But soon, he also put it aside.

That Di Ji called the concubine... but it had nothing to do with him.

He has a brother, and this life is enough.

At this moment, the Sword Tower also arrived that day.

Here it is said that it is a building, but in fact it is only two or thirty feet high.

Moreover, countless sword qi jumped inside, but there was a vague sense of restraint.

It seems that it is suppressed by something.

After Xu Ziqing entered, he suddenly stopped.

At this moment, his body seems to be carrying a heavy burden, which is extremely heavy. In his dantian, there is no more immortal energy to swallow, and the way of his own body is suppressed by as much as 90%. law is quite difficult.

Just like him, after Yun Lie entered, his entire body was suppressed. Only the Eight Lian's Sword Intent, he could barely move, but he wanted to kill others, but he couldn't.

The other Sword Immortals seem to come here from time to time. Although their breath has weakened a lot for a moment, their expressions are calm and there is no strangeness at all.

Du Xi explained to the two: "In Tianjian Tower, no matter what kind of immortal or identity, they must be imprisoned, so as not to disagree with each other and make big moves, which will affect the atmosphere here. The two young palaces Lord, don't worry, this is the norm, not something unusual."

Xu Ziqing nodded: "Thank you Brother Du for your guidance."

After he finished speaking, he looked around again.

The Tianjian Tower is indeed very wide. On the bright and clean stone wall, it is full of one side, which is used as a stone tablet, and at the top, the word "Sword List" is engraved. It is domineering and majestic.

And under those two words, there are countless names, the first three are glittering with golden light, and further down, they are all black characters on the bottom of the stone, densely packed, and descend in sequence.

Xu Ziqing naturally knew that it was the ranking of the sword list.

At this time, it is true that the black name pushes down many of the names above, all the way up, and another black name suddenly falls, until the end, and even can no longer be seen.

Counting a little, just the names carved on the stone walls, regardless of black and gold, add up to as many as 10,000, but if it is less than 10,000, it will not be on the list.

The Tianjian Tower is located in the center of the palaces, and it is adjacent to many cultivation places. In the thirty-sixth palace, all sword immortals can enter, exit and practice here.

Do the math, there are always tens of thousands of Sword Immortals in the huge Lingtian Palace.

On the other side of the sword list, there are several portals.

And these portals lead to the organs needed to compete for ranking.

Yun Lie's gaze, after swept the top three on the sword list, landed on the portals.

Yu Haoran spontaneously explained to him: "Swordsmen advance bravely, and if they don't have enough to fight, they can't be called swordsmen. Therefore, those gates are all set up for fighting."

There are three doors in total, one is the door of killing demons, one is the door of war sword, and the other is the door of killing.

The first portal, as the name suggests, is the portal for beheading demons. In that portal, countless demons are imprisoned, with many grades, from ordinary immortals to Daluojin immortals.

Although this fairyland is a fairyland, it is not only immortals.

Not to mention that after the cultivation of heaven and man, they can be immortals or demons. Those who ascend from the lower realms are not only immortals-that monks who are in the right way can be called demon immortals after they ascend. Although 99% of the cultivators will be wiped out under the calamity, there are still a few, because of the ferocity, the heaven and the earth are hard to accept, and they eventually become the demons among the demons, soaring.

However, after those demons ascended, they were only in the next three days of the heavenly courts.

That is, the thirty-third day, the thirty-second day, and the thirty-third day.

Originally, after the ascension of these demons, although they were much more terrifying than ordinary immortals, they were few in number and could not pose a great threat. But the demons who can soar are all cunning and do all evil, but how can they let their power be low and let others be slaughtered?

Therefore, many evil demons came in disguise and went to other major heaven and land to tempt heavenly people and recruit disciples. Later, they filled up the next three days, and even started many wars in order to plot more heaven and land.

Immortals hate evil spirits, and they will defy them outright, and if any evil spirits are discovered by immortals, they must also be captured.

After a long time, whether it is in the war, or the people who have not been killed on weekdays, they have been imprisoned by the major forces to train their respective immortals.

In the Sect of Demon Slayers, it is such a demon.

Fan Jianxian entered it and fought with these devils, letting the swords drink the blood of the devils!

And the second portal, the War Sword Gate, contained within it was a phantom of a sword scripture.

From low-grade to top-grade, each sword scripture is a checkpoint, which can transform into different grades, different numbers of sword fairies who practice that sword script, and fight against sword fairies who enter the portal.

The third door is the killing door.

Killing gate, infinite killing, but the killing is not the real person, but the virtual is not the virtual, the real is not the real.

There are many images in the door, and the more you kill, the better your results will be.

The three portals all have their own calculation methods, and all the results obtained should be used to measure the ranking of the sword list.

