The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1330: Wang Zhaojun's husband's anti-theft tomb?

What Zhang Nan said is easy to understand. The only thing that needs to be changed is the sentence "27 BC". This is the year and month of the end of the Roman Republican era. In that year, Gavis-Octavian accepted "October." The title of "Gustus" became the de facto ruler of Rome, and the republican era of ancient Rome ended.

The words are for the experts here. Whether others can fully understand it is not a matter of Zhang Nan.

As for the old Wang, an expert from Inner Mongolia, he would suddenly understand something when he heard Nong Bosheng's words. He remembered: "Old farmer, don't say that you are thinking of that!"

"That's the one!"

"I said you, are you not afraid that the people of Hohhot will scold you to death?"

Nong Bosheng said a little serious: "Pharaoh, I only respect the true history. I never rely on folklore to eat, let alone do not care that what I do will ruin other people's jobs."

Two guys in their 60s were mumbling each other, and Zhang Nan with a big question mark in his head couldn't help but interject: "I'm talking about two, we have a bunch of people okay, what's the big deal?"

Nong Bosheng turned his head and said to Zhang Nan: "Wang Zhaojun, the person buried in the A-shaped tomb is probably one of her husbands, even if she is buried in one of the cemeteries! "

Zhang Nan frowned and said, "I remember that there is a tomb of Wang Zhaojun in Inner Mongolia that is quite famous.

Nong Bosheng did not directly answer this question, but smiled and said: "A Nan, you must have never been to the Zhaojun tomb."

Zhang Nan nodded. He hadn't been there before, and he hadn't even seen any photos over there. He had just heard of it.

Nong Bosheng said: "There are Zhaojun tombs in many places in China, both new and old, traditional culture, modern tourism, and so on. The largest, most famous, and possibly the oldest one on the edge of Hohhot, you have been there. After reading it, you can understand that there is a problem.

I have been there once, and the tomb was built by ramming. The tomb is like a bucket. It is 33 meters high and has a floor area of ​​13,000 square meters!

The construction time is okay. It's right. From the scattered fragments of Han tiles, it can be 2000 years or so, but..."

Zhang Nan didn't need Nong Bosheng to finish speaking: "The specifications are too high!

Wang Mang is unlikely to build such a large super tomb for her. As for the Huns, it is impossible for her to build it, nor does it have this technology. "

This is the reason, what skills of the Huns, wanting to build a tomb of that size is basically wishful thinking!

In this tent, except for the archaeological experts from China who could understand the Chinese conversation between Zhang Nan and the three, everyone else either did not understand Chinese, or only understood the language, but did not understand the deep meaning of the words.

Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauties of ancient China, is well-known, and there is no need to introduce him at all. Zhaojun came out.

But few people know that she was born in 52 BC. As for the time of her death, there are various theories such as 8 AD and 19 BC. The first one seems to be more popular.

According to the eighth year of AD, that year was the third year of the Western Han Dynasty and the first year of the new dynasty. Wang Mang became emperor. It is estimated that even if the "traverser" wanted to have a good relationship with the Xiongnu, he would not give Wang Zhaojun that much. A tomb, not to mention that Wang Mang had a fierce fight with the Xiongnu!

As for the possibility of her man being buried on the side, this is a judgment made from the time of the two silver coins on hand and the size of the tomb.

Speaking of this, Zhang Nan didn't have the thought of continuing to eat. He got up and went out of the tent to look at the large Xiongnu cemetery nearby. The others naturally followed.

The Russians and Mongolian officials didn't know what happened, but they also joined in the fun and followed: Keep up with the God of Wealth, that's right!

The campsite was actually set up in the cemetery, less than two hundred meters away from the A-shaped tomb, and it was only two steps away.

Living in the middle of a pile of tombs, other people here have never played a computer network game called "Legend of the Silk Road" that Zhang Nan occasionally played in his last life, and they are not worried that the zombies of the Huns will crawl out to make trouble.

