The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1656: it has started

At noon, all personnel were in place, and several large and small trucks arrived at the Miller-Collins Hotel with supplies. This would make the atmosphere in Kigali very strange, with the optimism that the peace agreement had been signed in Tanzania, but also participated. Mixed with the depression that followed.

Peace agreements are sometimes worse than waste paper.

The hotel is preparing for a press conference, and the atmosphere is joyous, but the large number of men of various colors that have emerged these days make people feel a little weird.

But the hotel is a place where people of all colors are mixed. It doesn't matter if there are dozens of foreigners. The hotel owner and the peacekeeping personnel who help maintain the order of the hotel inside and outside are also happy to live in more non-black people in the hotel. Guest.

Two people from the United Television Network went to the press conference in the afternoon, and then they interviewed the general Bizimungo, the Canadian and the head of the peacekeeping force, Brigadier General Romeo Dallaire.

The two important figures were very happy to be interviewed by important American media. The joint interview was also a newspaper reporter under the Star Columbia Media Group.

Everything looks very harmonious. In fact, only a short message will be sent to this press conference, and I still use the suspicion that "peace will really come".

The United Television Network has five groups of reporters supporting Kigali in the past two days, bearing the names of different subordinate TV stations. Non-U.S. media industry veterans would not understand that so many TV stations are simply one family.

Six groups of people are notoriously bold. The five new groups of white reporters all live in two other foreign-related hotels within a 250-meter radius—the environment of those two hotels is worse than that of the garden-style Miller-Collins Hotel. One section, but each building is seven or eight stories high. The rooms chosen by the reporters are all in the top-floor houses with excellent views. The cameras are equipped with large magnification multipliers, large-diameter lenses, and night vision cameras are also prepared.

First-hand information, that is to be photographed.

At nightfall, the hotel organized a banquet for all parties, and the unit leaders in Kigali also held a meeting again in the living room of Guan Xingquan's suite, and then waited quietly.

The radio was on, and the driver, Jam Kabarre, was called over, and a few people were listening to the radio quietly in such a strange way. The Africa Cup semi-final will be broadcast live. This will be throughout Rwanda, and there should also be many people sitting in front of the radio listening to the broadcast.

Radio in Rwandan, Kaleba had to do the translation. This morning the driver sent his wife and several children, as well as some relatives of his own family, to his mother-in-law’s house. He felt that the country was safer than the capital, and there There are also armed personnel protection from foreign friends.

He could see how armed these Americans were: he was at the husband's farm when the airdrop last night, and some of the equipment was shipped by him afterwards.

Brand new Soviet automatic rifles, a large number of sniper rifles that look tall and equipped with scopes, and even have heavy firepower equipment such as disposable rocket launchers.

There are also boxes that don't know the purpose, and they look dangerous and powerful anyway.

Guan Xingquan promised that if he wanted to, he could immigrate to the United States or Canada at that time without having to take the path of refugees. The driver and his family were desperate to work for the joint force.

Don’t give up, don’t look at the relaxed atmosphere in the hotel, the outside atmosphere is actually depressed enough, because Mr. President is coming back-once the tough president returns to Kigali, God knows what will happen.

Suddenly, the voice on the radio changed, and a hoarse male voice shouted hysterically: "People of Rwanda, our great president was murdered by a lowly Tutsi like a cockroach!

They tricked the president into signing a false peace agreement, but they ambushed him with missiles on the road. Outstanding Hutu compatriots, the time for liquidation has come!

Cut down tall trees! Cut down tall trees! ! ..."

Just now, the President of Rwanda and the President of Burundi returned to Kigali on a Falcon special plane piloted by French pilots. When approaching Kigali International Airport, they circled the airport in a circle according to the landing procedures.

The aircraft adjusted its posture and was about to land. Suddenly, two surface-to-air missiles sprang up from behind the hill by the airport, directly firing the special plane carrying two presidents.

This scene was also witnessed by many people: the missile hit accurately. One shot hit one wing and the other hit the tail part of the plane. The plane caught fire immediately after the turn, and it crashed and exploded in the blink of an eye. There was no survivor on board.

As predicted in advance, Hutu extremists immediately accused the United Nations peacekeeping forces and the Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front rebels as the culprits and attacked the president’s turning point.

On the other hand, the Patriotic Front accused the attack that the Hutu extremists themselves made the incident, trying to hinder the implementation of the peace treaty.

But who fired these two missiles became completely insignificant within two hours!

A few minutes after the presidential transfer and the crash, the Rwandan government forces and the Presidential Guard blocked the airport and set up road cards all over Kigali at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the radio station controlled by Hutu extremists not only provocatively announced the death of the president, but it also continued to roar that the Tutsi and Belgians were responsible for the death of the president!


The whole city was silent for a moment. Guan Xingquan opened the window of the living room, and soon there was the sound of automatic rifle shooting in the city outside, and the sound of explosions from a distance-the purge of one nation against another began, and the two sides It was actually the same kind of people before!

The area near the hotel is relatively It is considered as a commercial and hotel area, with few residential houses, so it is relatively stable for the time being.

Holding a telescope to observe, the urban lighting system is still working. Guan Xingquan, who put down the telescope, said: "The shopping mall in the north was opened by a Hutu ethnic group, right?"

Colonel Dwight Brad, who was also in the living room, immediately said: "Yes, Hutu's property. Since yesterday, Hutu police were responsible for the security there. There should be no robbery."

Dwight Brad is the platoon commander of the first division of the US Marine Division. He has joined the joint force for many years. He has been fighting at the command battalion and company level. As for this "colonel" is an honorary rank given by the Gambian Army.

Basically, the company who came to Rwanda on this trip were field personnel, not only familiar with mountain and hill operations, but also proficient in urban operations. This mission does not require many agents such as agents.

When selecting people, not only does the person who come here must obey the order, but it also requires the heart to be hard and ruthless!

Guan Xingquan gave an "um" and returned to the sofa to sit down. At this time, the noise in the hotel also became noisy. Except for the personnel of the United Forces, other residents obviously also noticed the abnormality outside.

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