Pavel is disgusting. The brigadier is called Romeo Dallaire, but the name should be added before the title, so he prefers to be called by name.

Romeo is not a common name, but it is not rare. I don’t know if Juliet will be in Rwanda.

It's better not to be here, this place is unlucky now!

The captains of the squadrons here led the rapid deployment of personnel, and sniper teams were placed on all commanding heights in the hotel, closely monitoring several roads within 800 meters of the surrounding area.

If necessary, the powerful Barrett M82A1 will let those Rwandans know what is meant by "the power of anti-equipment"!

They are all in teams of two, and the observers use the M21. This thing is used to deal with the African soldiers who only know that holding the AK and rushing forward, than the more precise bolt-moving rifle barrels.

As soon as they left the hotel building, many people ran to the parking lot, and the carriage of one of the trucks was opened.

Shrinking discs, the bellows-shaped sharp-edged barbed wire, which was almost in the factory state, was thrown down, piled on the luggage carts from the hotel, and pushed to various predetermined locations to unfold.

These barbed wire fences are really not cheap. In order to minimize the difficulty of defense for the contractors, they were delivered by airdrop last night!

It is very convenient to use. Two people quickly pull the two ends apart and walk away. This is done with a long barbed wire fence that people can't pass: Connect one by one. This is the fastest way to build a simple defense line.

Now even if someone breaks through the outer wall, when facing this shuddering barbed wire, they will suddenly wonder what to do: the bellows-shaped barbed wire with blades, ordinary cars will be entangled in tires when they pass. Let alone people!

Dwight Brad took a class to the gate, and the four American peacekeepers who had been standing guard at the gate watched this scene dumbfounded.

The four soldiers only had pistols. At first glance, they looked like rabbits.

It's not good, people are also white, let alone armed to the teeth, and those individual communication devices that are tall at first glance have never been used.

Let's first understand the situation. It's probably your own!

Besides, even if this group of people are not personnel sent by the United Nations, anyway, they will not be the lunatics outside, so they can be regarded as not.

But you have to figure out who it is, and the leading sergeant yelled hello: "Hey, guys, which part are you...that, which country’s army?"

Obviously they were not from the United Nations. This "part" was only found out as soon as there was a problem, and he quickly changed his words.

When Brad heard this, he said, "We are military contractors, understand?

not understand?

It's okay if you don't understand, just don't hinder us, anyway, it's not the enemy.

By the way, Jean, we have taken over the security defense at this gate now, so don't hinder us from doing things. "

Speaking, let the leader of the team hurry up and arrange: This originally didn't even have a sandbag shelter, or even a roadblock, at most it was a decoration.

Because of the ugliness, I used a bag of rice as a shelter. I would make do with it, and then I would fill the sandbags when I was free.

Rice, a small truck drove out of the parking lot and unloaded directly.

The four peacekeepers watched this scene stupidly, without knowing what to say.

The leader felt that it was necessary to clarify the situation again, and was about to speak, but Brad said to him again: "I am also an American, you can go to have a drink inside, and your general will be here after a while. Ask him if you have anything.

We really don't have the time to care about you now. There are hundreds of thousands of lunatics in the outer city who are committing massacres. You can go to the lobby to watch the video taken by the reporter last night. That is hell!

That's it, you are free. "

The machine gun bunker was quickly erected, and the machine gunner used a Soviet RPK light machine gun with 75 rounds of ammunition drums, so that the ammunition could be unified during the action.

RPK can use drums and is also equipped with a 40-round long magazine. If necessary, it can be used with 30-round magazines in the hands of other people. This is very important in an environment far away from logistics supplies.

Both sides of the conflict in Rwanda have prepared a large number of Soviet-style light weapons. If there is an emergency, the ammunition can still be used.

There are general-purpose machine guns, but those gadgets are on the top floor of the hotel. Only two teams, both of which are American, are used as fire support points for the snipers. The ammunition between them is common.

There were still two bunkers. There were no dead ends on both sides of the road. A military tyre breaker was opened outside the gate. The simplest gate defense was done.

Three of the peacekeepers who were guarding the door were left, and one of them went back to the hotel to check on the situation.

Watching others enter the bunker, the man in his thirties who looked like the captain also returned to the hotel. The three American soldiers felt that no matter how stupid they were to stand, this was not a solution, and they simply went back to the hotel door.

Just don't add chaos, no one cares about these Canadians, anyway, looking at them now, I don't dare to add chaos to them.

There is no need to mess up.

At this time, a Jeep painted by the United Nations peacekeeping force drove over quickly. The driver's attention was still concentrated, and he braked sharply, otherwise he would have to puncture the tire!

At first glance, the Romeo arrived, put away the tyre breaker and let him go.

