However, this is only the first hurdle.

When it comes to the second level, the devil encountered is the devil of the day.

It's like a cloud is coming down.

I saw the larger cage in front of me opened, and the smell of stench came out, and the blood that suddenly filled the air was almost disgusting.

At the same time, a slight sound was flowing in the blood, and it was a demon who killed him.

However, for Yun Lie, there is not much difference between the celestial demons and the mortal demons.

He also remained motionless. He only raised his sword intent and killed the Heavenly Demon. Two more Heavenly Demons came, and they were also killed. Immediately, there were four of them, and they were killed again.

At this moment, the second hurdle was also easily passed.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded: "Would you like to let others watch the battle?"

Yun Lie said: "It's okay."


Outside the Demon Slayer.

Xu Ziqing and others are all waiting.

After Yun Lie entered the portal, some sword immortals gathered around and asked, "I don't know the video of this senior brother breaking through, can you let me wait and watch immediately?"

Xu Ziqing was a little puzzled.

Na Pu Jun explained to him: "In these three portals, the images in the Gate of Slaying Demons and the Gate of Slaughtering are usually recorded, and the latecomers will spend the credit to buy and watch them. However, it can only be seen in the Tianjian Tower. Just watch it. That junior brother asked because the young palace master is going through the barrier. If I wait for the answer, I can directly open it up so that people here can see it directly."

Yu Haoran also said: "This is also set up by the palace master and others to let me and other sword cultivators improve their strength, and they are very well-intentioned."

Heavenly Sword Tower, Heavenly Sword Sect.

There are countless swordsmen in the Immortal Realm, but the most powerful ones are all in the Heavenly Sword Sect. How can other forces be reconciled?

Therefore, not only Lingtian Palace has Tianjian Tower, but many other forces, or Tianjian Pavilion, Tianjian Mountain, Tianjian Pagoda, etc., are to keep in mind the unwillingness of being suppressed, and also to encourage disciples to break through this unwillingness.

In the Tianjian Tower of Lingtian Palace, the three portals are all set up to hone sword immortals, except that the Battle Sword Gate is not public because it corresponds to many immortals and immortals. If you are willing to enter, you will record the image by default, so that others can watch the battle, learn from each other's strengths, and draw parallels.

However, it is also to prevent the disciples from gaining for nothing. Those images must be paid for in exchange for credit, and half of the credit is attributed to the disciple who donated the image, so that the disciple will do his best to make it easier when he comes back in the future. The video is valued by more disciples.

This is the way to win-win.

As for the direct release of the image, it can only be achieved when the sword fairy is breaking through the level.

Although this has already been shown to many Sword Immortals first, if it is sufficiently brilliant to watch it once, you will not be able to comprehend the mystery and gain benefits. Naturally, someone will exchange the image and observe it carefully.

However, under normal circumstances, Tianjianlou Jianxian comes and goes, and there are very few open images that are worth watching. Most of the time, they still get news from others and exchange for the spar of the desired image, slowly realized.

Therefore, it doesn't affect anything.

After listening to the explanation, Xu Ziqing understood.

The Sword Immortal who asked the question on the side was also looking forward to it.

He had noticed these people before, and found that their grades were not low. When someone explained it, he even mentioned the word "Master of the Young Palace", which naturally made him more excited.

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "What can't people see when it comes to killing demons? Just follow the usual rules." He paused for a while, then continued, "But after all, senior brother is breaking through the barrier, I can't wait to wait for you. It would be best if you could ask a question.”

When Pu Jun heard the words, he said to him, "Of course you can ask."

Even that image was recorded by the spar, and there is nothing to hide now. It's just that if no one takes the initiative to mention that they want to watch the battle directly, Tianjianlou will not take the initiative to do so.

Now that someone has asked, there are also people who have been asked.

After about a breath, a very clear image soon appeared on the gate of the Demon Slaying Sect.

Countless huge cages, boundless monsters.

And a Sword Immortal dressed in white with a cold breath, standing still.

At this moment, there was a silver light bursting out, piercing the purple mansion of the evil demon that rushed over, and the sword fairies also saw that the slaughtered demon fell on his back, and there were still people full of people on his hideous face. Disappointed!

You Jianxian said in surprise: "Look at that demon's seal!"

More Sword Immortals, look at them all.

That is, that is the dark silver magic seal!

This is... a spirit demon?

Yu Haoran took a deep breath and couldn't help but say: "When the young palace lord entered these days, he has already passed two levels in a row, and went straight to the third level to kill the spirit demon. Really, really..."

He didn't know how to praise him before he could express his admiration and admiration.

Pu Jun and several other Sword Immortals and Heavenly Soldiers were also shocked.

Although I knew that Yun Lie had the realm of eight refinements of the sword and soul, I had never seen him make a real move, so I couldn't judge it.

But now that he killed the spirit demon with a wisp of sword intent, it couldn't be clearer!

In the same rank, the devil is always more terrifying than the immortals. Otherwise, there is no need to restrain these devils, and let many swordsmen come to see the blood and open the front.

