The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1677: It's a pity that I don't have

The Tutsi in Kigali were almost killed, and a lot of moderate Hutu died, regardless of whether it was the Hutu government, army, militia butchers, or some Hutu who did not participate in the killing. Dead city, because the Tutsi army came from the north.

Sayazi, a Hutu government army who was unable to do civil wars and fought the five scums in the foreign war, ran away. The millions of Hutu people mixed with a large number of beast butchers soon became refugees and ran to several neighboring countries to take refuge. Several huge refugee camps were established there.

Well, the next thing makes people wonder if it is dumbfounding or speechless, or simply wanting to swear: the international community dominated by Western forces transported a large amount of disaster relief materials to Rwanda’s neighboring countries to help those Hutu refugee camps, so as not to avoid it. They starved to death and almost forgot the Tutsi people who were still surviving in Rwanda.

From April to June and July, the beasts of the Rwandan government army and militia, who used machetes to chop people and machine guns against unarmed domestic people, were mixed with a large number of Hutu refugees at that time, and they also benefited from the international community. Selfless rescue.

Is it funny, unbelievable, incomprehensible?

that is the truth!

In the beginning, those refugee camps were basically built and managed by the Hutu radical butchers in power. The hatred and genocide they instigated caused this result. Now it is the turn of the vulnerable Hutu groups to bear the massacre. The suffering caused.

Hutu civilians collapsed on the roadside and in the wilderness because of disease and hunger. They dared not stay in Rwanda for fear of retaliation by the Tutsi army.

Hutu children continue to die due to malnutrition, everything stems from hatred, killing and the silence of the entire international community before!

Of course, the deepest reason for this tragic situation lies in the national-division management policy used by the Belgian colonists. The "civilized man" laid the groundwork for this human tragedy.

The "civilized man" has only one Britain, Belgium, and...almost all colonists.

The same is true for France. Their role in the Rwanda massacre is not glamorous at all. Knowing that decades later, the Rwandan government is still responsible for France as an accomplice in the massacre!

Now Kigali has been bombed, and is confused. I don’t know who did it—the first emergency press conference in Washington to clarify the relationship, but it’s not clear who did it.

Even if the reporters can guess some truth, this trip is not a stalker: Washington can offend, but the Wall Street crocodile is usually hello, me, good, and everyone’s good Wall Street crocodile can’t offend. You want to offend others, then Help people, do not follow the rules of the game!

Not only the reporters do not want to ask, but the bosses, major shareholders, and senior executives of various media have repeatedly urged their reporters: Don’t ask what you should ask, and don’t ask what you shouldn’t!

"Everyone is playing war in Africa, so let's just earn some ratings. Don't let your brain get rid of the highest professional ethics of journalists and make trouble for yourself!"

You are not afraid of death, we still want to be more comfortable and convincing for a few years to have a birthday! "

Two hours after the bombing, Romeo Dallaire contacted Pavel.

"Mr. Pavel, I just received the notice that the Belgian army will be completely withdrawn from Rwanda after dawn today, and the French will also withdraw their troops on a large scale from dawn. At most, they will only temporarily maintain one or two symbolic presences in the southern region.

From now on, Kigali will have to rely on us. "

"How many more people do you have?" Pavel asked.

"Counting my own total of 260 people, that means I can protect a safe zone that we have established. Now, except for the ten or so white lieutenants and soldiers who voluntarily left behind, the rest are African peacekeeping forces, black brothers. !

You should also be aware that these soldiers in Ghana can only serve as defensive figures. There is only one radio station, and they cannot be released at all.

my friend..."

Pavel on the other end of the phone sighed deeply, "Now this uniform makes me feel guilty."

Who is under the pressure?

Mr. Romeo.

Who is being condemned in their heart and is unable to change the status quo?

Mr. Romeo?

Who wants to rush to the United Nations to punch someone?

It's still Mr. Romeo!

Romeo Dallaire should be considered a good man. The safe area set up under his command can accommodate 10,000 or 20,000 people. Other than that, he is really helpless.

Mr. Brigadier General did not know that if there was no joint force to intervene on this trip, he himself would often get drunk because of depression many years later, and he would even be found sleeping under a bench in the park because of the drunkenness.

Sometimes when talking to other people about the terrible things that happened in Rwanda, he would often say: "If I had 5,000 people at that time, 5,000 soldiers would be enough to prevent the spread of the massacre!

Unfortunately, I didn't. "

Pavel could feel the collapse of Dalyle’s helpless beliefs at this moment, and said: "If the massacre is to be prevented from spreading, how many peacekeeping troops do you think is needed?"

"If it's all yours, or the level of the lieutenants in my hand, enough transportation and communication tools, and can do it freely, 5,000 people will be enough, at least 3,000 people!

The sooner the troops arrive, the better, and everything will be late in another week. However, that would only be able to immediately control the massacres within a few cities, and the villages still need time.

Pavel was talking, and Guan Xingquan on one side could also hear them. The two exchanged glances, thinking that they could mention an idea before.

After a moment of silence, Pavelby said to the phone, "My friend, stop doing it."


"My friend Stop being a brigadier general, and don't work for the United Nations, come to our company. You are a good person, and you are given a position with an annual salary of at least 5 to 10 times that of your Canadian.

Don’t worry about military tribunals and the United Nations. We will help you solve these problems when the time comes. You are familiar with how to operate peacekeeping operations, and you are more familiar with Rwanda. You are more experienced than us. We need someone like you.

You say that you want 5,000 people, then we will give you 5,000 people. Starting from today, all of them will arrive in Rwanda within three days. You can suggest how to operate the specific task, and we take your plan as the first implementation reference. "

Romeo Dallaire couldn't turn his head for a while, and he didn't speak for a long time.

The level of joint forces fighting and occupying the territory is first-rate, but facing peacekeepers is really a layman-who should be familiar with the generals of this business before?

There were originally senior officers in the company, as well as senior officers serving as consultants, but there was really no senior officer familiar with the specific operations of such tasks.

Resolutely dig people, dig the foot of the wall, dig the corner of the United Nations!

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