The Brigadier General Dallaire in the car was a bit dazed: Not to mention the replacement of the gate guard, it has become what it is now.

When I saw the appearance of the armed man at the door and the pattern on the armband, I felt a toothache!

United forces, a super-first-class international giant security group, and the world's most powerful military contractor company. The single-country military forces of more than half of the countries in the world are not worth mentioning in the face of this freak-like private armed company. .

This is a mercenary group, or a reasonable and legal mercenary group in mainstream European and American societies, because they are "military contractors"!

Completely control the Gambia, which is equivalent to the Second National Defense Force in Botswana. As for the "first" one, it is a decoration.

Also in Angola, the real estate controlled by this company is not small. The government of that country fully agrees with this strange situation: Is it okay to disagree?

You can't beat it, and it's not about your regime. There are a lot of legal agreements signed with the government. The international community doesn't bother to pay attention to this. The US government wears a pair of pants with the coalition forces.

There is also Namibia, which has established a "land express track" connecting Botswana and Angola, and I don't know if it was bought by that company, it was given to the whole server, or both.

Think about it all eggs-it hurts.

Before receiving the report of the hotel situation, Romeo Dallaire urgently contacted the United Nations, explaining that Kigali was carrying out a massacre of Tutsi civilians, and requested the United Nations to send troops to support it, otherwise the massacre would be completely out of control!

However, the above said that this can only be decided after urgent consultation, and a friend who has a good relationship told him clearly: the possibility is unlikely!

It's messy enough, this will bring such a force again, and Dallaire feels a little bit painful in his brain again.

When I entered the hotel, I didn't have the time to look at the decorations by the yard, and hurriedly walked into the building.

After saying a lot of things, he surrounded the western residents who were eager to leave the country to inquire about the news, and then I saw the little old man mentioned by the lieutenant in the report.

The little old man was sitting in the coffee room with an East Asian man in combat uniform sitting beside him.

When he saw the opponent's face clearly, Dallaire felt even more headache: It may be a coincidence that the person who was thinking of united power appeared here, but now it seems not, I just hope that Mr. Allen is not here.

Beside the big boss behind the United Forces, the well-known and well-known Mr. Guan was sitting there almost fully armed, trouble!

Also, the little old man, who was dressed casually and tall, was not easy. He had a kind face that was hard to deal with at first glance.

"I am Romeo Dallaire, the commander of the United Nations peacekeeping force in Rwanda. May I ask Mr. Guan, how come your combined forces appear in Kigali?"

Dallaire intends to take the initiative, speak directly, and gain a bit of momentum.

But this abacus is empty.

Guan Xingquan didn't speak at all, and the little old man on one side said, "Hello, Mr. Dallaire.

Regarding this issue, the official language is, "Our boss saw this hotel before, and according to the intelligence analysis we got earlier, the situation here is about to deteriorate and a genocidal massacre will erupt, so we are here to protect the boss’s property. . ’

The extra information comes from the Central Bureau, but not many Washington does not want to participate in the cooperation or admit it. You should be able to understand this Mr. Dallaire.

If Mr. Dallaire is satisfied with this, I won't have to say a second reason. "

He pointed to a piece of printing paper on the desktop, and said to Dallaire, who was still standing: "This is a fax of the hotel property rights transfer agreement issued by Belgian Sabina Airlines. You need to see it."

Dallaire didn't take the paper at all, but sat down in the third chair and asked, "How do you call it?"

"Pavel, you can call me Pavel, my rank before leaving the army was major general."

This is an official introduction, but it didn't say which country.

Dallaire stretched out his hand. "It's nice to meet you, General Pavel."

The two shook hands, and Pavel responded politely: "It's also nice to meet you, General Dallaire.

This is Mr. Guan, I think General Dallaire knows him. "

This time Guan Xingquan didn't refuse the other party's outstretched hand, and shook his hand, "Hello."

A cold person, without sunglasses, made Dallaire's eyes shudder.

Mr. Brigadier General avoided Hing Quan’s gaze and asked Pavel again: "General Pavel..."

"You can call me Pavel, I also call you Dallaire, how about it?"


Pavel, I would like to know what your true intentions are for joining forces? This problem is not just me, I think the whole world will want to know later. "

Facing Dallaire, Pavel still said with a smile: "It won't be the world, they are not interested.

The United States will not interfere with things here. Washington suffered a big loss in Somalia last year.

Twenty-seven thousand people, plus a huge amount of funds and material assistance, were all in vain, taking the lives of their own soldiers and a bunch of infamy for interfering in other countries' internal affairs.

Even if the United Nations begs Washington, they will not come.

Even if the Tutsi people in Rwanda were killed, Washington would not admit that there was a genocidal massacre here.

Britain and France will not come to join in the fun, nor will they want to know why.

