The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1343: You have to be self-knowing when doing bad things

The boss wanted to do whatever he wanted. The shift guys should prepare now. They didn't foolishly drove the two BTR-60 wheeled armored trucks. This trip was for hunting, not for war.

The performance of the Radaniwa off-road vehicle is good, so I went to the mountain area where the argali flock was found last time.

Nothing happened all the way, half an hour to the place: obviously good luck this trip, not only saw the argali, but also in a place that can be reached without climbing and wading-last time these guys were more than one kilometer away If you want to get close to within four to five hundred meters, you have to climb over the mountain and walk for at least three to four kilometers, and it will get dark that time.

Chasing prey in the mountains in the dark is something you can only do when your brain is smart. From afar, you don’t need to climb over the mountains. Two off-road vehicles are parked at the edge of the gentle **** of the pine forest. You can get close by walking a few hundred meters through the pine forest. The straight line distance to the flock of three to four hundred meters.

If there is no major change in the position of the sheep during this period.

In recent years, I have not touched my gun less, and I have participated in hunting many times. Although the Soviet-made bolted rifled shotgun has only been tested for a few shots the day before yesterday, Zhang Nan already knows it.

Those who stayed to watch the car, a group of people walked lightly through the woods to touch the edge of the pine forest, but did not leave the pine forest, lest the alert prey found an abnormal escape.

Zhang Nan stopped. Now the group still had trees to cover and could not go any further. This saw Alyosha hit a 3 with his right hand next to him.

The straight-line distance of 300 meters may slightly exceed me, but the error will not be too large.

Without speaking, Zhang Nan picked up the shotgun that had been muzzle down before. Qiu Bo was locked in a ball and knelt down in front of Zhang Nan-there was no supportable object nearby, and there were basically no branches at the position of the pine trees two meters below, even if there were any. , Either too thin or too brittle dead branches.

Qiu Bo used himself as a shooting platform. The skills he learned at the company's training center seemed to detract from dignity, but in fact it was normal. Even the boss used to be a shooting platform for everyone.

In fact, kneeling sideways is not bad. The training center has fart-stroke shooting platforms. The shooter behind is sitting and shooting with high accuracy.

Zhang Nan will shoot in a kneeling position with a gun, with the gun on Qiu Bo's back, very stable!

The internal division of the quadruple scope is quite simple, but it becomes clearer to see the prey: there is no wind deflection adjustment function, just use the center point of the cross dotted line within 200 meters, and there is a black aiming point every 100 meters from 300 meters to 600 meters.

As for the shooting distance of more than 600 meters...

This gun is not recommended for such ultra-long-distance shooting at all. It uses ordinary 7.62x54mmR rifle bullets. 600 meters is the limit that it can barely shoot.

Hunting is not an extreme shooting game; the wind is not strong, and the distance is only 300 meters. Zhang Nan is not a master sniper. The prey is huge, and Alyosha no longer reminds him to pay attention to the wind deviation.

There is no rush to shoot, the target is selected first.

The prey is the Mongolian subspecies of the argali. From this distance, you can feel that their bodies are thick and huge!

The Mongolian argali can have a body length of 1.2 to 2 meters, a shoulder height of 90 to 120 cm, and a weight of 65 to 185 kg, depending on the male and female. A few large rams can even exceed 200 kg in autumn!

Near the edge of the pine forest, the bullet has already traveled, and the insurance has been opened after squatting. The goal has been selected in a few seconds: there are more than ten argali in the hillside and mountain in the field of view, which is slightly larger and larger than the last time I saw it. Part of them are ewes with lambs born in spring, they are not Zhang Nan's target.

Zhang Nan is aiming at a huge ram in the group that is feeding, with a huge body and a very large horn, all twisted in a spiral for more than a circle!

The morality of hunters, in addition to poachers, whether they are herders, professional hunters, or casual hunters, generally do not hunt female animals with cubs. Hunting big rams will basically not affect the survival and development of prey populations.

The aiming point is a little above the front legs of the big ram, regardless of whether it is a sheep or a cow, as long as it is a bovine animal, their heart and lungs are in this part.

Once the bullet hits this vital part, even if it does not hit the heart, the prey can't go far.

As for the head, one is that Zhang Nan thinks he has no such marksmanship, and the second is that the target is a huge argali, no hunter will shoot at its head, unless it is 250!

Argali, the argali head can be made into a very good specimen. Professional archers will not shoot at this part. It is a very good trophy.

Even herders don't do this, and argali can often sell for a good price.

Change to any of the other ones here, it's time to shoot, Zhang Nan is a little amateurish.

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Nan pulled the trigger when he breathed out the breath in his chest.

"Bang", there was a sharp and harsh gunshot, and in the blink of an eye, Zhang Nan saw the target big ram fell!

Alyosha next to him also shouted: "Hit!"

The sound of gunshots reached the ears of the argali flock and their leader sheep had fallen on the steep **** of the grass and began to roll down.

Hunting is not hunting in winter. Zhang Nan stopped taking care of the flocks that were fleeing far away. He got up and handed the shotgun to Qiu Bo, who also stood up.

The latter’s shotgun is on the shoulder, and there is no cartridge case out of it. This is the best insurance state.

Zhang Nan said to everyone: "Let's go and take a look."

This is the first argali hunted by Zhang Nan. In Western China, this will be a dog-shit hunting ground that can legally hunt the argali with foreign exchange, but Zhang Nan will definitely not give those poor people crazy. One cent for the bastard!

It was helpless when I was forced to become a master in my life. I also knew that what I was doing was illegal, and I knew it.

Ordinary people are absolutely forbidden to hunt and kill animals under the national first-level protection. Whoever kills will go to jail, but foreigners who spend foreign exchange can hunt them legally...

The most uncomfortable thing is this kind of **** and **** who have to erect an archway and treat foreigners as super-citizens!

Zhang Nan is definitely not an animal protectionist, just can't stand the ugly faces that are broken!


Seven people, not all of them walked forward, Jiang Wangfeng and Wangqiu brothers did not move forward, but pulled out a machete from the waist, and went to find a suitable small pine tree.

The boss is hunting huge ram sheep. According to Western hunting habits, it is best to open the prey and remove the viscera earlier, saying that it is to avoid the dirt in the viscera from contaminating the meat of the prey.

Westerners hardly eat the offal of their prey.

For Huaxia, it depends on the environment and shooting methods. For example, Zhang Nan should have hit the heart and lungs of his prey this time. There is no pollution problem in a short period of time.

But the argali is so big that it can weigh more than 150 kilograms from a distance. Regardless of whether the viscera is removed, it must be carried down the mountain and through the pine forest.

There must be a lifting rod.

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