The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1295: Poverty limits imagination

The first air defense team got on the roof of the ship, and the team leader carrying a long portable air defense missile launcher on his shoulders said loudly to the crew: "Just use Arrow 3. The old Colombian gunboat doesn’t have infrared decoy shells. Take those’ Keep the needle. They have the phantom of the lion cubs. If we are in a hurry, we have to rely on ourselves! "

Is it safe to reach Panamanian territorial waters?

Everyone is not so naive. They all dared to open fire on American ships. The Colombian leadership probably wouldn't care about the neighbor who had just been cleaned up by the United States!

The San Jose is a treasure ship that can make a small country suddenly rich. The "Searcher" has been out of the salvage waters for more than seven hours. If the Colombians started to prepare a few days ago, they will have enough time to rent an unmanned submersible or submersible that can dive more than two hundred meters. Atmospheric diving suits, this will have found the scattered gold and silver coins and bronze cannons on the seabed.

The historical record contains at least a hundred tons of gold, and other people may kill it. The poor can be more vulnerable than the rich!

The ship can't catch up, but it will be a gunboat. Can you guarantee that jet-style lion cubs and phantoms won't be killed in half an hour?

There is still 150 nautical miles away from the canal area, and anything can happen: even if it is only 1% feasible, it must be paid attention to by 100%!

Good things have to be kept just in case. There are more than a dozen people on the platform, and the relatively old second-generation portable air defense missile Sam 14 on their shoulders has four launchers in total.

Sam 14 is the "Arrow 3" in the team leader's mouth. They are retired Soviet soldiers. Of course, they use the Soviet code name and will not use the NATO number;

There are also four boxes nearly two meters in length that were carried up to the top of the building. They contained the latest type of Sam 18, which was the "needle" anti-aircraft missile that the team leader said.

He gave this order because the Sam-18 is the only model in the Soviet portable air defense system that uses a dual-channel infrared seeker. The target selection logic device in the seeker can identify various infrared false targets emitted by the target and resist infrared interference. It is extremely capable and can deal with various interferences such as signal bombs, flash bombs and modulated infrared interference.

Moreover, the Sam 18 missile has a "unique" moment before the warhead is detonated. The logic device in the seeker can turn the missile's aiming point from the target's engine tail flame area to the middle of the fuselage to ensure the maximum damage to the target.

It is too advanced, and it is definitely a waste to deal with the ac-47 gunship!

In contrast, the Colombians on the other side have not even seen individual air defense missiles!

They have been using ac-47 to deal with drug dealers and guerrillas in the past four or five years. The portable anti-aircraft missiles from the collapsed Red Empire have not had time to flow into South America. It is almost impossible to get a sa-7 or a Stinger. Possible tasks.

Because of this, the Colombian Air Force has not encountered an opponent equipped with individual anti-aircraft missiles. Which time did you deal with drug dealers and guerrillas?

Even if bullets are sometimes wasted because of the dense tropical rainforest vegetation, it also means that those opponents are basically unable to carry heavy anti-aircraft machine guns to maneuver. This gunboat machine has almost never encountered a counterattack with a large-caliber machine gun. .

** At a height of one hundred meters and a zero-hanging distance of one kilometer, shooting down from the air with an m3 machine gun can be achieved by hand, while the small and medium-caliber machine guns of the guerrillas hardly fight back.

Even if the bullet flies this distance, if luck is so good that it can hit the plane, there is no lethality.

Poverty limits the imagination of the Colombian Air Force. They will not understand what kind of equipment a top arms dealer would equip their ships.

The air defense team leader here doesn’t want to use the best air defense missiles. Your gunboat is a weapon against sea and ground targets. However, if you have a prerequisite, you must absolutely control the air and your opponent does not have enough air defense firepower to cover the situation. Because no matter how effective it is, the aircraft's ability is still the propeller.

Slow flying, poor maneuverability, good use is a big killer, the wrong place will become a fire coffin!

Everyone on the "Searcher" can clearly hear the distance and altitude parameters of the incoming aircraft from the cockpit as the command room through the earphones, and then within two minutes, the air defense personnel of each group can already see it visually. The twin-engine aircraft approaching from the stern direction.

The commander's voice was heard in the headset: "It is certain that it is C47, a group is ready to attack, and the timing is controlled by yourself. Four shots, two seconds apart, do not interfere with each other, be sure to shoot down the target!

The second set is ready! "

This will be the second group of members on the apron at the tail wanting to scold their mother. In actual combat, there are not many opportunities to shoot aircraft with anti-aircraft missiles, but there is no way. Who will let them be at the stern of the ship, but the angle of fire is not as good as others.

At this time, Andre was already standing at the back of the cockpit wing. He could see the approaching aircraft in the distance, and the radar operator in the cockpit kept announcing the altitude and distance loudly.

"The height is 900 distance is 5 kilometers...4.5 kilometers..."

The missiles carried by the two prevention and control teams can measure the target's speed and altitude. The operator just wants to give everyone a reminder and peace of mind.

"The Colombian ac-47t gunboat has only three m3 machine guns, using standard attack procedures. They are committing suicide."

It was Miles who was talking, and he had already let go of his heart for most of this meeting.

In response, Andre said: "Fortunately, we have a crazy and rich boss, right."

In this regard, Miles agreed that if it were not for civil ships, the boss could install heavy-duty anti-aircraft missiles on the research ship, and even anti-ship missiles would be moved upwards. Anyway, there was room for modification and tonnage.

To be honest, apart from a few big countries, the boss is the largest arms dealer on the planet, and it is impossible to lack arms without anything.

Just as the two had just finished talking, the four Sam 14 missiles on the shoulders of the four shooters lined up above their heads had already been powered on, and the difficulty of capturing and locking the target at the same time was actually the level of attacking helicopters.

Archer No. 1 roared: "3 kilometers away, launch!"

At this time, the ac47 that was 3 kilometers away began to change its course. It did not leave, but intended to enter the attack route.

It is prepared to "circle" and fly in a circle with a radius of about one kilometer after getting close to the "searcher".

A launch sound that is not particularly loud, it is slightly lighter than launching an rpg-7. The 1.42 meter long and 7.5 cm diameter slender missile is pushed out of the launch tube by the booster, and the booster burns before the missile exits the tube. complete.

After the missile flew to a safe distance, the main engine ignited, and the missile suddenly accelerated to a target 3 kilometers away in a straight line!

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