The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1665: Guan Xingquan took your entrustment!

"Go north, cross 61st Street, 80th Street, go to West Fourth Avenue, turn at the corner of 63rd Street and then pass 69th Street, so that you can bypass the heavily guarded City Hall.

As soon as you exit 69th Street, 200 meters to the north, you will find the hotel. When you encounter a militia barricade, you will be warned by a machine gun. You are welcome! "

This was Jiang Hongrong's plan. The convoy did not return to the original road, chose a new road, and removed the national flag by the way before departure, even prying off the license plates of all vehicles.

The number plate of the embassy is too conspicuous. It is good when you come, but it will cause trouble if you take the people in the orphanage.

"What should I do if I run into a government guard post?"

Zheng Yunhai, the first machine gunner, asked loudly.

When the convoy started, Jiang Hongrong gave a loud order: "The machine gun warning is still the same. There are up to ten people at a checkpoint. Don't say the three of you can't handle it! This government is over. Boss Guan just lets us rush over. We don't need to take care of the others."

For such an order, even Xiao Wang of the embassy couldn't tell whether it was wrong or not.

When moving seven small bodies just now, Lisa of the Red Cross pointed out that two of them were a pair of siblings-the elder sister was 11 years old and the younger brother was only 3 years old.

When he was hacked, the sister was still carrying her younger brother, and the sister shouted in despair: "I will never be a Tutsi anymore, I will never be a Tutsi anymore!"

The two siblings were hacked to death together, in front of everyone!

The two childcare workers took the blankets and planned to wrap the siblings together. Jiang Hongrong on one side said to the two corpses: "I'm sorry!"

If they could arrive two minutes earlier, the poor brother and sister might not die, Jiang Hongrong cried silently;

He wanted to say sorry, not only because of time, but also because his hard-hearted captain had already notified that he would bring the bodies of the children back to the hotel. The reporters were already waiting.

They want to take photos of the corpse, and then the package will be opened. They will also need to interview the adults and children in the orphanage, and tear open the wounds in these people's hearts again!

There is no way, the boss called: He wants evidence of the Hutu government army and militia slaughtering children, the more cruel the better, in order to save more people!


The convoy headed north along the planned highway at high speed. It fired continuous shots at the checkpoint from a distance. Two of the three militia checkpoints rushed past. At the checkpoint at the intersection of 63rd Street and 69th Street, there were several people. The militiamen armed with shotguns and machetes were not ready to move away.

Just beside the checkpoint, a dozen civilians lay there, apparently hacked to death.

"Fuck it all!"

Seeing that the other party had no intention of giving way, Zheng Yunhai directly shot these seven or eight animals into **** in two long straight shots!

The jeep smashed into the two tricycles that were used as roadblocks, and the convoy drove away. At this time, a few militiamen in fancy dresses sprang out from the roadside house, wanting to see what happened.

Suddenly it felt as if something was hitting the wooden wall beside him, and he bowed his head...

A round grenade!

A guy in the bucket of the last pickup truck in the convoy saw someone rushing out, and instantly felt that it was difficult to kill them all with a gun.

That's fast!

He tore off a grenade hung on his chest and threw it away without thinking about the strength. Just look at the angle. The grenade thrown out will be blocked by the house.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, human body fragments scattered all around, and the wooden and iron simple house on the side of the road was blown away-it was a totally unreasonable RG-60TB temperature-pressure grenade!

The killing radius is 17 meters, everything is clean!

As for the last government guard post before arriving at the hotel, it was removed when the convoy arrived. A dozen government soldiers stood by the side because they were surrounded by more than two dozen armed men wearing heavy body armor.

A white man in the lead told them in English that they had two options.

"Barricades are not allowed within 200 meters of the Miller Collins Hotel. This is two thousand dollars. Either take the money and leave immediately, or all die here!

I count to five! "

A wad of money was thrown in the past, without counting, the leading government lieutenant picked up the money and was ready to leave. He and his men were already weak.

They are all paupers. I don't know which country the twenty or so humanoid monsters armed to their teeth belong to, but the beautiful sword in front of them is real!

Besides, even if the ten or so people resist, they know how much they can endure, and they even doubt whether the AK in his hand can penetrate the body armor of those white people.

The lieutenant is a bit cultural. He knows that the flak jackets are very expensive and the quality is surprisingly good. High-power rifle bullets can't even penetrate at close range.

As for hitting the head, don't be kidding, these people under him are not so good at shooting targets.

Once the gun is fired, the other party will lie down a few without knowing it. Anyway, he is completely dead.

Take the money to leave, and each of his staff will give one hundred, and he can keep nearly one thousand, which is quite a lot.

On the one hand, the money is taken, and the other is 100% death. This multiple-choice question is easy to do.

Mr. Guan sent someone to meet him, and the convoy passed at high speed. The leader of the receiving squad, James David, was about to evacuate. He suddenly heard the government lieutenant say to him: "Hi, I have a suggestion."

Throwing away the money in his hand, "Two thousand dollars a day, we still set up the card here, but don't block your people and cars from passing, no matter what you want to do.

We won't let those militiamen come over, and we can't get close, but if other troops come over, we can only occupy the ground as much as possible. How about?

Otherwise, even if we leave, someone will come. "

This is bold enough!

James Davy grinned, "You kid is a smart guy. Deal! I'll get you a walkie talkie later."

The reception team left, and the Rwandans here directly divided the money.

After a while, a jeep came back and gave a very ordinary fixed-frequency walkie-talkie, plus two boxes of Carlsberg beer, one of which was still cold, which made these ten or so government soldiers happy. meeting.

This beer is not cheap, and I was reluctant to buy it before.

"This is an extra gift from our head. In addition to two thousand dollars a day, there are also hatchback beers and two meals from the hotel. Happy cooperation."

It’s easy to talk when you run into a smart person. Guan Xingquan and Pavel didn’t want this to kill the corpses near the hotel. The government army at this sentry post hasn’t changed people since it appeared. There is no chance and time for murder and robbery.

It's not bad to buy them with a small amount of money and let them be a group of watchdogs for the time being.

This head seemed to be very friendly. Looking at the more than 200 orphanage children and adults rescued from the car, Guan Xingquan, Pavel and others looked extremely ugly.

A group of reporters are shooting selectively, avoiding the frontal shots of Jiang Hongrong and others.

Jiang Hongrong quickly reported the situation to Guan Xingquan, and he wanted to take people back to the embassy as soon as possible.

"Next you try to stay at the embassy. If you have such a thing, please contact the headquarters and let us solve it. The embassy can't have any problems!

"It's Captain!"

Military doctors have to perform operations on children who have been severely chopped up. There is no problem if there is no plasma. The staff of the orphanage will donate blood. Three to four hundred cc is enough.

It's cruel. To take shots of orphans brutally killed, propaganda wars need such cruel facts.

The package in which the siblings were bound together was hugged by someone, when a small hand appeared from the blanket. Guan Xingquan stepped forward and planned to put his little hand back under the blanket, but he did not want to open his little hand. A little coin appeared in the little palm, and then the little coin rolled into Guan Xingquan's hand.

Guan Xingquan picked up the coin, which was 5 Rwandan francs.

After a while, when Zhang Nan called to talk about the matter, Guan Xingquan said: "I accepted a business for the company, five Rwandan francs."

At the core of United Forces is a mercenary company, and mercenaries charge money for doing things. Just now, when the shroud was opened, Guan Xingquan said in a low voice, looking at the broken face of the boy who gave him the coin.

"Your entrustment, I'll take it Guan Xingquan!"

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