The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1676: Do unto others, do not impose on others

A Tutsi refugee who had served in the Rwandan army and later worked in a government agency approached Pavel and told him: "Sir, the government gangsters plan to move their headquarters from the army headquarters to a military camp in the south of the city. I know the place, I have served there before..."

"point out!"

A lot of preparatory work has been done in the early stage, but for Kigali, a place that is considered a corner on the earth, before sending people to the investigation, the intelligence agency of the joint force can know the Rwandan presidential palace, the Ministry of Defense, Where are the army headquarters, city hall, and police headquarters?

Now, a few laser-guided bombs let the beasts in the Hutu know what fear is: if people dare to bomb your national radio station, they will also bomb your headquarters when necessary!

Re-marked the location, thanks to the monitor, it is 8.5 kilometers away from the hotel, not only is it far away, it is also invisible at all.

But as long as you know the place, it's easy to get rid of that place when you need it: Su-30 can mount the laser indicator cabin on its own, and all these things are provided by the company.

The effective range of the target indication of those pods is much longer than that of the portable indicator. As long as the weather conditions are suitable, you can blow up wherever you really want to explode!

Moreover, not only laser-guided bombs, but the company's fighter jets and bombers are also equipped with several air-to-surface missiles. Air strikes can be easily launched outside the defense zone, but the cost is higher.

Air strikes in Rwanda, a typical asymmetric warfare, are sufficient with relatively inexpensive laser-guided bombs.

There is not much secret to the other party's communication, and in order to effectively coordinate with the air force, the communication equipment on his side uses Russian-style equipment.

For the communication equipment prepared for the Cold War, the level of confidentiality should not be too good. Even the special electronic warfare unit of the US military cannot crack it in a short time, let alone these Rwandan butchers.

Asymmetrical, unreasonable!

Kigali really became completely sleepless tonight, and the United States of this meeting was still the first half of the night, the day was not over, and the nightlife of night owls had not even begun.

At 9:30 p.m., Zhang Nan had just returned to the manor on Long Island from Manhattan, and today he received a call from Mr. Zipper for the second time.

"Ellen, let me tell you a piece of news. I just received a piece of news that the national television station of Rwanda has been bombed and completely destroyed..."

Zhang Nan interrupted him directly and said: "My friend, because of the instigation of that radio station, the whole of Rwanda has now become a slaughterhouse.

In the past 24 hours, at least tens of thousands of people have been killed in Kigali alone. Both men and women, and even the orphanages have organized to kill and don't let it go!

Someone bombed that **** radio station. We are friends, William, so don't ask me who did it.

I know that Brigadier General Romeo Dallaire asked the U.S. military to send strategic bombers to bomb that **** radio station, but you said that doing so was an infringement of the sovereignty of other countries.

When I was in school, I learned a saying, "Do not do to others what you don't want to do", my friend, I just want to say that those pilots did a great job! "

Zhang Nan explained the meaning of that old Chinese saying in English. The President on the other end of the phone could only respond with a wry smile. What else could he say?

The US military's intelligence agencies do not eat dry food. Military satellites have discovered that the joint forces were originally deployed in the air power of Botswana and Gambia. A few days ago, some of them were transferred to two airports in northeast Angola.

Who will and who has the ability to accurately bomb out the radio station tonight?

If it's not the United States, then there will only be a wonderful family of United Forces left!

A company wants to fight a country?

It's not the first time for others. The earth has to get used to the existence of such a wonderful company.

At this point in time, the news from the TV stations of the United Television Network and several media groups with good relations all have news sent back from Rwanda, and the pictures are bloody, brutal and cruel!

The piles of corpses are nothing unusual. The shots of old and weak women and children being hacked to death by a knife are only irritating!

Shots that are too **** can't be broadcast in the news, and it will be fine if you do a little bit of processing. It can still make all normal people look upside down and get cold back.

Even if ordinary Americans don’t care about things outside, let alone what’s happening in faraway Africa, under this kind of propaganda offensive, a kind of "Should we do something?" thinking began in the United States and the rest of the world. Countries and regions that can see these news and will use these news materials are brewing and rising.

United Television Network and other well-connected media soon discovered that they were not a family fighting. There were a bunch of idle people-rights organizations in the United States, as well as the International Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. Whatever, even the teaching-teacher will come out to help speak.

The pressure on Mr. Zipper is declining, and he is not stupid. He knows that when an ostrich is scolded, he has to thank Zhang Nan for what he has done.

In the beginning, it was to trouble him, but after nearly 30 hours, as the public opinion slowly changed, the pressure became less.

With the continuous broadcast of stunning visual impact, this person’s thoughts and emotions are easily affected-this Zhang Nan knows too well that in his previous life, after the Rwanda massacre, the UN peacekeeping force was ordered to withdraw urgently.

In addition to protecting the safe evacuation of white people, most peacekeeping forces did not make any decorative interventions in the massacre at all, let alone those western troops sent urgently to protect their own nationals and the withdrawal of diplomatic institutions~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Just outside the barracks of UN agencies and peacekeeping forces, many Rwanda people who hoped for the UN were collectively killed...

Regarding the Rwanda massacre, the United Nations had a proposal to send additional peacekeeping troops to Rwanda, but the so-called democratic world in the West was silent, and all mankind was silent. The puppet-like United Nations naturally followed the silence, and human society was annihilated at that moment. The minimum conscience and courage!

It wasn't until mid-June when millions of people had been massacred in Rwanda that the outside human society had a feeling of "guilt, what should I do?"

The media does not propagate or incite. Who knows what happened to that small African country-this is the news blockade.

It can't be justified if you don't do anything. Millions of people have been searched and the United Nations feels that if it remains silent, it still needs its organization to be useful!

In the end, the United Nations finally dispatched peacekeeping troops again, but it was too late-about 77% of the Tutsi in Rwanda have become dead, and the city of Kigali has lost 85% of its population. The city is everywhere. It's a rotting corpse, almost a ghost town!

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