Immediately, the long sword chant penetrated into the flute sound, as if a spirit bird flew high and charged straight up.

Contrasted with the flute sound, it is extremely harmonious.

As Bing Ying sang, Yun Lie snapped his fingers several times.

The invisible sword qi burst out, and through the wood qi that filled the sky, it landed on the long branch protruding from the blue tree.

Although the appearance is not clear, but at first glance, it really looks like a silver phoenix.

Xu Ziqing naturally noticed such a change, he smiled slightly, and when he played chuī, when he looked at Yun Lie, his eyebrows and eyes were soft.

Yun Lie seemed to feel something, raised his head slightly, and nodded slightly.

At this moment, the voice of Bing Ying has a deeper affection, and the place where his eyes are located is where the screen is.

At this point in the song, although the embarrassment was still the same, and the roots of his ears were still red, but for some reason, his eyes became more and more bold, and he refused to move for a moment.

Afterwards, several people who had played the piano and drums before also helped him and told him to return his love to the whole hall.

... Such actions are unprecedented, and many immortals on both sides are also shocked.

After hearing the lyrics, the immortal was stunned: "Really, really... so shameless..."

There are also immortals: "It can also be said... shameless..."

Inside the screen, the graceful figure also paused, then seemed to turn her head and listen.

Bing Ying's eyes did not leave her for a moment, and she naturally noticed that she became more and more shameless when she chanted.

On the high seat, the ninth prince Jingde was stunned for a moment, and then his demeanor became a little more subtle.

The courage of this man... is really extraordinary.

After the song was sung, Bing Ying fixedly glanced at the screen, and then saluted: "I hope Di Ji will be happy, Bing Ying retire!"

After he finished speaking, he bowed his hands to several of the same door who helped the fist, and expressed his gratitude.

Zhou Hezhi and others also smiled and left with him.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also returned to their seats.


Bing Ying's move was really bold, and while all the immortals were stunned, they couldn't help themselves to do the same thing.

It's not that there are no friends to practice the Dao together, but to sing that kind of... courtship sound, it's still a little embarrassing for these young heroes.

As a result, all the immortals had no choice but to look at Bing Ying with hatred and ridicule a few words in their hearts.

Even Niguang and Zhang Kaiji, who are members of Lingtian Palace, also showed shock on their faces.

They used each other as their opponents, and each had twenty or thirty helpers, but they never thought of such a method.

Thinking of this, they no longer underestimate Bing Ying.

But after Bing Ying returned to her seat, she was still a little embarrassed.

Zhou Hezhi couldn't help laughing at him: "If you do this for Di Ji, Di Ji must see it in your eyes and keep it in your heart."

Bing Ying coughed lightly: "If that's the case, it's naturally the best."

The rest of Shui Chengshuang and the others all laughed.

Seeing Bing Ying's desperate courtship, they only thought that if this matter was successful, it would be ridiculous that he would be able to do an interesting thing every time his fellow members were discussing Taoism, saying that they knew about it with all the brothers and sisters.

This is not in vain for them to sacrifice their lives to accompany the gentleman, and perform like this in public.

Next, those Junjiri had a brief cold scene.

The ninth prince Quide said a few more words, and after toasting the immortals, the atmosphere became more lively.

Later, after some Junjie despised Bingying in their hearts, they still prepared for each other, trying to come up with some novel ideas to shine in front of Di Ji.

But in general, from ancient times to the present, men's pursuit of women has always been the same, and immortals are reserved, until the end, there has never been a brazen person like Bing Ying.

When there were no more outstanding performances, the ninth prince Jingdecai smiled and said, "Everyone's thoughts, the sister-in-law knows all about it. After that, I invite you to stay in this imperial city for a few days. Within seven days, the sister-in-law will definitely send her to her. Goddess Post, invite a few heroes to travel and drink together, if they are interested in each other, they will naturally send out invitations, and then invite you to participate in the wedding ceremony!"

When the immortals heard this, they didn't know whether they were relieved, or they were looking forward to it.

Immediately, they also got up and said loudly: "I'll wait for the good news of Di Ji!"

After that, the feast was over.

When Bing Ying was talking with the other immortals, his eyes still fell on the screen.

Therefore, he waited until he saw the graceful figure in the screen disappear before he reluctantly retracted his gaze.

This time, he met the teasing eyes of several friends again, and he smiled calmly, not as embarrassed as before.

He also figured it out at this time. He had already done singing such courtship songs in front of the immortals. What is there to be ashamed of now? Naturally, his face thickened a few points.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Hezhi and the others also shook their heads and laughed, and then all the immortals left the hall together and went back to the power of Lingtian Palace.

The feast lasted for three days. Although the immortals were not tired, they could watch the many people at the banquet practice various avenues. After watching, they also felt their own feelings.

Now, it is time to go back to the room to experience it.

Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing walked side by side and returned to the house together.

The two of them also had something to gain, so they sat down with their knees crossed and realized it carefully.

Before I knew it, several hours passed.

Yun Lie suddenly felt something and opened his eyes.

He raised his eyes slightly, facing the smile of his master disciple Xu Ziqing.

