Zhou Hezhi rubbed his palms and laughed: "With your words, I will do my best to marry you!"

The atmosphere was a little more relaxed, and the immortals also made their own plans.

Now that the time is urgent, the further down the road, the more Di Ji will be reluctant to watch more. All these thousands of candidates have to perform, how can everyone be loved by Di Ji?

If Di Ji is tired, even if she may have a good impression before, under this exhaustion, she probably has no good impression at all. By then, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

Xu Ziqing thought for a while, and said, "Brother Bing's greatest strength now is his love for Di Ji. Later, when performing art, he should pour all his affection into it as he did before. The more daring, the more The more you can move people's hearts, but don't just care about face, but lose your sincerity."

The immortals discussed again.

Han Rui, the master of the young palace, said: "It is also necessary to practice the Dao. The ninth prince asked the candidates to show their abilities. Naturally, he wanted to see their potential, and if the Dao could have something in common with the emperor, it would be even better. There is some certainty. Now Di Ji invites Junjie widely, and the avenues she builds should not be so rare that it is difficult to match them, so most of them depend on their potential."

Whether it is compatible or not, it all depends on luck, unless it is really incompatible with each other, it is nothing.

At this time, after pondering for a while, Zhou Hezhi suggested: "If you want to move people with emotion, you have used painting before, and now you can use music. I wonder how many brothers and sisters can understand the rhythm?"

The immortals were startled.

Another young palace master, Shui Chengshuang, asked him, "Do you want to play in an ensemble?"

Zhou Hezhi nodded, this is about the life of a friend, he is really attentive: "I will wait to set off Junior Brother Bing and show his intentions."

Several young palace masters thought for a while and agreed.

Shui Chengshuang said, "I can play the piano."

Han Rui said: "I can drum."

Jiang Xinqi also said: "I can be chuīsheng."

The last young palace master spoke very little, named Tong Cheng, and he sighed: "I will play the piano too..."

Zhou Hezhi looked at Xu Ziqing.

Xu Ziqing thought for a while: "... chuī flute?"

Although he can play the qin, but since there are already two people playing the qin, he will change it.

Zhou Hezhi looked at Yun Lie again.

All the immortals are watching.

Looking at this person's temperament, I wonder if he can...

Xu Ziqing was also stunned.

Yun Yan was silent.

Immediately, with a flick of his finger, a silver-white immortal sword appeared in his palm.

Then he tapped with his fingers, and suddenly the sword chant was long, like a rhythm.

Zhou Hezhi paused: "It's quite novel."

Xu Ziqing couldn't help laughing. After he thought about it, he laughed again: "Instead of using me as a foil for Senior Brother Bing, why don't we change it... How about asking Senior Brother Bing to sing a song?"

When Zhou Hezhi heard it, she was instantly overjoyed: "It's a way!"

There are many heroes who use their means, but there is not one who say that they will sing out their affection.

If Bing Ying is like this, it will definitely make people's eyes shine.

The other young palace masters also felt good.

The rhythm conveys feelings, not only can play, but also sing.

Then the immortals began to discuss what song to use and how to show it.

One of the young palace masters suggested: "Let me use a sonorous song first, and ask Senior Brother Bing to reveal his way and his great powers. After that, I will change to a melodious sound, and make Senior Brother Bing sing loudly, revealing his thoughts, and Be honest."

All the immortals felt that the idea was very good.

It's just that at this moment, I don't know which song to choose, which is more touching.

Many immortals in the fairy world are mostly based on cultivation. Although there are music immortals, they are extremely rare, and even music immortals usually learn the songs of killing and emptiness, such as lingering love songs, courtship songs, but Never heard of it.

In general, it is a little more difficult.

Xu Ziqing touched his nose and suggested again: "I know a piece of music here, but it was originally obtained by accident in the lower world. The style of the piece is quite bold, I don't know if it is feasible..."

In an instant, all the immortals swept their eyes together: "Just try it out!"

Xu Ziqing no longer hesitated, he took out a piece of immortal jade, and burned the song he thought of into it.

Then, he gave it to Bing Ying: "Brother Bing, although there is a song, I don't know if you dare to sing it."

With a suspicious look on her face, Bing Ying took the immortal jade and probed into her sense of immortality—

In an instant, his face turned red and he was very embarrassed.

When the immortals saw this, they couldn't help being curious.

Zhou Hezhi reached out and grabbed the immortal jade, and also probed into the immortal consciousness, and immediately couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Several other young palace masters came to see it one after another.

When Shui Chengshuang and the others had all seen Xianyu, they couldn't stop laughing.

No wonder that Bing Ying is so embarrassed, it is because the tune in the fairy jade is too bold, it is really love, and it is full of enthusiasm...

Xu Ziqing's expression became a little innocent.

The song he chose, since in his previous life, a famous song that revealed the meaning of courtship from ancient times to the present is "Feng Qiuhuang". Now that Di Ji has chosen to take the concubine, the love in this song is very much in line with Bing Ying's current mood. If he can really sing it in public, not to say it is a blockbuster, at least, it will definitely attract Di Ji's attention again.