And that measure is the sword qi.

Every time you kill a demon, pass a level, and kill a powerful shadow, there are different numbers of sword qi, which are recorded.

The more Sword Intent, the higher the ranking.

After Yu Haoran explained everything, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing also understood.

Yun Lie glanced at the three portals, but when he stepped up, he walked directly into the first portal.

Slay the Demon Gate.

Although the shadow of the sword script and the shadow of the virtual and real are both very beneficial to Yun Lie, Yun Lie always wants to kill the devil.

Seeing his brother's choice, Xu Ziqing smiled, not at all surprised.

...Although those devils were set up by Lingtian Palace to test the disciples, those who have done many evil things, if they can die one more, they should die one more!

When Yun Lie disappeared in the first portal, several people in the sword palace, several heavenly soldiers, and even some sword immortals who noticed them coming in, also looked over.

I don't know how long it will last, and what kind of ranking can I get?

The Tianjian Tower was very lively, and the number of people was much larger than usual.

Most of the sword immortals in the world do not want to fall behind. Since they have this opportunity, even if they know that they may be defeated by the Tianjian sect, they will not give up easily.

The place in the rankings has to be contested, and the place to accept the inheritance must also be contested!


Yun Lie walked into the portal, and what came to him was the bloody, rotten smell.

In front of them are huge cages, and in each cage, a demon is imprisoned.

Their limbs are all bound by a chain, tied to the edge of the cage, and although their breath is still there, judging from their expressions, they are always a little tired.

The grade of the devil is actually no different from that of the immortal, and even the immortal seal is no different.

However, whether it is the devil himself or the immortals, they are always reluctant to call them "immortals".

Therefore, the division of the devil has become:

Mortal Demons, Heavenly Demons, Mysterious Demons, Luo Tianshang Demons, Da Luo Jin Demons, Jiutian Mysterious Demons... and the Demons of Heavenly Demons.

Chapter 767

After Yun Lie came in, the whole door changed.

One of the cages suddenly opened wide, and a bloody shadow burst out!

It turned out that the moment Yun Lie walked in, this test began.

The devil who came out was a mortal devil. He looked very ferocious and withered, and he didn't know how much torture he had suffered in the cage.

These demons, knowing their usefulness, is to let the sword fairy see the blood, but this is not a chance for life and revenge-although the identity token can make the sword fairy send it out when they meet the crisis of life and death, but if they The action is fast enough, and you can even face the front and kill the sword immortal first! After all, when the token is activated, the Sword Immortal must admit defeat by himself.

All Sword Immortals who come to the Sect of Demon Slayers are quite sure of themselves, and they often have to fight and do not want to admit defeat quickly. These demons, it is possible that they have also caught their thoughts.

What if Ling Tiangong didn't let them make up for the magic energy for many years? What if they consume blood? As long as you can kill a sword fairy, you can quickly recover!

Sword Immortal wants to exorcise demons... Demons, they are even more cunning!

This time, the demon on the wheel thought so in his heart.

But because he was too excited, the moment he came out, it was clear that the person who came was actually a Luo Tianshang-but! He couldn't stop for a moment!

If he still attacks, he can't say there is still a chance, if he stops, he will die faster!

Now, I can only hope that this Immortal Luo Tian is inexperienced, so...

However, this demon is really bad luck.

Yun Lie flew up from the lower realm and killed countless demons, so how could he be an inexperienced person?

This demon had just swung a few feet forward when he saw a ray of silver light flickering.

For a moment, he only felt a sharp pain in his dantian and Zifu, and then he didn't know anything.

It was only a face-to-face, and he died happily.

Such a scene, the demons in the many cages behind, naturally can see very clearly.

As soon as they froze in their hearts, they knew that this time, it was definitely not easy to deal with!

Immediately afterwards, two cages opened.

A black shadow, a bloody light, came from the two sides!

Another ray of silver light flashed, and the two corpses fell heavily!

The third time, four cages were opened.

What came out were four mortal demons, coming from all directions to outflank.

Silver light flashed, and all four corpses fell down.

The fourth time, there are eight cages and eight mortal demons.

In the same silver light, he was cut neatly.

From beginning to end, Yun Lie stood there, motionless.

He attacked four times in a row, and all of them were smashed by him under the influence of his sword intent!

This first level, Yun Lie has also passed.

This is the case of the Demon Slayer.

The mortal immortals come here, only to deal with one demon; the heavenly immortals come here, they first deal with one demon, and then the two demons; the spirit immortals come here and deal with three times, each time the demon head doubles... and so on, Yun Lie is Luo Tianshang Immortals, at most, have to deal with the Eight Demons.

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