The burden was removed, the "Searcher" was loaded lightly, anchored back to the original route, and returned to New York happily.

The crew on the ship was given a password, and these treasures were picked up during this salvage, not to mention the leak.

When the ship arrived at the New York Port terminal, apart from a small number of port area policemen who maintained the order, no other state violent agency personnel appeared.

The "Searcher" was treated like a hero at the dock, and there were so many journalists who appeared to be able to take pictures of Los Angeles from New York.

Americans value heroes and praise heroes. This is a country with a super heroic plot.

In that fantasy, similar to the battle of the 300 Spartan warriors against a million Persian army, these guys on the "Searcher" actually used a bunch of individual weapons to get the guided missile frigate into it. Under the sea, and there is no loss on our side.

Americans are arrogant and proud. They don't care about the ideas of Colombian or Spaniards, only the heroes of their own country.

There are many journalists, and there are more ordinary people who come to welcome spontaneously, at least tens of thousands, and the port area is full of people and slogans and banners!

As the people want, the mainstream media in the United States will not go against public opinion. Both sides are lively and lively, and they don't take Colombia or Spain seriously.

The Port District Police Department almost dispatched to maintain the order, and the "United Forces" also dispatched all hands that could be extracted from the New York area.

The "Searcher" and the people above did not let everyone down either, and some of the salvaged treasures were directly displayed on the dock.


It's very lively, very American, and will never be considerate of other people's feelings.

The time for such a disturbance is actually quite good. The Spaniards will be busy preparing for the Olympics. They have to take their breath away to really find the trouble of salvaging the company. They will have to wait until the end of the Olympics before the U.S. court.

In this case, the law enforcement agencies of the United States will not intervene. Besides, if you want to intervene, you have to go through the legal provisions first.

This is good news for the "Searcher" and the company. The gains from this trip have been supported by the public, and Washington and the "Law" will stand on their side.

However, the opening of the Barcelona Olympic Games is good news for the company, but not very good news for Zhang Nan's family. Zhang Nan and Nicole originally had the idea of ​​going to Spain to watch a few interesting games, but now that this thing happened, there is no interest in going to Spain.

The words of imperialist countries are like saying that, it's not credible, and Zhang Nan is not interested in going to unfriendly countries to ask for trouble.

Not only that, he even had the idea to sell his private island in the Mediterranean Sea, and then buy another one in the Aegean Sea. It is said that there are several Greek islands that may be sold, and the scenery is particularly beautiful. There are two on the top. A few games can be made, which is a bit bigger than Safiladura, and the environment on the island is much better.

Don't worry about not being sold, there are still a lot of rich people in this world, anyway, if you want to sell, there is no shortage of pickers.

In fact, what little islands and treasures in the past two days are not what Zhang Nan and the two housekeepers are most concerned about, because just two days ago, on July 1st, Russian President Ye’s signed an agreement that almost squeezed Russia into hell. Order: Change most of Russia’s state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies.

Regarding this, Zhang Nan can only say that the economic experts sent by the Western world to Russia have done a good job. The shareholding system. Those employees are assigned the stocks of state-owned enterprises, but when those stocks can be cashed out, they will find that the stocks have almost Become waste paper.

A bunch of Russian financial oligarchs are about to emerge, and a few of them will be famous all over the world for many years. At the same time, there are so many people begging on the streets of Moscow that people think they are in some poor third world countries.

Those beggars had decent jobs a few years ago. This is not to regard beggars as a profitable profession, but they really can’t live anymore. Their property has evaporated in the past social changes.

The previous measures implemented by Russia have pushed the country into the abyss, and this order stipulates that all state-owned enterprises shall be in 1992 except for state-owned farms and privatization plans that prohibit enterprises from implementing the shareholding system in 1992. Changed to an open joint-stock company before November 1st.

The previously established internal joint-stock company with a national share of more than 50% should be changed to an open joint-stock company, but joint ventures with foreign shares are not subject to a shareholding system.

The order stipulates that the property management committee is the founder of the established joint-stock company, and the leader of the enterprise shall serve as the chairman of the joint-stock company, and the management functions of the joint-stock company shall be performed by the administrative officials previously appointed by the company that has been converted into a joint-stock company.

The wealth accumulated by the country's hard work will soon be gathered in the hands of a few former bureaucrats. As for the interests of ordinary workers...

It's all about private ownership, who cares.

The "Sunshine Star" company has hardly participated in the economic plunder of Russia, but it has invested in and joint ventures in many industries. These are not regarded as economic plunder, and can even be regarded as real economic support.

Ye's playing cards blindly, this still has more advantages than disadvantages for "Sunshine Star", it depends on how to master it.

Russia in the early 1990s was a country where even the presidential decree could be withdrawn, not to mention that in the next decade or so, there were continuous guns, and the tank guns that attacked the White House hadn't fired yet.

July was unstable. The US Department of Justice announced on the 20th that a total of 905 people in the United States had recently been convicted of alleged savings and loan fraud in the past two years.

These scandals, which were first made public 4 years ago, once caused a crisis in the American financial world, and these savings and loan fraud cases will waste US taxpayers about 500 billion US dollars in the next 40 Hundreds of former financial figures in the United States went to jail. In Colombia, where "Sunshine Stars" can’t get through, Escobar, the world’s number one drug dealer, was imprisoned in Colombia’s Envigado Prison, on the afternoon of July 22. Escape from prison.

The news broke, and the whole country of Colombia was shocked.

The Colombians have had enough trouble, and they don’t care about this item: It’s strange to say that the Envigado prison is said to be a big drug-trafficker built for himself, and he is a prisoner in it!

Escobar was able to eat, drink and have fun in that prison. The military and police guarding him didn't care about it. In fact, most of the guard gates were guarded outside the prison, and the "staff" inside the prison were actually the big drug dealers themselves. People.

for example…

There are more than a dozen bodyguards in Escobar in the prison, and the so-called escape is like a fantasy: it is a big drug-trafficker who feels a little unsafe to stay inside. He heard that the government has lost its face some time ago.

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