Why is this?

It turns out that Xu Ziqing was early

No longer comprehending, at this time, his eyes were bright, looking at Yun Lie.

Yun Lie looked at him: "What?"

With a smile in Xu Ziqing's eyes, he stroked his fingers, and there was an extra violin on his lap.

He said softly: "I have been working with my senior brother for many years, and it seems that I have never confided in my senior brother. I used to be busy, but now I want to come, but I have regrets in my heart..."

When he spoke, the sound of the violin sounded lingeringly and suddenly.

This tune is exactly the song "Feng Qiuhuang".

And Xu Ziqing, with a soft expression, looked at his senior brother.

In his mouth, he sang slowly: "There is a beautiful person, I will never forget it..."

Yes, since the first meeting, there has been that person. Once you see it, you will remember it in your heart and can't forget it.

Chapter 788

The next day, Xu Ziqing woke up from a trance and was about to get up, but it was difficult to move. When he looked sideways, he saw his senior brother lying behind him, and when he looked down again, there was an arm around his waist. The two have long hair intertwined, and there is an indescribable and inexplicable sense of grace. Even in the breathing room, there is also the breath of the senior brother. Indeed, it makes people feel a little feverish, but it seems to have an indescribable sense of joy.

At this time, Xu Ziqing recalled what happened yesterday.

He was originally moved by Bing Ying's proposal of "Feng Qiuhuang" for Bing Ying at the banquet, and then he came back to the house and after meditating, he saw his brother's stern face at a glance, he couldn't help thinking of the past, and he sang a song to his brother .

At the time, I only felt what my heart wanted, but now that I think about it, I also laugh a little.

Xu Ziqing still remembered that when he sang "There is a Beautiful One", his senior brother seemed to be stunned for a moment, so he couldn't help it for a while, and he sang more and more lingering.

After that, he didn't know how he finished singing the tune, and somehow his brother came to him... He only vaguely remembered that when his brother stretched out his hand, he covered it, and the two embraced each other... Finally, I only remember breathing and breathing, and my breath is mellow... I only remember where the passion is, the consciousness is chaotic, and it seems that the affection is also a bit more intense.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing was no longer in a hurry to get up, he turned his head slightly, and was facing his senior brother.

This face was all too familiar to him, every inch and every inch was called... he couldn't put it down.

Then, he stuck out a finger and sent it gently.

However, just as the finger was about to touch the tip of Yun Lie's nose, he took it back again.

...It's better not to disturb senior brother.

It's a pity that he still didn't dare to take it seriously.

Xu Ziqing leaned forward quietly and pressed his forehead against Yun Lie's heart.

At this time, listening to the beating of my brother's heart, calm and calm, and the same voice, made him feel more and more stable.

If you say "the years are quiet", it must be the feeling he feels at this time!

After being silent for a while, Yun Lie opened his eyes.

He had already woken up, but if the younger brother didn't move, he wouldn't move either.

After he opened his eyes, Xu Ziqing also felt something, raised his head to meet his eyes.

Yun Lie's eyes softened slightly.

Xu Ziqing smiled, put his lips together, and pressed them against him.

Yun Lie still didn't move, and after Xu Ziqing licked his tongue, he opened his lips and rubbed with him for a while. Immediately, the other party asked, "Why is this so?"

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "How can there be a reason? It's just what I think in my heart, so I do something."

Yun Lie nodded slightly and bowed his head slightly, returning all his actions just now.

Xu Ziqing couldn't help laughing, and he also opened his lips into the tip of his brother's tongue, pào in the same way, with tenderness in his heart, he could hardly hold back.

The intimacy for a long time this time, and only when the eyes of each other were also full of desire, did they stop.

Yun Lie said: "Slacking off."

Xu Ziqing replied with a smile, "Is it okay to be slack once in a while?"

Yun Xie thought for a while, then nodded and said, "What you said is very true."

Xu Ziqing couldn't bear it any longer and laughed again.

So these two hours were spent on the bed.

When the two of them got up together, it was already noon.

Although the sun rises and the moon sets in the fairy world, in fact, there are not many immortals paying attention to this time.

After all, it is not surprising for immortals to retreat for ten or eight years, and it is not surprising for thousands of years.

Therefore, although it is noon, there is no need to eat, and there is no need to care about other things.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie changed into the uniforms of the young master of Lingtian Palace, which were snow-white brocade robes, and the hem of the cuffs had the clouds of Lingtian, which was very stylish.

The two of them originally had a gentle breath, and the other had a cold temperament. After wearing this fairy clothes, they felt a little more luxurious. It is quite complementary.

Not long after, the two wanted to leave the house.

Now is the second day, it is rare to come to the imperial city, and the matter of choosing a concubine is about to end. It is better to take this opportunity to go out for a walk, and also to broaden your mind and increase your knowledge.

Xu Ziqing made a proposal, but Yun Lie did not refuse.

Immediately, the two were outside the house.

When the two of them were about to walk towards the imperial city, they saw a few people striding in another corridor.

The one at the head, isn't it Zhou Hezhi, who is like a zhilan and jade tree?

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