The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1664: Don't be in front of the children

I was rushing just now, and the stopped pickup truck was only ten meters away from the violent gangster. Jiang Hongrong, who used a pistol at such a distance, had no bullets. The "bang, bang" sound was as fast as a fully automatic weapon shooting!

For fear of accidental injury, an assault rifle is useless.

One shot, one shot, ignoring the standard Western shooting technique of "two shots on the chest and one shot on the head" that is commonly used in training. The close shot and the far shot to the torso are all solved with one shot.

The thugs in front of them were either wearing flowery shirts or messy singles, some of them were shirtless. If an empty-pointed Parabellum bullet did not hit its vitals, it would not be immediately fatal.

But the weapons in the hands of these beasts were almost all machetes, axes, and clubs. As long as they were hit by a single shot, it was impossible to rush up with the machete regardless of the pain and rapid blood loss.

The three people in the vehicle body that fired the first shot would be condescending, and the assault rifle and the light machine gun were constantly firing, so there was no need to worry about accidental injury.

In just a few seconds, the thugs were beaten up!

After the reaction came, she found that someone was shooting at them, and Sayazi, who was still alive, ran away!

At this time, Jiang Hongrong had already emptied the magazine in his hand, hitting too fast, and hitting several times with the brothers in the carriage.

Quickly changed the magazine, and shouted: "The two assault, rush forward!"

Knowing that his partner would be behind him, he rushed forward and shot while running: a mob went behind the house.

Two also jumped from the car body, the assault rifle quickly backed, pulled out the pistol inserted in the holster on the thigh side, and rushed up!

At this time, the people in the car behind had already rushed in. First, let’s see what was going on. I just listened to Xiao Wang from the embassy who hid behind the car and shouted in the local language. After shouting in Kinyarwanda, he shouted in French, and finally he could listen to English. understood.

Civilian is already very brave.

"We're here to save you, so stay on your stomach! Don't move on your stomach!..."

The situation in the large yard was messy. At least thirty or forty thugs who were killed and unable to move were lying down, and Jiang Hongrong's calls and gunshots were heard from the earphones.

"The Zhengjun will save the wounded quickly, Yunhai, Ahang, Alei, and Lao Liu guard the door, and the others will search the entire orphanage in groups. Don't let one go, you can't keep alive!"

I don't know if it was the shock of the gunfire or the yelling of acquaintance Xiao Wang. The children and employees in the orphanage did not run away, but stayed where they were.

When the Qiuzheng Army, who was also a medical soldier, inspected the severely chopped child, two women with red cross marks on their clothes came to help.

One of them was a white man, saying loudly in English: "Thank you, thank you!..."

The child's right hand was connected to the back with a terrible wound with deep bones, and the blood kept pouring out.

The child was crying, asking Zhengjun to see if he could be twelve or thirteen years old. He couldn't control that much, so he took a rapid injection of morphine.

I consciously controlled it, and only used about two-thirds.

"Hold him down!"

Sprinkle a quick styptic powder, tie the arm with a tourniquet, then tie the torso and arms with a hemostatic pack and bandage, and look at the temporary stop of the bleeding, so that you have time to see the poor children who are being held by the crying staff .

The children fell on the ground just now. Their skin was black, but the blood that shed will stain the white strips of the Red Cross gowns on the women who are holding their tiny bodies, and the land on the ground dyed bright red. !

There were seven boys and girls, all dead, and most of the heads of one were chopped off.

A wave of evil fire filled his forehead, and Qiu Zhengjun's eyes fired. After he forced himself to read the last child who had apparently died completely, he got up and pulled out the pistol on the side of his leg!

The captain asked him to save the wounded. Of course, he was talking about the people who saved the orphanage. There were also two half-dead bandits who hadn't taken care of it and called out.

"Brother, don't be in front of the children!"

Looking at this one-handed blood, it looked like it was going to explode. The guy who had been a car soldier for eight years reminded him aloud.

This buddy just drove the minibus into the yard and directly blocked the gate with the body. This not only blocked the outside view, but also regarded the minibus as a bus blocking the goal.

Close the insurance, ask the army to put the gun back into the holster, pick up the axe from the ground, and then pull one of the beast's ankles with one hand. No matter if the **** still has the strength to shout, he drags it toward the house.

"Hey, what about you, drag that **** over too!"

The driver's eldest brother silently dragged another one, and dragged out more than ten meters. At this time, Qiu Zhengjun had dragged the first beast to the corner of the house.

When the driver dragged people past the corner, he saw Qiu Zhengjun holding an axe. Anyway, he couldn't understand what the struggling **** was talking about.

"Brother, don't use an axe."

As soon as the driver saw the situation, he knew that the evil fire of the medical soldiers had eased a little. If just now, he would chop it down with one axe 100%!

In this half a minute, humanity returned. It takes a bit of courage to behead the beast in the feedlot with an axe, let alone chop a wounded and dying humanoid beast.

Upon hearing the reminder, he threw the axe to the side, took out the pistol, opened the insurance, and shot the beast on the ground forehead.

The empty tip bombs, and a large piece is directly thrown off the back of the head!

Spit on the corpse, then kicked a few more kicks, "Damn, you bastard, it's cheaper for you!"

The driver here was also agile. After kicking the corpse, Qiu Zhengjun saw that this buddy was also aiming the M9 in his hand at the head of another beast.

"Bang", it's over.

"Have you killed before?"

The driver nodded, "Before I became a soldier, I followed my uncle as a former militiaman for a few days and escorted the monkeys, all suddenly."

No wonder, it's no wonder that this person speaks with a bit of colorful cloud south.

Killed two beasts and kept listening to the conversations of other brothers in the earphones. They have checked the entire orphanage, killed 5 thugs, and found a few hiding children.

As soon as they returned to the yard, the women of the Red Cross were also deciding whether there were any children missing. They messed up for a few minutes, and finally made sure that except for the seven unfortunate children, everyone else was still alive.

The entire orphanage was there. The white woman in her thirties was an Austrian named Lisa, and she was introducing the situation to Xiao Wang and Jiang Hongrong.

There was not a ghost shadow on the road outside. Gunshots started throughout the city last night. I got used to killing people. I was timid to hide. I didn't come to check the situation. No one from the checkpoint just passed by came.

The denser the gunfire, the less no one came, and no one wanted to die!

"They want to kill all Tutsi children, and they want us to watch!..."

This Lisa was talking with tears.

Jiang Hongrong motioned her to stop and said in English: "Send you to a safe place first, and talk about the others.

Bring all the children! "

Speaking of looking at the seven unfortunate children, UU reading www. will also bring him (her).

At the same time, inform the hotel that it is ready to pick up. There are more than two hundred children here, regardless of their ethnicity.

Civil wars and poverty have caused orphans everywhere. The Hutu and Tutsi people, except for some of the sources, are just blind judgments.

Because they all look the same, they were originally from the same nation.

But I don’t know if it’s because of the management organization. Most of the children in the orphanage were "calculated" as Tutsi. Looking at the seven small corpses, all the people who came from the embassy really didn’t know what they were. What's it like.

Everyone got in the car as soon as possible. The thugs came in two trucks, which would also allow the staff in the orphanage who could drive to drive one.

It’s almost full, so let’s set off: the remaining truck was not wasted. It drove to the gate, slanted backwards to block the gate, fired two shots at the tires and the fuel tank, and used a grenade to give points. It's done!

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