The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1668: Difficulties in understanding

This Jiang Hongrong led seven people, led by Xiao Wang, and drove the car to pick up people in a hurry.

Don't rush, if those Rwandans know what happened in the orphanage, the Chinese folks in those two places are likely to be miserable!

On the other side, in a small meeting room on the first floor of the hotel, the Phelps military doctor is carrying out the operation with two assistants, which is also fast.

The small conference room becomes a temporary operating room, and the sterile and non-sterile ones are not taken care of. In the future, antibiotics will be used.

Sterile environment is difficult, and antibiotics are very difficult.

The military doctor is quite satisfied with the working environment. The conference room of this high-end hotel is cleaner than most field operating rooms. It is cleaned every day. This morning, the hotel cleaners even mopped the floor with disinfectant.

The twelve-year-old child was severely chopped and suffered blood loss. It looked terrifying to laymen, but for the experienced Phelps, it was just a simple operation.

It is predicted that there will be a large number of casualties in this incident. The headquarters directly mobilized several of the company's best surgical medics. Phelps and another person are the first batch, and that will be on the farm in the west.

He was selected for the first batch because he could perform craniotomy under extremely crude conditions. The big boss said to Guan Xingquan a few days ago: "The person whose head was chopped and chopped off. Absolutely a lot, don’t forget to send the doctors in the past to have the technique of stitching their heads."

Not only the scalp, but the bones must be able to deal with that. Phelps is doing my part!

It took less than half an hour before the boy was chopped to enter the operating room. Hemostasis in the early stage and emergency treatment were also considered timely and reasonable. This created a fair precondition for the operation.

Blood transfusion, debridement, connect a few more important blood vessels to prevent necrosis of the body, then sew muscles, and finally suture the skin. The speed is fast!

Fast and good technique, boys, two more scars on the back and arms are not a big problem. Phelps only thought that the child's physical function would not be affected in the future, and he didn't care whether the scars would be big in the future.

Man, it doesn't matter if there are two scars on his body, and they are not on his face. Besides, it is unlikely that this child will become a pilot in the future.

The assistant was bandaged properly and sent to the VIP suite in the ward for the severely wounded. Phillips and the other person went to the bathroom next door to throw away the surgical gloves, washed their hands and disinfected, put on new gloves, and returned to the operating room to continue the next operation.

This is Africa, and the wounded who are on the operating table know if they are sick!

That child is unlikely. He is more than ten years old. When he was born, the HIV might not have spread to Rwanda.

But this has to be prevented again, once it is glued, it will be over!

There are many wounded: It’s a magical thing, the phone can be connected, the people in the hotel circled relatives and friends, and many people have tried to find refuge here, and naturally there are wounded.

The military doctor felt that the situation would get worse and worse. He might be busier this time than in Baguio, the Philippines!

The second operation was simple. One neck was chopped off, not very deep, this one ran fast.

Once the stitches were finished, the military doctor opened the door of the conference room with his gloves on, and saw a waiter standing outside.

"Dolby, go move three sofas, the one that can lie down comfortably like a dead dog.

Get us three more blankets and a few pillow cushions and put them in the operating room and put them aside. "

Dolby was a bellman in the hotel. He was assigned to stand by in the operating room. He went to the operating room as soon as he was ordered by the military doctor. Phelps planned to use the operating room as his home.

In fact, it's not for home, the conference room is big enough, the original tables and chairs are removed, and the sofa is put in the corner, he and two assistants can grab any free rest.


There are still a dozen people in the Economic and Commercial Section of the Chinese Embassy in Rwanda. After receiving the notification from the embassy before, they prepared to evacuate as soon as possible.

The files are important, and bedding rolls are indispensable. The chef even carried a sack of canned food, and shouted that if everyone didn’t want to be hungry, he would try to empty his small kitchen warehouse.

As soon as Jiang Hongrong and the others’ pickup and van arrived, they saw that these guys were still moving things.

It’s not too far from the embassy here. On a small hill, there are six or seven government troops and militia checkpoints along the way. It’s really fortunate that the communications of this gang of thugs are still in the most primitive stage.

Give the people here another five minutes, throw away what should be thrown, life is the most important thing, and the country does not lack this thing.

Hurry up and finally got in the car. This Jiang Hongrong was also broken. Before leaving, two powerful grenades were hung on the inside of the main building of the commercial office. After that, the person climbed down from the second floor.

Using the spray pens that may need to be graded for the wounded before being put on the car, I wrote a few conspicuous characters on this door: No entry, there is a bomb behind the door!

Several comrades from the Commercial Office saw this operation in the yard and asked, "When we come back, how can we deal with the bomb?"

"Find someone who has been a soldier, use a ladder to climb in and pick it up.

If you are courageous, you can open it slowly, but this is not recommended. Look at that time, if we are there, I will help you.

It's not that scary. The safety pins are all there. Only when the door is violently opened or knocked open will the safety pins be pulled out and roll on the ground roundly, four or five seconds later..."

As soon as the gesture is made, "Boom!" It's all over within a radius of 17 or 8 meters!

"You won't hit the door foolishly?"

A few people shook their heads immediately!

Just bomb it, the words at the door are all Chinese people can understand. As for the Rwandan mob... it deserves it!

What should I do if the house is blown out or burnt?

Uninvited guests come in, can this house be settled?

It's not bad if you don't burn it.

Since it will be over after It's not bad to prepare a big gift for the jackal that comes in.

The Economic Counselor of the Commerce Department set off after counting the number of people, and hurried to the warehouse with "Hula La".

There were more roadblocks in this section, but it went smoothly. This did not force the card. A small group of armed men had enough deterrence. The cars were all Chinese. The government forces and thugs who set up roadblocks were not embarrassed.

The man in charge of the warehouse had been waiting with a bag long ago, and he saw his arrival from the crack of the warehouse door, leaving the door, locked, and hurried into the car.

On the return journey, try to choose the main road. Even if it is related to the card, the main road is basically a member of the government army, and the government army does not seem to want to smash the face with foreign armed personnel.

There were fanatical mobs on the road, a few corpses lying on the side of the road, and seeing mobs robbing houses. Jiang Hongrong was ruthless and ignored it. The most important thing was to send people back first.

This would make him understand the difficulty of those peacekeepers: people are always selfish and cling to each other, and only if their own ethnic group is safe, can he think of pulling others out.

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