The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1657: Take over the hotel

The fanatical lunatic on the radio was still yelling hysterically. Jam Kabarre said that the lunatic announcer was calling out the home addresses and names of Tutsi like himself, urging the Hutu to kill them, including several names. Cabaret said it was a government official, and several were university professors.

The Hutu thugs were obviously well prepared, and the radio station had even prepared the list of slaughter in advance, which made everyone feel that the situation was worse.

Such an incitement will surely cause blood to flow into rivers and seas of blood!

Jiang Hongrong frowned, thought about it, and said to Guan Xingquan: "Captain, you can't let this radio continue to instigate, otherwise the whole country will be a slaughterhouse."

"Blow it up?

That is simple, a laser guided bomb, but you also understand that it is not the time yet. If our plane is coming from Angola now, it would be troublesome!

Our actions cannot be escalated until the situation is completely out of control. In order to save more lives, we can only sacrifice some of them. Later, I will inform everyone that you are all adults and fighters. You all understand this truth. This is the price!

Give it to me to endure it! "

Why does the selected person obey orders and have a hard heart? That's why.

At this time, Pavel felt that the atmosphere was a little depressed, so he said to Guan Xingquan: "Guan, now we can send a group of our reporters to the airport, just to say that we heard that the president was shot down during the transfer, and wanted to conduct an interview on the spot. He had to tell the world about the terrible news. ."

Guan Xingquan nodded, "Let them wear those fancy shirts of Hutu militias.".

With this excuse, even if the Hutu government forces set up roadblocks along the way, Western reporters can pass safely.

Are you really going to interview the president assassinated?

Without that effort, who cares about that, this is to let the reporter go out and take some scenes of the chaotic scenes of the city. It would be better if they could get some scenes of the massacre.

United Television Network and its media group are already hungry and thirsty, and they are waiting for these "nutritious" news materials-even if the politicians and ordinary people in the West don't care about what is happening in Africa, there are more **** pictures and actions against their own companies. And the image is great.

Occupy the moral high ground, coupled with a strong fist, that is invincible in the world!

Each team leader went to appease and check the situation of the team members, after the meeting

Nearly 2 hours later, two reporters with a little blue face returned to the hotel, and together with a few team leaders who were inquiring about the news in the hotel lobby, went to the suite living room where Guan Xingquan was located.

The two brave reporters didn’t experience much embarrassment along the way. They even ran into the first government roadblock shortly after they got out of the hotel. The government military officer who set up the roadblock heard that they were going to cover the downing of the plane. The officer will send someone to go with them so as not to cause misunderstandings on the way.

The Hutu officer is not stupid. Western media reported that "the President was attacked and killed by Tutsi rebels and cockroaches." This is a huge benefit and needs protection.

Fortunately, these two reporters have rich experience and made some preparations before departure: If the "Leader Party" of the government army gets in the car, then the two of them will still take a shot in the middle of the road!

The car prepared was compact, and the back seat was deliberately filled with boxes of various equipment, which couldn't fit people at all.

Looking at the cooperation of the government forces, they took a few crumpled Rwandan francs from their pockets and stuffed them into the hands of the other leader, hoping that the officer would send someone to help them drive to the airport again.

No problem, I wanted to take advantage of these Western reporters, plus money, and three government soldiers drove a jeep to clear the way, and the reporter's car went all the way to the airport so smoothly.

The passage is smooth, but everything you see on the road makes these two most courageous and experienced war reporters unbearable!

The older reporters of this meeting introduced to everyone: "We saw that many houses were burned along the way, and some people were breaking into the houses of residents along the street, just burning, killing and looting!

A total of 12 roadblocks have been passed. Except for the army's vehicles, all other vehicles will be inspected by the Hutu government forces and militia.

Just look at the ID card. If there is a Tutsi in the car, just grab it and use a machete to behead it, just like a group of wild animals!

Some Hutu militiamen also hung a whistle. As soon as they found a Tutsi trying to escape, all the Hutu militiamen nearby rushed over with machetes and hacked them to death.

The eyes of those butchers no longer look like human beings, they look like being possessed by evil spirits..."

A spare professional-grade video tape recorder was sent to the suite where everyone was staying. It was connected to the TV set and a cassette tape was inserted into it.

Because the pictures that came out were carefully secret shots, they were not even professional. Most of them were either shaking or having problems with the angle, but the murderous shots inside were real!

Even very young children were hacked to death!

There was blood in everyone's minds. Those blacks who were hacked had no relatives with them, and were not even of a race, but as long as they were someone with a moral bottom line, they would be irritated by seeing these scenes!

After watching for a while, Guan Xingquan pressed the exit button on the video recorder and put the only secretly filmed video of the massacre on the table.

Instead of returning it to the reporter directly, he said: "Ask me to get the tape at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. Do you know the company's rules?"

The reporter with a pale face nodded. He is dedicated, but he also has a wife and children. He also understands that Mr. Guan pressed this tape recording the atrocities overnight to save more people.

"Now go back to your own room, have a drink, adjust the alarm clock, tomorrow you and your co-workers will be very busy."

The two reporters left, and the others were silent.

Guan Xingquan glanced at the other people in the living room and said: "Tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the morning, I want you to control the hotel and the north mall as soon as possible as planned.

How to set up roadblocks and how to deal with the obstacles of those animals, I will not emphasize again. I only have one request. After 7:30 in the morning, there should be no more armed Hutu in the security zone.

If there is a problem with the UN peacekeeping force, then let that Romeo come to me, or Andre.

If the peacekeepers dare to stop by force, they will drive these blue helmets out of the safe area and go back to their camp!

Now everyone is going back to rest, and I don’t know when the next time I can sleep in a big bed with peace of mind. "

Massacres are breaking out outside. Military contractors are sleeping?

Just sleep. Tonight, apart from letting the people in Long Island Manor know what happened here, and the farm that Andre is responsible for in the west may have to deal with the Hutu thugs that appear, nothing else.

Only when the external massacres and genocide actions have been completely taken down can we act.

At 7 o'clock in the morning on April 7, a group of sturdy armed men armed to the teeth suddenly appeared inside the hotel, catching ordinary residents and peacekeepers who had waited anxiously for news in the public area early in the morning.

The armed men were dressed in rolled up sleeves and had no military ranks, but they had uniform armbands, but they were not recognized by others in the hotel.

All wearing combat helmets, wearing high-grade body armor, and grenades hanging on the body The automatic weapons in their hands are all Soviet-style AKMs. Many people also carry American precision shooting rifles, some even on their backs. With a bazooka.

Several UN peacekeepers stepped forward to inquire about the situation, but most of the armed personnel simply ignored them and went straight out of the lobby, treating these peacekeepers as air.

The peacekeepers were at a loss and could only honestly muzzle down to prevent misunderstandings.

Almost all armed men are white, and there is always no danger of Hutu mobs outside.

At this time, a white man in his fifties walked over and said in English to the leading lieutenant of the peacekeeping force: "Soldier, the Brigadier General Romeo who informed you that the property rights of this hotel have been sold to our employer. The hotel and surrounding areas are now safe. Take over by the United Forces Security Company.

not understand?

Your general will understand. "

Pavel spoke like a kind old man next door.

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