Isn't it just right?

After Zhou Hezhi and the others endured their laughter, they also felt that it was really good.

Write down the lyrics, don't make a mistake when performing the show because of embarrassment.

Bing Ying was heartbroken, and really remembered all the words and songs.

Left and right is to pursue the love in the heart, he will, he will have a cheeky try!

Soon, the immortals made up their minds and quickly became familiar with the song.

Zhou Hezhi said: "When I wait for the first song, I will wait to shoot it together, it doesn't matter, but the second song is originally for Junior Brother Bing... for courtship, so it is inappropriate to have too much music. It is better to ask Junior Brother Xu and Junior Brother Yun will play together, and I will only take over the tune from time to time, that’s all.”

Listening to his words, the immortals have no objection.

Zhou Hezhi couldn't help laughing when she saw that Bing Ying was still blushing, thinking about the lyrics.

He asked Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie to play together, and naturally there were other reasons.

This is a pair of extremely loving double-cultivator couples. They are warm and affectionate on weekdays. When they are playing a song, I am afraid that there is also a touch of affection lingering.

... Just to let Di Ji take a look, Bing Ying regards this loving Taoist couple as friends, and she will definitely be as affectionate and righteous to that Di Ji as they are.

Chapter 787

After everything was negotiated, at this time, it was someone who just finished performing the show. The immortals of Lingtian Palace looked at each other, and they all turned around, turned into several figures, and suddenly appeared in the hall.

In order to have the power to catch people's eyes, all the immortals are fluttering like immortals, and they are extremely beautiful. After falling there, the immortals are all beautiful in appearance, extraordinary in bearing, and have different temperaments. At a glance, it is also very eye-catching.

Standing in the middle is Bing Ying.

Although he is not such a handsome and impeccable man, he is also handsome and extraordinary. When his sleeves are fluttering, he has a splendid atmosphere, and he is also a very outstanding talent.

At the same time, several other people in Lingtian Palace were divided into two sides.

On the left, Zhou Hezhi and others had three qins, one se, and one sheng, seated in a half-arc shape; on the right, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie sat side by side, opposite the half-arc.

Bing Ying bowed to the screen: "Lingtian Palace, Bing Ying of Xiaofengyuan Palace, I have met Di Ji."

After all, he took a deep breath, and his whole body was full of momentum.

As soon as Zhou Hezhi pointed it out, a cloud of light exploded.

Immediately, the three qin played in unison, and there was a sound of killing.

I saw that the finger of the plucker moved, and some great truths burst out from it, and a shock wave suddenly set off in the hall.

The drummer immediately added the sound to it, and the chuīsheng also responded.

Suddenly, Bing Ying also moved.

He made a big move, and when he raised his hands and feet, there was a strange artistic conception. In the turbulent làng, it seemed that one person could reach the power of heaven and earth, which is a great power.

Xu Ziqing's flute sounded at this moment.

The syllables are short and the sound is eager, and the sound làng, which is constantly rolled up like a sea cháo, becomes more and more high and intense, and the sound of sword chants comes out from it, turning into boundless killing intent, sweeping the Quartet!

Such a vast scene, inspiring the world, is extremely magnificent.

Na Bingying swayed freely in it, her eyes were firm, her demeanor was firm, and she had a majestic spirit that was not afraid of difficulties and moved forward with one heart.

He is like a wandering dragon, shuttling in terror, no matter how powerful the power is, he is not afraid!

Finally, Bing Ying punched and shattered it!

This scene of heaven and earth has also stabilized.

The scene that should have been evolved by several immortal heroes with the rhythm was also shattered in this punch!

Bing Ying's avenue drill was integrated into the previous battle-like, dancing-like movements, which gave him a seven-point might.

For a time, all the immortals in the hall were amazed, but they never made a sound.

However, this performance is not finished.

Suddenly, a lingering flute sound burst out, melodious and melodious.

In the tune, the meaning of killing just now was swept away, but it brought a lot of charm and a bit of appeal.

Although this flute sound is only one, but in this silent hall, it is transmitted to all directions in an instant.

After many immortals came back to their senses, they saw a green-clothed immortal standing up slowly, standing beside a white-clothed sword immortal, his eyes drooping slightly, and he chanted slowly.

In the opposite half of the arc, several young immortals moved slightly, only vaguely, gently reconciling.

As for Bing Ying, who had just finished his momentum, he blushed and looked at the screen... He opened his mouth and sang.

The next moment, where Bing Ying was located, a azure light suddenly appeared, and a green tree suddenly appeared behind him.

Although the blue wood was donated by the palace, it was only ten feet high, but it was covered with lush, green leaves, and its posture was tall and straight, giving it a faint sense of arrogance.

A sturdy long branch slanted out, as if inviting, right above Bing Ying's head, sheltering him.

Immediately, Bing Ying took a deep breath again and sang: "There is a beauty, I will never forget it—"

The male voice is a little low, but it is affectionate and expresses his heart.

At this time, Yun Lie bent his fingers and flicked the silver-white long sword.

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