On the third day of the night after being separated from the frigate, the Seeker approached Babek Lagoon in Virginia, slowed down, and prepared to anchor.

The lake runs north-south, with a length of more than 20 kilometers, and its widest point is about 10 kilometers. The entire area belongs to a national park. Between it and the Atlantic Ocean is a natural impact with a length of more than 20 kilometers and a width of several hundred meters to two or three kilometers. Separated by dams,

In the northern area of ​​the dam on the Atlantic side of the lake, there are a small number of residential development areas that become more and more desolate as they go south. Other places are almost no man’s land at night except for a few campers who pop up occasionally.

Quiet, barren, everything is silent except for the sound of the waves.

The sea was basically calm, but the cockpit of the “Searcher” was very busy. Captain Jamie Bostwick listened to reports from various departments and steered the ship himself. The most important thing was to pay attention to the ship and the nature. The distance between the coastal dams is the same as the water depth.

At nine o'clock in the evening, a large ship that was almost drifting along with the current dropped anchor. With the heavy anchor chain entering the sea and tightening, the 167-meter-long ship was firmly anchored offshore, and the coast was 500 meters away from the port side.

The radio station on the ship rang out plain language calls, and at the same time the contact light signal was lit on the shore, and the respondent arrived.

There are trestle bridges in this section of the unmanned coast. Two barges and several high-speed assault boats are ready. They are all people of "joint forces". After seeing the big ship stabilized, these responders set off.

For connection operations, the "Joint Force" has always had a training center in Virginia, not far from this area.

The identities of the responders were determined when they were dozens of nautical miles away. Captain Jamie looked at the nearby small boats and said to Andre next to him: "In fact, if the Big Shark is sent, we are here. It will be faster if it is used directly at sea."

To this Andre smiled and said: "If the cargo ship needs to be unloaded once, now some people in the upper class of Washington are watching closely, and they should ship it directly to their own ground without worry."

Speaking of looking at Miles, the retired colonel should be very familiar with this area.

Sure enough, the latter said: "After unloading the cargo from here, the barges and assault boats can directly send the cargo to the company's sea training base through the waterway. After that, the boss wants to ship the things wherever he pleases..."

The three chatted casually, and the crew on the deck that had been ready for a long time moved, and the pile of cranes started to operate in an orderly manner.

When leaving Panama, the people on the "Searcher" had received instructions that Washington would close one eye to them. In fact, it should be to reduce stress.

How many treasures are there on the San Jose?

This question is only known to the people on the "Searcher". It may be a ton or 100 tons to outsiders. The item category is even harder to guess. After all, the source is from legend.

But these actually don't care about Washington's affairs at all, and for Lao Bu and others, it is a flying trouble!

Even if there are a hundred tons of gold to Washington, the underground treasures found on the territory of the United States can be attributed to individuals, let alone the high seas undersea treasures thousands of kilometers away from the mainland. This is the same as Washington. ’S association.

Washington will also find it annoying. The arrangement of the accompanying frigate is to tell you: "Hurry up and do some tricks, don't make a big deal for me-please come back!"

But the trouble has already come, it can only be big-the trouble is better to be smaller, then what should be done?

Unloading halfway, except for the "Searcher", the ghost knew what was on board the San Jose.

100 tons of gold is a big trouble, if it becomes 1 ton, the trouble will naturally become smaller.

Washington is also annoying. Even the Spaniards will jump out, vowing to claim ownership of the shipwreck treasure discovered this time, killing Colombia, which has suffered heavy losses and lost face, to death.

And not only the Spaniards, but Peru and Ecuador, the source of the legendary San Jose treasures, also said that they want to share a piece of the pie. These two are purely okay to find things and have a sense of existence. It is estimated that they themselves feel that they are just roaring, and they do not expect to get the actual. Benefit.

This side is separated by the Atlantic Ocean, and the Spaniards really jumped out. This old empire and colonialist country robbed half of the earth hundreds of years ago. These hundreds of years have passed. wealth.

Don't blame it for being shameless or logical, it just jumped out so naturally and confidently!

It's not the first time, and it won't be the last.

Those troubles belong to Washington and the boss, and have nothing to do with the people on the "Searcher". Now their task is to quickly transfer supplies.

The seven large and small cranes arranged on the front, rear, and sides of the ship started work together, and two large containers were first hoisted onto two barges with sides on the starboard and starboard.

There are a total of 4 such containers, each of which contains more than 30 tons of treasure. After being separated from the American frigate, the crew on board was busy transferring flax bags.

The other packaging is varied, there are hoisting net pockets in which there are canvas bags, as for the things inside are either gold or silver, or emeralds.

Forget the salvaged cannons, if they stay on the boat, they may be used as bargaining chips for Washington to wrestle with other countries. It depends on whether Zhang Nangao is unhappy and whether it is in his long-term interests.

Give something to peace of mind?

Sometimes this is a suitable strategy, and sometimes it absolutely cannot be used, and others will think that you are a softie!

The business of "Sunshine Star" is all over the world. Where you can compromise in business, you need to compromise. When you can't compromise, you have to be tough to the end!

This world is not a friendly society, it is cannibalism, or the jungle rules, cannibalism and bones!

The unloading speed was very fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Within two hours, all the materials to be transported on the ship were connected, and the same assault boat on the barge left.

These small boats are equipped with fully armed security personnel, which escorted these valuable treasures to the company's training base.

Once the things are transported to the base, they will not be stored for a long time. They will be loaded and scattered for transportation. Some will be shipped to Montana, and some will be shipped to Botswana by air.

There are also some, such as those emerald rough in transit to New York and Los Angeles, where people from the Star Jewellery Group are waiting to receive and grade these gems.

Some of this large number of emeralds will slowly enter the market. As for the best part of outsiders, don't think about it, it will be the private possession of the boss ladies.

This time, the "Searcher" was loaded lightly. There are only dozens of cannons left on the ship, about 500 kilograms of gold coins, two tons of silver coins, and dozens of kilograms of rough emeralds.

There are still a few large treasures, but compared with the actual situation, there are no one in a hundred.

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