The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1667: Useless peacekeepers

China’s five thousand years of civilization history tells Zhang Nan that once this person is in a high position, regardless of whether he wants it or not, he will basically change to a very serious, a little special, and incurable disease!

The symptoms are generally: the eyes will gradually become blind, the ears will gradually become deaf, and the heart will become bigger and bigger, and finally become a deaf or blind person who feels too good to be.

People who are ill can't help it. Whoever lets this get higher and higher, the people below will slowly let you hear what you want to hear, like to hear, and the people below want you to hear.

Similarly, this eye will only see what the people below want you to see and what you want to see.

Seeing is believing is unreliable, the truth is unreliable, the truth, ugly, who is stupid!

Is the United Nations big, and is the Secretary-General big?

Although it is a decoration, to a certain extent, this "length" is very large and very large, and it will naturally become ill.

That Egyptian guy is currently enjoying his head of state visit in Europe, and he is going to pretend to be an ostrich from now on.

People call on the other side of the ocean to ask questions, what kind of person is this!

Even if the whole world knows that he, the Secretary-General, is the world’s No. 1 display, but you should also be in the United Nations headquarters in New York. Let’s see how the five major powers are cooperating with the Rwanda issue. Is it right?

As a decoration, you must know your position, hide in Europe and pretend to be an ostrich, and don’t come back as a mascot. What is the use of such a display!

When others meet that Egyptian guy, they follow their routines. No matter what their status or mindset, they will have this good and that good routine.

But if he dare to stand in front of him, Zhang Nan will really spit on his face: "What useless things do you want!"

No matter what the Egyptian had done before, the slaughter of fashion ostrich by Rwanda alone was enough for Zhang Nan to despise him.

In the world now, apart from the Rwandans who are being massacred, Zhang Nan knows best how cruel and cruel what is happening there, and also knows how bad the performance of the United Nations is in this human disaster. !

The United Nations peacekeeping forces withdrew faster than anyone else, and countries swept their doors, which also protected some white people in Rwanda from evacuation safely.

It seems that with the exception of the handful of troops under the command of Brigadier General Romeo Dallaire, the other peacekeeping troops have hardly made even decorative interventions in the massacre.

Just outside the barracks of UN agencies and peacekeeping forces in Rwanda, many Tutsi people who expected to be protected by the UN were massacred, and the people in the barracks could only watch.

Someone once recalled that before the massacre broke out, Hutu soldiers used machetes to cut Tutsi women into pieces in front of the soldiers of the United Nations peacekeeping force. Those peacekeepers were frightened. I can't even say a word of dissuasion!

Later, someone asked why they didn't stop the atrocities. The peacekeepers sent by the United Nations argued that this is Rwandan killing Rwandans and it is not under their control.

Let’s not talk about the abolition of those peacekeepers. They are really right: this matter is really beyond their control and "cannot be managed" because the behavior of these soldiers in the mission area is restricted by the regulations set by the United Nations. write!

Later, why did Britain and the United States like to bypass the United Nations to fight this and bomb that?

It is said that it is also related to the incident in Rwanda. Britain and the United States will use "think about Rwanda, we are for human rights and humanitarianism" as an excuse. This is really a great irony!

With an eight-nation coalition-style combination, even the commander of the peacekeeping force cannot actually command a few people, not to mention those peacekeepers who have good-looking identities, but in fact, even a large soldier can't call them.

A UN officer in Rwanda was in his office the morning when the massacre first broke out, thinking about what to do and what to do.

The phone rang suddenly.

Upon answering the call, his local Tutsi friend was over there.

The friend yelled on the phone, "Help! Help! The Hutu came to kill! They broke in! Help!..."

Then there was a curse on the phone, followed by the sound of a chopper chopping meat, and then the phone was hung up.

The officer hung up the phone in shock, and as soon as he put down the handset, the phone rang again, and the scene reappeared again.

There was another cry for help, then another scream and dismemberment of the human body, and then the phone was hung up again.

The officer didn't know how many such calls he received in a day. He just listened to his acquaintances and local friends calling for help, being hacked to death, and dismembering his body. He couldn't do anything.

Later, it was said that the UN officer was permanently irritated and caused a mental breakdown. He had to rely on drugs to maintain his consciousness, and he would go crazy if he did not take drugs!

After the massacre began, countless Tutsi corpses would be thrown into the Akagera River in Rwanda. Most of these corpses were sent to Uganda downstream by the river. As a result, the plague broke out in Uganda!

By July, if you stand in any place near Kigali and look in any direction, the corpse can be spread from under your feet to the end of the horizon!

Some people say that China has nothing to do in this matter...

There is no way. In 1994, there was little strength, especially for what happened in Africa. In fact, compared with the embassies of Belgium and France that run faster than rabbits, the Chinese Embassy insisted on leaving Rwanda very late.

Excluding the United States, they flashed before the massacre broke out.

According to the memories of a Chinese diplomat, many days after the outbreak of the massacre, he once had to drive out of the embassy to do business. This was the first time he walked out of the embassy since April 6th, and he saw this in blood. Sea country.

There are sentries and roadblocks along the way. If it weren't for being stopped several times and asked to roll down the window, he wouldn't want to look out the window at all—the whole city was filled with a stinking smell and a broken body. The disorganized corpse was lying on the side of the road and in the ditch, covered with flies!

At the end of the evacuation, in the airport, a diplomat from another country who was also evacuating at the same time and waiting for the plane told him in horror: "From the embassy area to the airport, the whole road is full of corpses!"

He didn't see it, because he was riding in the armored vehicle of the peacekeeping force that was left behind, and he couldn't see the outside situation, but in the compartment without the three defense facilities, he actually smelled the stench of the corpse that kept moving inward!

Now that the combined forces have arrived in Kigali, Zhang Nan hopes that such human tragedies will be less frequent.

This Jiang Hongrong took the convoy back to the embassy, ​​and the checkpoint near the hotel let him go directly. Xiao Wang didn't understand the situation. Jiang Hongrong said, "A group of watchdogs for two thousand dollars a day."

Xiao Wang didn't speak, and grinned: This is also not bad.

Less than 500 meters away, in the blink of an eye, everyone in the embassy was welcoming the return of the heroes.

At this meeting, Counselor Lu and others only knew that they had rescued more than 200 people, but they didn't know that they had killed more than 40 thugs in order to save people.

Now that I said about this, Shen Yizhi immediately said in a hurry: "Then we must withdraw all of our people!"

It used to be the embassy's convoy to rescue If anyone saw the removal of those thugs, the people at the Chinese Embassy would be in trouble!

Jiang Hongrong was about to go to the top floor to see the situation. Upon hearing this, his eyes widened and said: "There are still people outside of our embassy?!"

Shen Yizhi didn't expect that Captain Jiang reacted so much, and quickly said: "There are several people in the Economic and Commercial Office, and one of them is in one of our warehouses."

Jiang Hongrong sighed and said, "Please, let me know if I have something to do in the future.

Hurry up and call, if there are any confidential things that must be taken away, let them pack immediately, and we will pick them up.

There are people from the orphanage, even if those two places are emptied and burned out, Counselor Lu and the comrades have nothing in common. "

International influence!

Turning around, he shouted: "Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang, we have to go out again!"

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