Often, it's all about fighting.

That's why it can't be judged.

So, the fellow came to look at Xu Ziqing, and the sword immortals who looked at the fellow also looked at Xu Ziqing.

So, countless eyes fell on Xu Ziqing.

Xu Ziqing couldn't help laughing: "Although this Luo Tianshangmo is fierce, but as far as senior brother is concerned, it is not a hindrance."

When the swordsmen heard it, they had their own thoughts.

Immediately, they heard a scream: "Ah! What are you, why are you so sharp!"

Undoubtedly, this scream was made by the devil.

The evil demon was still talking nonsense before, but unexpectedly, before he could finish his words, he felt a burst of intense pain.

As soon as his claws were cold, something fell, and he suddenly realized that it was his two fingers of ghost claws that fell!

The ghost claw, which I thought was extremely hard, actually fell off like cutting tofu when it faced the long sword, as if it took no effort at all.

This is true, unbelievable!

But Yun Lie didn't stop because of what Luo Tianshang thought.

I didn't see how he reacted. After the two ghost fingers were cut, the long sword immediately hit the other ghost claw, and it immediately cut off the five ghost fingers.

At the same time, another white light suddenly appeared, and the thing that sneaked under Yun Lie's rib was also hit by the white light and turned into pieces.

If you look closely, you can see that there is still a tentacle vibrating there, but after the white light flashes, it immediately turns into powder and dissipates into nothing.

Yun Lie's body is like electricity, the whole body is like a light smoke, and it seems to have turned into many phantoms, appearing in the left and right directions of Na Luo Tian Shang Mo in an instant.

Next, this devil was also cut into eight pieces.

In the end, there was only a sword mark on the entire remaining head, from the center.

When the devil head was divided into eight pieces and scattered, the head also hit the sword mark and split to both sides.


Such a terrifying devil seems to have set off a great momentum, but in Yun Lie's hands, after only one or two rounds, he has already fallen.

Counting the time, it was only about a few breaths.

There was a moment of silence outside the Demon Slaying Gate.

For Luo Tianshangxian to Luo Tianshangmo, it is reasonable to say that the latter is often more fierce, and has all kinds of hatred that has been imprisoned for many years, so it should be a bit more powerful.

But only in the face-to-face, a little response, the former has already killed the latter.

It's really shocking.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing smiled slightly.

What's so strange about this? The power of the senior brother has always been extraordinary. Now that the realm of kendo has reached the eighth level of swordsmanship, even if it is against the Daluo Jinmo, it should have the power to fight and be able to break its defense.

Now dealing with a demon of the same rank as himself, such a victory is to be expected.

Pu Jun and the others didn't know that when the Sword Soul Eight Refiners cut demons, it was like chopping melons and vegetables. Now that they saw it, they felt more and more that the way of swordsmanship was the absolute way, and they became more and more fanatical about their own swordsmanship.

In the Demon Slaying Sect, after Yun Lie killed Luo Tianshangmo, this fourth level was passed.

But he never suffered any injuries, and he only consumed a little energy when he killed Luo Tianshangmo, far from reaching the limit, but he intends to continue.

At this time, a voice in the void sounded again: "Can you continue to pass the level?"

Yun Lie raised his eyes slightly, his expression still: "Yes."

Immediately afterwards, the cage door opened again.

The ones who came out were the two Luo Tianshang Demons.

Yun Lie didn't say much, he stood up with his sword and swayed up.

Since it is the devil, it should be beheaded!


Outside the Demon Slayer Gate, more and more Sword Immortals put down the image spar they were watching, and gathered around the Demon Slayer Sect to watch the white-robed sword immortals fight against Luo Tianshang Demon.

I saw that the sword immortal in white quickly killed the two Luo Tianshang Demons again, and then answered the voice of inquiry in the void, and began to deal with the four Luo Tianshang Demons.

Later, the four-headed Luo Tianshang Demon was also killed by him.

After doing this again and again, later, he killed the eight-headed Luo Tianshang Demon, and he killed the sixteen-headed Luo Tianshang Demon. Finally, a large Luojin Demon appeared!

This time, the Sword Immortal in White and the Great Luo Jin Demon had been fighting for a long time.

The sword intent traverses, and the demonic energy is soaring to the sky.

Regardless of whether the white-robed sword immortal had consumed a lot of energy before, the big Luo Jinmo used his most powerful strength and fought him to the death to completely kill the genius of this immortal family.

The sound of strange laughter was endless, and the blood filled the water, dyeing the half of the sky red.

There is only a little white light, and within the boundless blood red, it flashes extremely quickly, weaving countless silver lights into a net of light, and strangling countless demons with silver sword intent!

This time, the battle lasted for more than half an hour, and the white-robed Sword Immortal used many brilliant swordsmanship techniques to drive the heaven and the earth to the extreme, causing the devil's many tricks to vanish. Daluo Jinmo's methods are also endless, but no matter how ever-changing, no matter how vicious and vicious, they are always blocked by the sword light and turned into nothingness.

Gradually, the sword immortal in white has the upper hand, and the sword will go too far, and everything will be killed!

