The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1331: Be an official thief

Zhang Nan was a little emotional. No one knew what he was thinking: The terrible sound of the moon black wind and high night robber cave collapsed in his mind, and he had just changed shifts with his accomplices for ten minutes.

As a derogatory term for accomplices, Zhang Nan prefers to use the word friend: In fact, there should be at least three people in this tomb robber, one to dig, one to watch the wind, and one to transport the soil. However, Zhang Nan and his friends did not believe in other people. In those two years, there were only two people. People are working in partnership, and they are dealing with small-scale tombs. Pirates don't need to dig too much. The one who has the turn to transport the soil can also take care of the wind.

The terrain around the ancient tomb was good. After inspection, it was judged that no one had visited before. At the same time, there was no shop in front of the village. The nearest village was several kilometers away, and the nearest machine-plowing road was several hundred meters away. It was also covered by woods. Obstruct.

Such an ancient tomb would not be a dedicated tutor if it was not dug. The ancient tomb was a bit bigger or deeper, but the two thought that maybe after finishing the ticket, they would almost be able to wash their hands in a golden basin, so they didn't let it go.

The night of the accident was the third night of construction, and all the tombs that had collapsed and were filled with mud had been dug up. The ancient tombs of the Warring States Period had some bronze and jade objects before the accident.

Before the collapse, Zhang Nan used a short-handled head to plow the soil and a bamboo stick as a probe to carefully clean it up in the nearly circular, narrow, and straight-out thief hole. This feels weak, and they came out back to change shifts with the friends who transported the soil. The two of them also hid behind the tree and smoked a cigarette. They chatted softly and said a few words. Things, you can quit this wicked job in the future.

After drawing his eyes and replacing people, my friend went into the hole and continued to plow and clean up. Zhang Nan moved the soil in the back, and then I don't know why the hole collapsed!

That buddy is in the innermost part of the robbery hole, and Zhang Nan at the back has just crawled in one body distance: the oral section is relatively flat, and the dug is relatively large, you can turn around, and it is more convenient to drag the linen bag with a rope to transport the soil at this position, don’t worry. After climbing in, he was trapped underneath because he couldn't turn around and the hole was too steep.

When it collapsed, Zhang Nan was a conditioned reflex, climbing up like a **** with the strength of a breastfeeding. There was the sound of soil squeezing in his ears, and he seemed to have heard the grunting hum from a friend at the bottom of the hole.

With both hands and feet out of the hole, panic and fierce heartbeat, Zhang Nan might not have realized it was a cave-in for a few seconds at that time.

I hurried to see the thief cave, this flashlight took a picture of it, and it was finished-except for the two or three meters near the entrance of the cave, the inside collapsed!

At that moment Zhang Nan knew that this friend would not be able to get out this trip: he didn't think about saving people, but he couldn't save them!

The pirate holes are all eight or nine meters long. Friends are at the bottom. Even if there is no danger of collapsing, hurry up and dig down. When you dig someone, let alone the daylily will be cold, this person should be hard, even smelly. NS!

Both of them dug for two and a half nights to get the sock tube. The terrain here is good. When it gets dark, they dig for more than ten hours a night. Instead of digging by one person, God knows when to dig.

Even if I didn't give IELTS, it would have been suffocated long ago.

But after confirming that this part of the mouth was basically in no danger of collapsing, he went down to the collapsed place and shaved his head, shouted several times at the collapsing soil, and listened carefully to see if there was a call for help inside.

What if there is any chance?

It would even think that one day this ancient tomb was discovered by a latecomer, would he think that his friend was killed in a robbery hole by his accomplices?

If you don't save it, you will be upset to your own conscience, even if it's just a meaning--but except for the whistling of the north wind outside, everything is terribly silent!


what to do?


It took some effort to backfill the pirate hole hastily, sort out everything, and drove a dilapidated large regular three-wheeled motorcycle hidden a few hundred meters away, and Zhang Nan ran away.

For more than half a year, the two of them drove the three-wheeled vehicle they bought to look for a living everywhere. Tomb robbers had better have reliable motor vehicles with unobvious targets.

The oil supply in the 1990s has been liberalized. With a motorcycle, you can run around the world, and there are blankets in the car, and occasionally you can pick up some goods. It’s good to have this stuff. It’s good to go across the state and counties. Overdue annual inspections, driving permits are available, but they are also expired, but these vehicles can still be used as agricultural machinery in the north at this time, and the traffic police generally do not check them.

What if it is checked?

Zhang Nan has a car driver's license. Although it was a driver's license inconsistent, those who were fined a dozen or twenty at the scene were released.

The robbery cave collapsed and the friend became the burial of the ancients. Zhang Nan was really scared. He went to the temporary footing place to trim things, and threw away all the belongings belonging to the friend by a river halfway.

Then I drove a broken motorcycle for a hundred kilometers and sold it at a discount at the place where I bought the car before. Later, I found someone to sell the harvest and returned to my hometown with all my belongings.

The two lives are human, and that moon, black, wind, and high night is like it just happened yesterday. I feel a little bit emotional, and it feels like another life...


At this time, Nong Bosheng’s words interrupted his thoughts, “I hope not, no, there should be no, Mongolia has only started reforms in the past two years. This is no man’s land, and it is unlikely that there will be modern ones. Tomb robbers patronized.

As for the ancient the tomb robbers in the Central Plains are not able to gnaw on such large stone-filled sand tombs, let alone the barbaric land here, without the technology, and without the objective conditions. , Unless the official pirates. "

He said that there was a tomb more than one meter in length that had been dug down, "Obviously no landlord has ever visited it."

At that time, the ancient officials and pirates chanted. At that time, outsiders came here to dig graves when they were full. They wanted to get rid of such a large-scale gravel and sand tomb, and it was almost impossible to dig a hole. This way, this is not possible with insufficient strength and manpower at all!

The tomb may be more than ten meters deep. Even if the tomb is large and small, the sand and stones accumulated in the tomb can be at least 20,000 tons, and it is impossible to handle it without enough manpower.

Hearing the words of Comrade Curator, Zhang Nan has temporarily forgotten the memories of his previous life, and glanced at the locals who had been working in the cemetery after the meal, together with a few technicians, to the humaneness of Nongbo. : "It seems that there is not enough manpower. If you don't leave it, you have to dig until next year."

This is not Huaxia Jiangnan. The weather on the Mongolian Plateau will be below freezing in October. If you can’t afford to continue to work, people can freeze to death when the cold snaps.

In this regard, Nong Bosheng smiled and said, "So I rushed to find you."

Speaking of looking at the nearby security personnel, it probably means that these are all strong laborers, and I plan to pull strong men.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Nan shook his head and said, "Curator, these people are fine with guns, but they can't do the work of digging. But... Since only officials and thieves can handle such large tombs in ancient times, then we should simply Be an official thief!"

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