The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1342: How difficult it is to have a name

A gust of wind blew through the sparse pine forests and grasslands around him, and in such an environment, this person would easily feel a little sense of uncertainty.

Of course, if there were no roaring construction machinery and Russian soldiers carrying shovels and pickaxes, it would be more harmonious.

It is the sky, the wild, the wind blows the grass and the cows and sheep are low, and what is written is the artistic conception; Zhang Nan is playing with the reality, and the army is busy digging the grave under the blue sky!

In reality, such a scene can still give life a sense of tallness.

Looking at the burial tomb where the final photographing and recording work was being done, Zhang Nan said to the people nearby: "This person is like a gust of wind. Who knows who is who is over time?

Look at this one, he was probably the most famous figure among the Huns at the beginning, but now no one knows who he is, and he can’t even find his name after digging his grave.

Parents and mothers have been named, people have left their names, and wild gooses have left their voices?

in vain!

But 300 years later, if it can still be hung on the wall, it is a success. I don’t know if we will have this treatment in the future. "

who is he?

What has he done?

What trace has he left in this world?

These questions and wonderful feelings are the greatest charm of direct dialogue with unearthed cultural relics, and the biggest reason why Zhang Nan wanted to dig here.

In history, there are not many people who can keep their names, and those with the same name can be even more rare. The Dadanyus of the Huns lying in the dozens of Jiazi tombs here have probably left their names, but who is who? I still don't understand.

Being obscured is not necessarily a bad thing. This unlucky celebrity has to be digging up graves inadvertently!

The decayed bones are still sour, if they are digged out, they are counted; if the bones are still there, then wait for them to be studied!

The worst thing is that it doesn't rot. Regardless of what identity you used to be, you will be soaked in formalin after all, and let people visit!

Thousands of people in these square kilometers were busy digging in groups, and it was very lively. Zhang Nan knew that even if he didn’t dig by himself, sooner or later Mongolia would engage in joint archaeological digging here. It would not be as large as this time. It's just big.

This is the case for people in their entire lives. Regardless of whether you are a prince or general, this world has only a thousand-year-old family and no eternal dynasty. The most important thing is to live happily.

When he died, his legs stretched out, everything was empty.

Thinking of this, I think the Mongols 700 years ago were really smart. After so many years, no one knows where their sweat and the emperors are buried: otherwise, if there are more reliable clues, Zhang Nan will be the first Go plan them!

If you can't find it, no one will bother you.

It doesn’t matter whether the boss’s words are correct and the opinions are consistent. Just listen to it. It’s best if you can express your agreement.

Needless to say, a slight nod, or a little thoughtfulness is fine, the leaders seem to like this way.

Chen Jianghua interrupted Zhang Nan's sigh with a gesture from a few tens of meters away. He also had something out there, which has already been sorted out.

I walked over and took a look. They were all almost rotten ironware and a very small amount of copperware—not large and heavy objects such as copper tripods, but also the copper ornaments on the saddle and the copper that was also found in the first funerary tomb. arrow.

It was the Huns' habit to use weapons and harnesses to bury them. As for the use of copper arrows in the Iron Age, it was normal. The Chinese army at that time also had some bronze arrows.

The output of steel has not been so large that it can be used everywhere. The arrowheads are consumables. The opponents of the Han army before 2000 basically wore leather armor. The bronze arrowheads were basically useful, let alone the Huns. There are many reliable quality products that are not equipped with leather armor.

As for the Huns, metal is basically imported. Copper arrows are more popular. Iron arrows are looted and seized. Not to mention iron armors that consume super iron materials. The broken pieces of bronze armor seem to have been found.

A total of 60 bronze arrowheads were unearthed from the two tombs. The solid round-collar arrowheads commonly used in the Central Plains are almost half and half with the hollow-collar arrowheads commonly used by nomads such as the Huns in the north. It seems that this general Hun also likes Chinese equipment. .

If the bronze arrowhead is of good quality and high hardness, it can also shoot through iron armor!

Especially in the Central Plains, the solid round collar-style arrowheads are heavier than the nomadic hollow-style arrowheads and have better armor-breaking effect. They are also more unpredictable and require higher bows. It is estimated that the general Huns cavalry is useless. .

When not at war, the Hun herders 2,000 years ago even used stone arrowheads when hunting. Metal is precious.

If there are no more significant discoveries, the artifacts unearthed from the tomb that Chen Jianghua is responsible for will not need to be packaged and taken away. Zhang Nan looks down on it. As for all the things in this place, they have been stolen in the early years. .

It is a rogue and ruining archaeological authenticity. However, Nong Bosheng and others know that Zhang Nan intends to put these things in the private exhibition part of the museum in the future, plus this is in Mongolia, which is totally impossible. opinion.

If you don't take it away, is it left to Mongolia?

I have known what the Huns have for a long Even if the Uzi steel knife was dug out on this trip, it was only a physical confirmation of the original historical record. Take it away and take it away. This gang of China is here. Experts in China are not uncommon for a piece of news that "verifies what record".

As for those Russians who threatened Gali temptation, they would be busy enjoying the fun of digging their graves, no matter or dare to care so much.

Zhang Nan didn't bring his watch, and asked Alyosha next to him what time was it.

"Just after three o'clock."

Upon hearing this, he handed the two bronze arrowheads he held to Chen Jianghua, and walked tens of meters to the side of the M1 tomb.

Several excavators, cranes, and dump trucks are constantly busy. The scale and depth are so large that they have to use cranes to move the soil. After most of the day, I watched and dug another layer.

There are no circular steps inside the tomb. It is not that the excavator digs it out, but that it doesn't. On the contrary, there are circular steps on the inner wall of the funerary tomb that Chen Jianghua was responsible for: Because of the steps, the scale of the bottom of the funerary tomb was not as large as the one that Zhang Nan was responsible for digging.

I just stood on the side and watched for a few minutes, the mechanical noise rumbling, it was a bit annoying to hear the ball-I didn't feel that it was busy before, and it would feel a bit noisy when it was temporarily empty.

All of a sudden, I lost my interest in digging treasures in the pit. I wanted to break the meeting and change my mind, so I said to Alyosha: "Go, look for the group of argali."

Speaking of Guan Xingquan, the latter understood what it meant, and said, "I won't go. I will dig in more than a dozen places. I will go and take a look."

I know that Zhang Nan sometimes has a leap in doing things, and it’s normal to stop doing other things suddenly while doing one thing, but Guan Xingquan really wants to learn how the experts dig, so I don’t go together without doing business. NS.

Not to mention argali, even if it is a group of brown bears, this group of best bodyguards will not be in danger with Zhang Nan. He can play whatever he wants.

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