Nong Bosheng was right next to Zhang Nan and said as he walked: "We are now guessing that this is the legendary Huni River Tomb, although the first tomb of the Huns to be discovered and excavated was Nuoyin Wula, which was discovered and excavated by the Soviet Union in the 1920s. The tomb of the Huns, but now the tombs of the nobles of the Huns are the largest. The construction of such a tomb would cost a lot of manpower and financial resources..."

It's definitely the biggest one. It can't be wrong. Soon this A-shaped tomb named m1 by Nong Bosheng and others appeared in front of you. It wasn't very shocking to see it in the air before, so I would have to sigh when I was standing on the side. It's huge!

It has been dug down to a shallow level, which is called cleanup in archaeology. To put it bluntly, it is digging. Blocks of boulders are erected on the edge of the tomb, which clearly shows the scope of the tomb.

The upper part of the field is 48 meters long and 46 meters wide, and the tomb road extending southward is 37 meters long. The entire large tomb covers an area of ​​more than 2500 square meters. It can be about half the size of a football field. It is definitely the largest known Huns. tomb!

This is a stone tomb. Because of the soil quality, it is simply a stone and sand tomb: This type of large tomb was popular in the Warring States Period from China to the early Western Han Dynasty. At that time, noble tombs were filled with stones for reinforcement and charcoal to prevent moisture and sand. To prevent theft.

It was not until the middle and late Western Han Dynasty that the tombs with piled stones and sand gradually disappeared due to the gradual disappearance of the tombs with vertical holes.

The construction of such a large tomb requires a huge amount of work, because after the owner of the tomb was buried, it was filled with cleaned river sand from other places, with huge rocks in the middle.

Zhang Nan attached his lower body and grabbed the dug out backfill, and stepped on the side of the foot. There was no turf on the ground. The bare-exposed soil surface can feel the sand content of the soil here is very large without pinching it.

The Huns back then did not have to transport sand from a distance. They directly added the sand dug out from the tomb and backfilled with the collected boulders to form a stone-filled sand tomb with first-class anti-theft performance.

But even if it could "cut corners", such a huge tomb was not enjoyed by ordinary nobles on the desolate plateau. The owner of this A-shaped tomb is undoubtedly the ruler of the Xiongnu than himself!

Zhang Nan threw away the sand and said, "I don’t know if I will dig out a few hapless He thought of the buddy who became the funeral of the ancients in his previous life. This person might be out of control in the property market. Let Qionghai hang around, I hope he won't have any bad luck in this life, and can see through the sand tower of the real estate market in front of him sooner.

A simple sentence is very professional, Nong Bosheng and others can understand, Guan Xingquan does not understand this: If the tomb robbers in Southern China hate the mortar tomb, then the colleagues in the north don’t want to touch this kind of stone. Sand tomb!

The grout tomb is vicious and has no flower heads, then the stone and sand tomb will be overwhelming, but it is more likely that the tomb thief will be killed!

This kind of tomb is too large, not only easy to attract attention, and the public security guards closely, but also need to dig very deep to get to the tomb.

There is one more terrible thing: the backfill is sand and boulders. The sand is loose, and the hole will leak and collapse as soon as the hole is dug. Even if it is reinforced with wooden boards, the boulders in the middle of the sand are likely to crush the wooden boards after they are loose!

In the history of Chinese archaeology, many large stone-filled sand tombs were discovered. Some of them were stolen. They were basically the craftsmanship of modern tomb-sweepers. In ancient times, it was not easy to get a strong enough pirate cave to support the construction.

This is not nonsense. Even if you want to make some basic and unsafe wooden planks, it is difficult for the ancients thousands of years ago to get it: wood is available, but the wooden board is not suitable for processing. You can refer to how troublesome it is to make furniture before the 1990s. Understood.

No one was stolen, or even more successful, but during the cleaning process, it was discovered that the robber cave collapsed and was buried "half the way." The remains of the ancient tomb thief, just as unlucky as Zhang Nan's friend!

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