The Sword Immortals on the sidelines were all shocked.

"It's just less than a cup of tea, has it reached the third level?"

"As expected of the young palace master, he is so capable!"

"I don't know, how many times does his swordsmanship reach the level of swordsmanship?"

"I see his face, and I don't know which palace's young palace master..."

Then, in that picture, two spirit demons rushed out.

Many Sword Immortals did not speak, they were all focused and looked carefully.

I saw that the sword immortal in white finally raised his hand, and immediately pointed out, silver light burst into she.

It seems that the silver light seems to be very ordinary, but if you look closely, it seems that there are many mysterious artistic concepts in it, which is difficult to understand and is extremely powerful.

This silver light just burst out, and suddenly one turned into two, separated from the left and right, and killed the spirit demon.

That spirit demon is also a monstrous magic power, setting off an unparalleled power, the power is infinite, and the sound of ghosts crying and screaming, even if they are separated by a huge door, they will be shocked.

But it's just shocking, but it doesn't hurt anyone.

The swordsmen held Yuan to guard one, and immediately set their minds, and would not be disturbed by them.

At this time, they just wanted to take a look. There were two spirit demons coming. How could the sword fairy in white deal with it?

However, these Sword Immortals only saw silver light passing by, and the two spirit demons were also smashed into Zifu and fell to the ground.

The fierce battles that should have been supposed to be, the fierce battles, and the great swordsmanship that I wanted to take a look at, actually all gathered between that finger...

The spirit demon is dead, and the third level has been broken through.

Finally, there is the fourth hurdle.

According to the level of the person who broke the barrier, if he can kill Luo Tianshangmo, he is a success.

Chapter 768

After Yun Lie went through three levels in a row, he faced the Demon Nara Tianshang.

Demons like this, in the next three days, are also of a good standard. They were captured by the immortals and imprisoned here. I don’t know how many years, and I still need to make the sharpening stone for the immortals of other forces. I am unwilling. Depression, anger bào impatience, full of them.

Therefore, it also aroused his fierceness!

The moment the cage was opened, this Demon Luo Tianshang was different from the demons in front of him. He immediately shot. Instead, Da Lala walked out of the cage door and stood on the opposite side, covered in a thick fog of blood.

Then, he smiled awkwardly and licked his lips: "Hey, there's something new again - flesh and blood!"

Before he finished speaking, the devil's palms turned into huge iron claws, almost tearing apart the space, and grabbed it! Wherever the claw wind passed, there was a sound of cracking silk, a burst of air, and it was bulging, as if it was going to crush people!

Compared with the previous one, this devil is more than a few times more oppressive!

Yun Lie looked at the devil coldly, and a long sword appeared between his palms.

This long sword glowed with a layer of silver light, the breath was agile, the murderous aura was cold, and he himself was shaking slightly.

In the blink of an eye, the devil, or the cloud, was directly fighting in one place!

However, Luo Tianshangmo's sharp claws are too strong, the blood is hazy, and the corrosive toxins are stirred up, and the black air current is surging. When some of them land on the ground, they immediately smashed a deep pit there, exuding a fishy and sweet smell. .

Qiáng's great power will immediately fall on Yun Lie, this terrifying ghost claw, as long as it touches others a little, I am afraid that half of the body's flesh will be caught, and it will immediately turn into rotten water, and die a pure and clean death.

However, Yun Lie's long sword was not far behind, and it was meeting the ghost's claw.

It was as if the sound of gold and iron jiāo was about to be heard immediately.

In the mouth of the demon, a "chichi" smirk came out: "Hehe! Hehe! The ghostly claws of this seat are unparalleled in power. They are forged with precious heaven and earth spirits and have been polished for countless years. Where are you this mere junior, It can be damaged! Today, this seat will take your life, leaving you dead without a place to be buried—"

At the same time, many immortals watching the battle outside also saw this scene.

There are a pair of ghost claws. Although the white-robed sword immortal held one against his long sword, the other one was shrouded in claws from all directions. In particular, there is a shadow, and I don't know what it is. It is coming from the side of the sword immortal in white. Even if this sword immortal has great skills, will it be badly injured?

Luo Tianshangmo, the devil in the realm of the devil, compared with the devil in the realm of the devil, it is really too difficult to deal with.

More Sword Immortals couldn't help thinking, if they fought against this devil, how would they respond? Is it to retreat completely, or is it difficult to resist... And now in such a situation, can they fight again?

When many sword immortals realized that they could not escape, they immediately sweated for the white-robed sword immortal.

There are also some sword immortals, looking at the person who came with the white sword immortal.

Pu Jun and Yu Haoran were the same people who came, but they didn't notice Xu Ziqing. They naturally knew that Young Master Yun was very powerful, but Luo Tianshang's aura was too fierce, and it was inevitable that some people would have to discuss it in their hearts.

This is not to meet the devil outside, to fight with it, if you lose, you can't escape.

In the Sect of Demon Slayer, there is no hope for the devil to escape, and if he fails, he will die.

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