The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1329: Dating Kung Fu

No more nonsense, here is the meal.

The Mongolian Plateau has long sunshine in summer, and almost 6 hours have passed for breakfast. Whether it is the expedition team originally in the camp or the newcomers like Zhang Nan, they will be hungry long ago.

Very interesting. People like Zhang Nan first went to eat the Chinese-style food cooked on the marching stove. The chef who brought it was originally a cook, so there was no choice.

Nongbosheng, Alexandrov and others eat fruit first-here is the Mongolian plateau, this will be 1992, not to mention tropical fruits such as mangosteen and lotus mist here, even bunches of bananas are extremely Rare baby!

It is very popular, and it takes a super local friend to enjoy this kind of treatment.

There is a market when there is scarcity. Apart from Chinese dishes, the only dish on the table that is still steaming and almost tasteless hand-caught lamb is not touched. This reminded Zhang Nan of what he had heard in his previous life. The business of changing train skins and copper to cucumbers of the same volume.

In the tent, there are archaeological experts from the northeast, this business is on the dinner table...

Of course, there are other people in the expert's family. Among Alexandrov's colleagues, and the Red Devil, there are also family members in the Far East. Upon hearing the business ideas given by Zhang Nan, a world-renowned rich man, it immediately hit it off.

People always have to eat, right? You can also let the people of Yanxian go to Moscow to do small commodity business-these businesses are not favored by Zhang Nan, but the family of his men and the group of Russian officers, as well as Andrei and Pavel Can be used by relatives and friends of others.

Small money is relative. For ordinary people, the amount of trade between China and Russia in the next few years is definitely an astronomical figure. A little bit of the pie will be enough for many people to scratch several lives.

When the two sides join forces, safety is not a problem, people must have people, and relationships must be related; supply, sales, and relationships are not problems, and profit is not even a problem!

Here Alexandrov and others repeatedly praised Mr. Allen's sharp vision, and any idea is enough to make a group of people rich!

"Safety is the most important thing. There are already people on both sides starting this business. It is not a myth to change a few boxes of instant noodles to Volga. But the scale of bilateral trade is still mediocre. If you want to do this business quickly.

Moscow, Leningrad and other places have to rely on your Russian folks to take care of them. Others use large backpacks on international trains for transportation problems. I think you can send them directly with train skins and go on board with the guerrilla ants.

Just beware of being robbed. Now that gangs are prevalent in Russia, there are also unstable people in China who go there to ask for life. There are all kinds of fox eggs, and both sides can take care of them to make a fortune.

And before the garrison left Ulaanbaatar, I think we can also unite to do business here and in the north of Novosibirsk. How to do business, how to divide profits and responsibilities, if you are interested, talk about it slowly, and there is nothing to establish a trading company. problem. "

By the way, Huaxia instant noodles are produced by Zhang Nan's company and are very popular in Russia. They belong to the magical food series.

Zhang Nan only made an idea that Russia lacks all the daily necessities, and China has some daily necessities. If this doesn't happen, he deserves to be poor.

Even the two Mongolian officials in the camp wanted to participate, no problem, to make a fortune without borders, and talk slowly.

It's lively now, and those who are qualified to sit in the tent to eat are all heads and brains, and those with ideas start to discuss it when they eat. At this time, Chinese people doing business in Russia have to coax the Russian police, customs, and gangs, and they have to guard against the bad kinds of Chinese people who want to live in Russia.

It's convenient to have local people cover it, and everyone has a backstage.

Business is not limited to Moscow. This group of officers are all staffed and can handle everything. The big deal is to go home and become the biggest gang leader.

Nong Bosheng was not interested in doing business at all, and his relatives had a better life. He had no idea about this, so he told Zhang Nan about the investigation.

"Before this trip, I really should greet you in advance and come together. It's a great harvest!"

Regarding this, Zhang Nan smiled and said: "I didn't have time to call it. Some time ago I was so busy that I went to Colombia and Spain. This meeting hasn't stopped."

what's the situation?

Nong Bosheng quickly asked: "What's the matter?"

The time spent in no man’s land has been long, and the people here after the Olympics don’t know, don’t care, let alone the wonder of the sinking of the guided-missile frigate by the Caribbean research ship.

"It was the Spanish San Jose that was fished on the high seas, and the result was a fight with the Colombians, and the Spanish jumped out again.

Nothing big, you think I can come here to hang around, little meaning. By the way, what did you find? "

Since Zhang Nan was too lazy to say, even though this Nong Bosheng knew what the San Jose meant, he didn't ask any more, and talked about the big discoveries of this trip.

"In the Orkhon Valley, we found the site of the capital of the Uyghur Khanate built in 840. It was the largest capital of nomadic people on the Mongolian plateau. There are 25 square kilometers of urban ruins, which is very spectacular.

