The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1092: Withdrawal is an art

Johannesburg is located on the upper reaches of the Waal River in northeastern South Africa, with an altitude of 2,854 meters. It is South Africa's largest city and the famous "Golden City". It can be said to be a vibrant and energetic metropolis.

Because it is located in the world's largest gold mining area and the center of South Africa's economic hub, there are more than 60 gold mines within 240 kilometers nearby. The city cluster where Johannesburg is located accounts for almost half of the total industrial output value of South Africa!

The urban area is divided into north and south by the railway. The southern part of the city is the heavy industry area, and the north is the downtown area. The main commercial area, white residential area and colleges and universities are in the north area.


Of course, the place for black people cannot be compared with the North City, but it is not considered a slum.

The North City is modern and prosperous, with many buildings and colorful entertainment venues. The noise and prosperity are the same as those in European and American metropolises. However, the proportion of blacks appearing in this area is far less than that of New York City, the representative of the world's metropolis, and those blacks who appear are also Basically doing the lowest level of work.

Anglo American’s headquarters building is of course in the clean and prosperous North City. This will become a **** on earth for half of the North City. I wonder what the large number of blacks living in the South City would think?


Joint disaster relief?

God knows!

But none of this has anything to do with people like Yuri and George. These two jeeps are leaving Johannesburg at high speed to the northwest. Their destination will be Habrone, Botswana.

The capital of Botswana is only 18 kilometers away from the border with South Africa, while Johannesburg is only more than 200 kilometers away from the border in a straight line. Driving along the regular highway from Johannesburg to Gaborone, the nearest route is 355 kilometers.

The evacuation plan of Yuri and others is to first arrive at Zillers, and then change to the car prepared in advance to go to the border. If all goes well, they will be able to reach Botswana in 10 hours at most.

Thanks to the city surrounding Johannesburg, which belongs to the most developed area in South Africa. In addition to a large number of high-grade roads, there are also a large number of mining roads, many of which are already abandoned and semi-abandoned.

Leaving Johannesburg is very convenient, even if the police want to block the roads out of the city, they can’t do it: there are too many large and small roads, and many roads in the mining area are not shown on the map at all, not to mention the heavy casualties in the central city, which requires a lot of organized Rescue forces arrived.

At this time, in addition to maintaining the basic traffic sequence and preventing traffic jams, the first task of the police is to rush to the city center to participate in rescue operations.

The nearby garrison needs to rush to the city center for rescue as soon as possible. As for the arrest of terrorists, I will talk about it in the future!

In fact, not only the city center needs rescue, but the second explosion site a few kilometers away also needs a large number of rescuers: the raging fire not only completely surrounded the warehouse of the explosion site, but also began to spread due to the third and fourth southerly winds.

It is not a commercial area full of tall buildings, but for this reason, a whole area of ​​low buildings is denser. If effective fire fighting cannot be carried out, the spread of fire is inevitable!

George prepared not much gasoline, but there were also more than two hundred liters, as well as hundreds of liters of diesel fuel that was used to make mixed bombs. After loading them separately, they added a small power bomb-bomb as a "spreader". This fire started from the beginning. Deflagration!

Professional set fires, some firefighters arriving in Johannesburg have a headache!

A central business district within 0.3 square kilometers was like being hit by a violent air attack, with damage and casualties everywhere within 1 square kilometer; another fire was about to spread, threatening the central area seriously...

Yuri, George and others are not only experts in blasting and arson, they are also experts in sabotage and evacuation. They want South Africa's violent agencies to take care of one another and fail to take care of the other. They will not take care of intercepting and searching terrorists who have caused disasters in a short time.

The guy who was in charge of driving took two days to get a thorough understanding of the route that needs to be taken. Yuri’s car will be running on a road leading to the old gold mining area at a speed of more than 50%. The yard ran fast.

Just like a cross-country racing car, Yuri will become a navigator in the co-pilot position, holding a map of the area around Johannesburg. There are not only the original signs and markings on the map, but also a few lines drawn with a pencil. Lines of varying thickness.

There are gold mines everywhere in this area. They have been mined for hundreds of years. There are many mining areas that are currently being mined, and most of them are mines where gold ore has been mined and abandoned. The roads between each other are still there, and they can be opened to traffic.

The roads in the mining areas that are not marked on these maps are all roads made of rocks. To achieve the strength of the road surface that is passed by super-heavy ore trucks, many of them can still ensure the passage of off-road vehicles even after decades of obsolescence.

The biggest reason for choosing a relatively rare jeep as a means of transportation is to pass this mine road that stretches for more than 100 kilometers. Ordinary cars can’t pass on such a road at high The road is smooth, and it takes three hours. I didn't touch a single point inside, and the car had already ran more than 100 kilometers away from Johannesburg.

The radio was turned on and it was very lively. Several official radio stations in South Africa were almost hysterically reporting the terrorist attack in Johannesburg.

But there is no specific casualty data. I only heard the host saying there: " least 3 buildings collapsed and hundreds of buildings were destroyed. The fire department estimated that the number of casualties was at least thousands...

The President has announced that the country is in a state of emergency..."

But none of the local radio stations in Johannesburg reported on these things, and they couldn’t be heard before they were far away from the city. Those frequencies were all noise: unfortunately, the two radio stations in Johannesburg and the largest TV station are within the radius of the Anglo American headquarters building. Within 350 meters, one of them is less than 200 meters away, and there are only concrete frames left in the building, so don't expect them to do more news reports!


Before leaving the most abandoned mining area marked on the map with the jeep covered in dust, Yuri burned the map marked with lines.

After driving on a regular highway again, Yuri no longer needed any maps and said to the driving guy: "There are 10 kilometers left to change the car. George and the others may arrive half an hour earlier than us..."

He didn't actually need a map before. Memory training is one of the basics. Bringing a map is just for insurance.

Still not encountering any army or police who blocked the road for inspection, it is obviously not easy to implement this state of emergency.

Twenty minutes later, there were four vehicles, but after driving a few kilometers, four jeeps drove into the fork, and the two vehicles from Johannesburg drove directly into the river by the side of the river.

Destroy the corpses!

It's raining in the air, a good sign!

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