In a short period of time, the missile accelerated to a maximum speed of Mach 1.4 and hit the target. At the same time, the second missile was launched staggered for two seconds, and it also hit the target at high speed!

In just over six seconds, the first missile flew to a slightly lower position in front of the gunboat that was slowly changing its course. The cold indium antimonide detector on the front of the missile firmly locked the target side of the wing engine.的热源。 The heat source.

Due to angles, habits, and flight attitudes, the crew on the gunboat did not find the faint smoke left by the surface-to-air missiles; even if they did, they were in an old-fashioned aircraft that did not have any countermeasures against low-altitude missiles and had a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. Propeller planes are not jet fighters with ultra-high mobility!

The Colombians also know that their gunboats are too simple and equipped. They plan to send the aircraft to the United States next year for upgrades. The accuracy is good, but the shooting speed is slow and the power is small. The three m3 machine guns are replaced with a 40. Millimeter machine gun plus a large-caliber Gatling machine gun.

The firepower needs to be upgraded, and the same is true for the avionics system, adding basic night combat equipment and infrared jammer launchers for portable surface-to-air missiles: their opponents who are a little capable are trying their best to buy high-tech surface-to-air missiles. The Colombian government knows this well.

The government is poor, the drug dealers are not poor, and many of them still have money!

Once those opponents have acquired portable surface-to-air missiles, it is not good news for the government's large number of anti-guerrilla warfare aircraft, and they are properly urged to enter the door.

It's a pity that this gunboat has not been modified yet, and the Colombian government, which will be overwhelmed, is in big trouble!

They are the boss of the Sunshine Star Group. They are not only engaged in finance and digging the earth, they also control a semi-African country, have their own army, and are a super arms dealer!

According to Zhang Nan’s nature as a small person who debuted and became a big person with gold-plated, occasionally he would appear to be a man without leaving an overnight hatred. The Colombian guerrillas should be happy about missiles: Needless to say, they will definitely think about it before buying some. There is no way to equip it.

As for the modification of the gunboat machine, don't even think about it!

In the future, no American aircraft manufacturer will help the Colombians, and even no company on this planet is willing to confront the occasional unreasonable Mr. Allen from "Sunshine Star" for a small amount of money.

It's me, that guy is crazy!

Now the ac-47 cannot be evaded. The missile was activated when the proximity fuze was two or three meters away from the left-wing engine. The warhead weighing 1 kilogram detonated suddenly, projecting hot shrapnel and shock waves forward at a conical angle!

The engine on the left side of the gunboat immediately caught fire. At this time, the people on the plane screamed: They had never seen what an air defense missile was before, and they didn't know what happened!

The captain had not yet clarified whether to report to the superior first or change the course. The first officer on the plane screamed: "It's a missile!"

The turbulence hadn't passed yet, and the engine on the same side was hit again. This time, the detonation point of the close exploded and trigger fuze was closer to the engine and the wing!

But it was not what the co-pilot exclaimed: the attitude of the aircraft changed, and the co-pilot saw two faint missile smoke plumes coming at high speed!

If you don't know that it is an air defense missile attack, then this pilot is really a fool.

Just after the call, the captain had not had time to move, the aircraft suddenly lost control: the second missile almost hit the wing before it exploded, blasting the wing out of the boss, and the wing structure was severely damaged and broke.

The crew screamed, and then suddenly there was no sound in the cockpit: the screaming was interrupted by the third explosion!

Due to the skew of the target fuselage, the third round of the Sam 14 caused the missile to be close to within the sensing range of the proximity fuze detonation before it could approach the damaged wing with the strongest thermal signal and the position of the engine on fire.

The explosion blew up the nose of the aircraft to be riddled with holes and rags. Two seconds later, the last missile hit the front of the fuselage again. At this time, the aviation fuel had been ignited, and this ac-47 turned into a pile of burning. Scrap aluminum fell down!

The people on the "Searcher" clearly saw this scene. They were too lazy to cheer. Compared with the previous "fighting bayonet" with the Colombian frigate, the counterattack can only be over as soon as it started.

The opponent was reimbursed even if he was still unhappy.

Not only the people on board saw this scene, the pilots of the two f16 fighter jets that arrived more than ten kilometers away also saw the ship-to-air missile attack at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

At this time, the pilots had to consciously use the international shipping communication frequency to contact the "Searcher", they did not want to be confused as the target of their own missiles.

There will be no accidents. The radar observers on board have already spotted the US military aircraft, which will not cause misunderstandings.

Soon, the fighter jets flew over their own side, and the Russian veterans looked at the two U.S. imperial planes flying in the sky, shaking their heads in their hearts.

What a thing!

US imperialist aircraft to protect a civilian ship that uses Soviet-style anti-aircraft weapons, made in the Soviet Union, most of the crew’s native language is Russian, and flying the Stars and Stripes...

This is as awkward as it is!

The US pilots flew high and after flying over the "Searcher", they happened to see the sinking Colombian frigate a few nautical miles away from the sea.

The pilots didn’t see the incredible live broadcast of the naval battle, and they couldn’t turn their heads a little bit: "Fuck, so fierce! We want us to drive away the Colombian ships and planes. solved.

That is a guided missile frigate. It is considered a cutting-edge combat ship in South America. That's it. Are you a research ship or a guided missile cruiser?

Your tonnage is fast to catch up with Kirov, but you are a civilian ship, OK! "

The pilots complained in their hearts, but they had to earnestly fulfill their accusations: armed training, by the way, protect their own ships.

The four f-16s did nothing else, just around the "Searcher", especially in the air near the southwest side for more than half an hour, until the target of protection entered the Panamanian territorial waters, this was satisfied and returned. Leave.

This is best. One round of Sidewinder missiles is useless, one round of 20mm shells missed, and there is no professional Even if the Pentagon intervenes, the pilots can't find the fault.

And because the work in the "hint" has been performed, although there has been no battle, it is considered an attack. When you return, you can get a considerable amount of money, and you can accept it with peace of mind and absolutely source the extra reward for nothing.


After the "Searcher" entered Panamanian territorial waters, Andre, Miles and others were able to breathe a little, but they could not completely take it lightly.

Captain Jamie lowered some of the main engines that had been running at full power and high speed for nearly 8 hours, and they would need to sail for more than 8 hours to reach the canal area.

It will be past 5 pm, hope it will get dark sooner, so the Colombians don’t have to worry too much even if they launch jet fighters: they don’t have guided weapons against the ground or the sea. Night flight is okay, but it’s almost impossible to attack successfully. impossible.

Of course, if the Colombians attack again after nightfall, it can only be said that they are crazy: things have already flown, and the trouble with the "Searcher" is really a declaration of war with Washington.

When the gunboat appeared, the Colombian government did not know that they were in real trouble!

The big trouble does not come from Washington, which will be annoyed. For a bunch of politicians, there is nothing to talk about, but from the shipowner of the "Searcher" and his men.

A frigate attack, that can be regarded as a sudden conflict caused by a gunfire. If you come to the gunboat, it will be a deadly vengeance!

If your home is stable, then we can forget it if we don’t suffer. Anyway, we don’t think about continuing to deal with it in the future.

But your family will be where the opposition and guerrillas get together, so it will be fun!

As for the "big trouble", it will be in Colombia, and they know that the trouble has come...

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