Suddenly, a bright sword light shot up into the sky, like a silver thread, extremely fast, stabbing from all directions at the same time—“Whoosh!”


A small hole suddenly appeared at the place where the magic seal of the golden devil's eyebrows.

Immediately, the light in his pupils was scattered, and he fell back very quickly.

At the same time, the sword net covered him and turned him into a piece of minced meat.

Outside the Demon Slayer.

Many Sword Immortals couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

There really is this Luo Tian Shang Xian who killed a big Luo Jin Demon!

Subconsciously, they all held their breaths.

The heartbeats of Pu Jun and the others were a little rapid: "Palace Master Yun Shao, it's really... extremely qiáng!"

Yu Haoran also pinched his fingers: "I don't know that the nine masters of the kendo have the power of the young palace master? No, there is definitely not. People like the young palace master are rare in the world!"

The shock in their hearts was indescribable, but at this moment, the sudden and strange atmosphere in the Tianjian Building was difficult for them to notice.

And those Sword Immortals who reacted quickly went to the treasure platform there.

There is an immortal with a dry face here, except for a pair of eyes that occasionally flicker, there is nothing special. When no one is changing treasures on weekdays, for some reason, they always fail to attract anyone's attention.

But at this moment, there was also a flash of shock in his eyes.

After that, he was surrounded by many sword immortals.

Chapter 769 Image Crystal

"Please ask the elders, when will the image spar left by this senior brother be exchanged?"

"This elder, I don't know how much credit it takes for this image spar to exchange for it?"

"I hope the elders will record more, so that I don't have the chance to wait!"

"Dare to ask the elders..."

So many words were asked about the image spar that Yun Lie broke through after breaking into the Demon Slaying Gate.

Seeing the fierce fighting scene before, they are naturally very concerned and want to know the exchange.

The Ku Gān elder on the exchange treasure platform has suppressed countless years in Tianjian Tower, and all related matters are handled by him. He also saw all the images released just now, and naturally understood the eagerness in the hearts of these Sword Immortals.

In the moment, after pondering for a while, he said: "In exchange, the credit required is just as usual for Luo Tian Shang Xian in previous years. And this image spar, after it is cleared out, the old man will record it."

When the swordsmen heard the words, they were relieved.

But suddenly there was a sword immortal who was enlightened, and couldn't help being surprised: "Why, hasn't that senior brother come out yet?"

The rest of the Sword Immortals were amazed when they heard it, and turned back.

At this time, they realized that after killing a Luo Tianshang demon, the white-robed sword immortal who broke through the barrier was going to continue, and thus met two big Luojin demons!

Really, it's more and more unbelievable!

Yes, after Yun Lie killed a big Luojin Demon, he heard the voice ask again.

It just so happened that when he fought against the Great Luo Jin Demon, he inspired a lot of fighting spirit, and it can be said that the battle was smooth. It was just that battle, but it still failed to bring him much excitement, nor could it squeeze his potential, so he didn't hesitate to fight two big Luojin Demons.

——Since one demon can already make him move, when it reaches two ends, it can be trained on him!

Sword Immortal is always fighting for life and death, what's the point of killing some opponents that he can easily deal with?

Yun Lie entered the gate of killing demons, but it was not just to eliminate demons.

Sure enough, the two big Luo Jin Mos shot at the same time, which put a lot of pressure on Yun Lie.

He released all his strength, and if the clouds were tossing, he would fight against the two demons, and his movements were extremely agile. On that long sword, the sword intent is even more like frost, and it is extremely powerful.

The Sword Immortals outside also all noticed what Yun Lie did.

Those Sword Immortals who had seen the present from the first time, involuntarily, became nervous for him in their hearts.

Killing demons at one level can be said to be a genius who can chase after them. If he can kill two heads... Can this young palace master kill two heads?

This fierce battle lasted for three hours.

The sword immortal in white became more and more brave in battle. He had clearly gone through many levels, but he seemed to have an endless source of immortal energy in his body, without any signs of sluggishness and exhaustion.

On the contrary, the two Great Luo Jin Demons were brave and crazy at first, but then gradually became exhausted.

Suddenly, a silver giant sword shot up into the sky, split into two, and pressed on both sides.

At the same time, it seemed that there was an extremely majestic object suppressing it in the sky, shocking all the demons in the door, and even the two big Luojin demons stiffened for a moment.

And in this moment of stiffness, the two giant swords were extremely agile, and one circled and slashed down!

In an instant, the two Great Luo Jin Demons were split apart by the giant sword, and after a series of "sizzling" sounds, they were also twisted into two balls of rotten flesh by the sword's intent.

So, all dead.

The Sword Immortals were speechless.

Although they also thought that the white-robed sword immortal could succeed, it made people feel extremely complicated when they really succeeded.

Such a sword intent is definitely above the Seventh Refinement!

Maybe it's the Eight Refinements?

That's right, only the Eight Refinements of Sword and Soul can leapfrog to this point!

With such doubts in their hearts, many Sword Immortals went to inquire.

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