only see a cloud of twisted fog.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie glanced at each other, but they couldn't see each other, but they were dual cultivators and had another connection, but they weren't afraid of getting lost.

Then, they swayed, and soon came to the entrance, leaned and jumped down.

This unannounced visit is the most secretive and largest place among the many unannounced visits in the vicinity. After going down, you can perceive a thin layer of magical energy floating, and there is a vague power to restrain the immortal way.

Xu Ziqing's true essence turned, and he was not afraid.

He can see that although there is demonic energy in this place, it may only be restrained by the immortal monks below the Nascent Soul stage, and at the Nascent Soul stage and above, there is no obstacle here, not to mention, he is still in the spirit transformation stage? Naturally, with just a little movement, all the discomfort was gone.

Yun Lie did the same, but he also gathered his sword intent even more. Otherwise, although the shadow cover was good, it might not stop his murderous aura—in terms of restraining his qi, he was indeed not as good as the one who practiced "Wanmu". Xu Ziqing, a teacher and apprentice of many breathing exercises in Seed Heart Dafa.

The two brothers and sisters were ready to look around.

There is no one to receive them here, only shadows of statues can be seen, scattered in every corner of the place, it seems that there are some stalls, and there are some faint fire, faint breath, moving everywhere.

It was like entering a ghost realm.

Xu Ziqing walked side by side with his senior brother, and followed some people who were also wearing shadow awnings and walked forward.

After a while, seeing those people stop in front of a certain stall, they also stayed in front of the nearest stall.

Then, the two of them lowered their heads and looked at the things on the booth.

The booth is about three feet long and two feet wide. The items on it are relatively fragmented, mainly bottles and jars and various dark boxes. There are also some phosphorescent lights, which emerge from some bottles, shimmering with tiny bits and pieces. Youmang. In addition, there were some objects tied up with cloth, and there were also a few magic tools that obviously exuded magical energy, which should be magic tools.

Everything seems to be very sinister. Many evil spirits, evil spirits, and evil spirits are emitted from above. For people in the immortal realm, as long as they take a few more breaths, although they will not shake their mood, they will probably feel suffocated.

Xu Ziqing looked at it silently, and said nothing for a while.

The stall owner sat behind the stall and laughed hoarsely: "What do you two fellow Taoists want?"

Xu Ziqing hesitated.

He and his senior brother came to visit unannounced, so they couldn't easily reveal clues? Therefore, we have to find a rhetoric, otherwise it will be inappropriate to be noticed by others.

It's just that he doesn't know much about the evil way, but he has seen a lot of tricks, and for a while, he doesn't know which one is appropriate.

On the contrary, Yun Lie suddenly opened his mouth, his voice was a little lower than his original tone: "The thing that refines the flag."

The stall owner smiled "Jie Jie": "The Ten Thousand Ghost Banners of Ghost Spirit Gate?"

Xu Ziqing was stunned at this moment, and quickly answered, his voice was very gloomy: "Ten thousand ghosts can't be talked about, hundreds of ghosts are feasible. You can have..."

The stall owner nodded: "You are lucky, I just recently got the souls of Baidao women who were wronged and died. If they were refined, they would turn into one person, and they would become ghost girls, which would fit in with the desires of a hundred ghosts. The female department's use." When he said that, he took out a black spherical air mass from his sleeve, and inside it was a lot of ghosts. Just after taking it out, there was a huge amount of resentment rushing straight up, which was very obvious.

However, the stall owner only took it out for a moment and then put it away, and immediately said with a strange smile: "These women were all virgins born on the yīn day before they were alive. If it wasn't for my urgent need for resources now, I wouldn't be able to exchange about it, are you excited?"

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