Last year, there were 35,000 peacekeepers in Somalia, and nothing was done. Rwanda is not good for it.

The United States will not come, nor will Britain and France come; the United States is not interested, and they are not interested in knowing the reasons.

Besides, even if the British and French will come, they will send small troops at most to pick up the expatriates.

Control the situation and stop the massacre?

They don't have this ability. When they organize a tens of thousands of troops and find a way to transport them, all the people here should be killed.

You should have seen the situation outside on your way here, but you can’t do anything, right?

They won't come, and they won't be able to do anything when they come. You are a peacekeeping force, not a peace-creating force.

Unless it is determined to be genocide..."

Dallaire's face darkened as he listened, and this Pavel didn't take the Western world seriously.

"Don't count on the United Nations. We know that you informed the United Nations about the situation here a short time ago, but the request for support was almost rejected...

Don't ask how we know, we also have friends there.

They will not give you any support, at least not for the time being.

Wait, in a few days, except for our boss’s media group, any other Western media and leaders will only use ‘massacre’ and massacres for what happened, and will never use ‘genocide’.

Of course, our boss’s media may only use ‘massacre’. He doesn’t want to go against the entire Western society..."

Genocide, specifically refers to "genocide" in English, a word that dare not use much.

After World War II, Mustache carried out the genocide of Jews. After the end of World War II, human society felt that some of the atrocities against humanity that took place during World War II were really too horrible and too evil. In any case, we must stop this kind of atrocities in the world. Happen once again!

So in 1948, the United Nations formulated the first international convention on human rights: the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

The meaning of this convention is: since the convention entered into force, any group or organization in the world who commits genocide will be regarded as the enemy of the entire human civilization, and some countries, especially the United States, will be obliged to take immediate action to stop it. Genocide!

Regardless of how things develop in Rwanda, the Western world will not use the term ‘genocide’ because it means that they must immediately send troops to stop such anti-human behavior.

"The United States, Britain, and France are not interested, nor do they want to participate in the cooperation. As for the other two big countries.

Even if the people in the east want to contribute, they will not be able to send people to the hinterland of Africa. Their strength is limited. How to withdraw the people from their embassy will be a problem.

As for Russia, the troubles in Chechnya are annoying enough. "

Pavel stretched out his right hand, separated his five fingers, and said: "Five, three will not come back, and the other two will not be able to come. No one cares about our true intentions.

Even if this matter is over, do you think our boss will care about the opinions of others?

He doesn't care about the ideas of Britain and France. Washington can just put it aside. The Russian president is his friend, let alone the rest.

Therefore, the official answer at this stage is the most appropriate.

As for the future, our boss has a powerful enough propaganda machine, and everything is not a problem. "

"Pavel, but I still want to know your true intentions and reasons, and to what extent will you be involved here?"

Facing the insistent Dallaire, Pavel said: "Now it is pure protection to protect this hotel, and at the same time, it can provide temporary refuge for the unlucky Tutsi people outside.

We are a contractor, not a war hyena, we have principles.

In the future, who knows.

As for the real reason... this is a bit weird and weird, but I can tell you.

As for believe it or not, I believe it anyway, our boss can really do such a thing. "

"What is it?"

Pavel looked like he had remembered an unthinkable thing, and then he said: "A few days ago, after receiving information about the possibility of a mass genocide in Rwanda, with a death toll of at least 500,000, our boss asked his daughter. ..

Our little princess said that our boss should do something to save the poor child in Rwanda. For this, the little princess also donated her pocket money to us for military expenses.

Isn't it incredible?

But this is the fact. "

Romeo Dallaire has a face like a dog, this "real reason" is really incredible!

But can you say that this is 100% nonsense?

That crazy Allen could really do such a move, not to mention the child's words, it is very likely that he gave him an excuse to make up his mind.

"Why do you do it?

The rich show noble, superhuman quirks?

Justice broke out?


...If you want to control another then you don't have to choose Rwanda as a ghost place! "

Dallaire feels that the world is crazy!

The thinking in his mind was just a moment, but was interrupted by a gunshot from the north.

Dallaire stood up and said habitually: "What's the situation?"

Guan Xingquan listened to the voice in the earphones, and rarely said: "It's nothing big. We have to build a large enough safety zone here. If we want to pack in the shopping mall in the north, let people go there and talk to the person in charge.

I didn't agree, but found some women, Tutsi women, very miserable.

You can check it out if you are interested, but it doesn't matter if you are not interested, those poor women will be sent here soon. "

After speaking with Dallaire blankly, Guan Xingquan pressed the send button on the phone and said coldly: "I am Guan Xingquan. Now I order to expel any Rwandan government forces and thugs who dared to approach the safe zone.

If you are attacked in any way, kill it! "

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