Prior to this, powerful nomads such as the Huns, Xianbei, and Turks appeared on the Mongolian plateau, but their capitals have not been discovered, perhaps not at all. The discovery of the capital of the Huihe Khanate is of great significance this time. We also found in the ruins..."

Academics, just this temper, Zhang Nan just be a quiet listener.

"...By the way, we also found the'Guque Special Service Stele' bestowed by Emperor Xuanzong in Kaiyuan in the 20th year of Kaiyuan for the Turkic prince. It is a big guy with a height of 3.75 meters and a width of 1.2 meters. It is clear that Chu is still marble.

This Hangai Mountain does not produce marble at all. We think that the stone stele may have been transported here directly from the mainland of China...

In the Orkhon River Valley, the site of Hara and Lincheng, the capital of the former Mongolian khanate, which was the capital of Kublai Khan Yuan, was also visited, and a 13th-century Chinese character stele "Jian San Ling Hou Temple" was found there.

Mongolia is so vast and sparsely populated, no one will study these monuments...

Zhang Nan and the curator comrades chatted and inspected. Chen Jianghua occasionally said a few words on one side. On the other side, many people from China, Russia, and Mongolia were thinking about making money for their families, and they turned the restaurant and meeting room of this archaeological site into a whole. The international trade conference room.

Nothing wrong, people always love money, it's hard to move without money.

Talking and laughing, eating and chatting, this meal was eaten very quickly, this Nong Bosheng thought of something: "By the way, Anan, the discovery here has also made some good discoveries.

Two silver dinar coins from the ancient Roman Republic were found in a funerary tomb excavated the day before yesterday. Herodotus originally said that there was a steppe business road from the Black Sea to'Siberia'. This currency can give this record. The weight of authentic appliances may not really be his subjective imagination. "

Speaking of the Nong Bo promotion stopped, his expression became a bit embarrassed: "There is a problem, including me, the people in the camp can't judge the exact age of the two silver dinars, or you See, this can play a big role in the dating of tombs."

Herodotus, an ancient Greek writer and historian in the 5th century BC, recorded his travels and the history of the First Persian Empire, and wrote a book "History", which became the history of Western literature. Herodotus was honored as the "Father of History" for the first complete prose work handed down.

The business route that Nong Bosheng talked about came out of that book. Zhang Nan had heard of this before: Although the silver dinar was issued during the ancient Roman Republic, the time when Herodotus lived was still a bit different. The gap, but not far away, is at least six to seven hundred years in the morning than the Eastern Roman gold coins found in the tombs of the Chinese Southern and Northern Dynasties. Such a discovery is very important to archaeology.

Zhang Nan would not underestimate the "unrecognizable" thing that Comrade Curator said. There are so many ancient Western currencies. All small bottles can be recognized as gods, not to mention that Mr. Curator did not specialize in the Western world. In ancient Western currencies, the silver dinars in the republic period are already very powerful.

In the past few years, it is not so easy to check the information, or it is not, or someone accidentally walked a kilometer away, and you still don’t know that it is hidden in that corner.

Zhang Nan likes ancient precious metal currencies. He knows that this guy has collected astronomical amounts of Western precious metal currencies from ancient Greece and Rome to modern times. He has a deep research on this.

No problem, just take a look.

The agricultural curator greeted him, and Chen Jianghua went to pick it up. The group of people who were "talking about business" also stopped. They all said they were "work". They didn't give Mr. Allen a bit of face when talking about business. Two small silver coins were brought in a transparent specimen bag. Zhang Nan took it and looked at it a few times and said: "A mid-to-late version issued after 144 BC, A later late-stage model."

He pointed out the difference on the currency surface, "In the early Republican era, 1 dinar silver coin can be exchanged for 10 **** copper coins, and later it can be exchanged for 16 ass, and then the exchange rate is fixed. Look at the time when silver coins were issued in the ancient Roman Republic. The method is to see the Roman letters appearing under the idol on the front of the coin, X stands for 10 and XVI stands for 16.

If it is X, it is an early release, approximately before 144 BC; if it is XVI, it is a mid-to-late release, probably after 144 BC.

If there is no mark, it is generally issued later. There is an XVI at the bottom left of this portrait, which is the middle and late stage. The unmarked one is issued later.

However, it is difficult to judge the time limit of this late type. Some people say that it is 100 BC, and some people say that it is around 60 BC. Anyway, it will not be later than 27 BC. "

This was almost applause, a proper master.

A small number, it’s really hard to tell if you haven’t touched it before, and the same is true for Nongbosheng. Even if the teacher said it when you were a young student, you should forget it at this meeting, let alone a bigger one. It’s not said at all. Over this matter.

The exact date of the coin was probably determined, and then Nong Bosheng's eyes lit up and he turned to look at another Huaxia expert, "Pharaoh, there may be a big discovery!"


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