Even if the building within 200 meters radius of the explosion center didn't fall down, it would have been sturdy and blown up!

Except for a few people who were lucky enough to have solid objects blocking the shock wave and flying objects when they exploded, the others had no chance of surviving.

With a TNT equivalent of more than 15 tons, an up-shock at this distance can kill people!

The bomb exploded, and the power is strong enough. Yuri and the others can speed up and evacuate the scene unscrupulously. No one will doubt that the two cars running on the road may be the terrorists' vehicles: except for some silly, silly and daring cars. Except for drivers who want to see the bustling people, who live near their homes, and who have false hands and feet and dare not drive anymore, other vehicles speed up and leave this chaotic area everywhere.

Don’t watch or watch some lively activities. Who can guarantee that there will be no explosions nearby?

No one knows that the bomb exploded just now, but even if it was an explosion accident, there would be a possibility of a second explosion; even if you don’t worry about another bomb, those high-rise buildings know that something will fall from the sky!

A piece of glass can kill a person, what if a floor slab is smashed?

It is better to run farther to be safe.

Besides, as long as the people in this area have not been blown up, they can basically feel the direction of the shock wave. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

This looks a mess. When the government, police, and military react, this large area will be completely sealed off under martial law. By that time, your own car may not get out for many days. Let's leave!

It's always uncomfortable to use it without a car.


After Yuri's car ran for another two kilometers, it slowed down and stopped at a relatively high ground.

The surrounding area is very empty and there is no threat of bombs. Yuri is planning to judge the damage, and he can see another big firework in a minute or two from a height.

By the way...

Watch the fun!

The place is good, the height is good, and the vision is wide. Standing here, you can clearly see the explosion point in the distance. There are also a few ordinary South African whites nearby looking at the smoke rising in the distance with a panic expression: stop and watch like Yuri There are also situations, and there are people who are constantly thinking about it.

Yuri got out of the car alone. It was too much to be noticeable, and he could see clearly in the car. He had the same shocked expression as the other Chaoyang people around him, but he didn't say a word: If the environment and conditions are suitable, then make sure how well his masterpieces are doing.

What's even better is that there is a commentator on the side!

A white couple in their 50s was passing by this **** when the explosion occurred, and they saw the disaster like a nuclear bomb explosion: a violently expanding fireball and shock wave swept across, and several buildings near the center of the explosion immediately collapsed. NS!

The shock wave from the pavement has a strong feeling on the face, and the more distant places are full of building appendages falling down...

No matter where or what country, people are at a safe distance when faced with such a situation. As long as the place being destroyed has little to do with them, it is human nature to inquire about the situation, watch the excitement and be shocked by the way, and express one’s own opinions. one.

The explosions produced mushroom clouds. Although the clouds have spread, they are still rising, which is spectacular!

As for everyone who dared to watch the lively nuclear radiation and did not worry about the death of nuclear radiation, it was because the buddy who was in Angola had been in Angola more than ten years ago. He had seen the scene of a heavy bomb exploding and said loudly that it could not be a nuclear bomb. , Most likely it was a bomb attacked by terrorists or a **** who transported dangerous goods from a vehicle explosion and took a shortcut through the city...

"...It's also possible that a **** from a mine is pulling explosives and transporting detonators and explosives together illegally. These guys are really desperate!"

As soon as Sui Sui Nian finished speaking, a nearby "superior" immediately interrupted and said, "It's very possible!

I have worked in gold mines before, and those guys often transport dozens of tons of explosives at a time. If this car of explosives is blown up, it will be 100% so powerful! …"

Smoke rose from the location of the completely destroyed and collapsed building. As for the miserable situation in the vicinity, the South African veteran didn’t need to chirp and crooked. Everyone could see it: it was bombed within a radius of about one kilometer, the closer it was to the center of the explosion. The closer it gets, the more terrible the buildings within 500 meters are basically only the frame.


A group of people were busy becoming experts. They didn't think that a big fireball suddenly leaped two or three kilometers to the west. After a while, they heard an explosion that was not particularly loud.

Now, the buddies who are eager to be experts here are exclaimed again, including Yuri, the initiator: life depends on acting, and Yuri is the same. If he doesn’t look a little bit ordinary, he can go with his acting skills. Hollywood mixed bowls of rice to eat.

The conditioned reflex that reacts quickly generally observes the surroundings: it is either to look at people, or to react naturally to look at the surroundings.

Open and safe!

The two explosions were four or five kilometers apart. This was definitely a terrorist attack!

The place where the fireball exploded was the warehouse of George, Yuri and other man-made bombs ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ all the clues that needed to be destroyed were there.

The fireball is loud and the sound is not loud. This is because there are not many explosives prepared. The fireball is mainly caused by gasoline and diesel that are prepared in advance: it will explode and billowing in smoke, which is very spectacular.

George's main purpose is not to completely blow up the place, but to burn the warehouse. After a few hours, everything that can be burned there will be burned out. As for the organic matter, there will be no trace of it!

Yuri looked at the fireball rising in the distance like an ordinary horrified citizen of Johannesburg, "too speechless": the people here probably won't have any impression of him or the jeep after a while.

A few more cars drove over and stopped, and people continued to get off to watch the excitement, exclaim, and nonsense. A minute later, everyone exclaimed again: a 20- or 30-story building about one or two hundred meters from the first bombing point collapsed. The scene was like a directional blasting!

The previous explosion destroyed its underlying structure, which will finally be unsustainable.

Yuri got the information he needed, so he got in the car and prepared to leave: there are more cars, it's time to go, this will leave the best and least conspicuous.

While Yuri was watching the excitement, George and the others who left from another road also found a place to confirm the effect of the explosion. The manufacturing point is farther away, so that the group of South Africans will have to check whether it was a safety accident some time ago."

George in the back seat is very disdainful!


Don't treat the South Africans as fools. Now quickly withdraw, you have already found the shackled, and before the end of the night, an organization will jump out and claim responsibility for this matter. "


In this world, there are some miscellaneous things that are not afraid of big things. The Back Pot Man who rushed to carry the scapegoat was very popular in the 1980s and 1990s!

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