The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1691: Reappearance of Guan Boss Stunt

There is an old Chinese saying: Defeated like a mountain, like an avalanche, the Rwandan government forces in Kigali almost all ran away in less than two hours!

When the murderous coalition forces entered the city, the Rwandan government controlled by the Hutu radicals was completely down!

In fact, the moment the Hutu radicals wielded the butcher knife at the Tutsi and Hutu moderates, the end of this beast government is already doomed. Even if the international society of this era knows later and becomes an ostrich, it will not. After a small African country has slaughtered millions of civilians in a short time, it will allow its beast government to exist.

This is what is often said, "Justice is never absent, only late.", a super shit!

In fact, "justice is sometimes late, sometimes even absent!" Is late justice still justice?

Absolutely not. You can ask those Rwandans who were slaughtered if they want such **** "justice"!

"Late justice is not justice", this is the correct truth!

After the MiG-31 interceptor stunned the whole city of Kigali with a sonic boom like the roar of the gods, the Kigali International Field was occupied by the "United Nations peacekeeping force" and fierce exchanges of fire broke out with the Rwandan government forces. The "peacekeeping force" was using tanks. The news of clearing the way and killing towards the city reached the headquarters of the Rwandan government army in the south of the city, and the people here panicked!

The speed of murderous civilians can go to the Guinness Book of World Records, but the government forces have fought civil wars in recent years, that is, they have fought half a catty against the Tutsi army, which is not much better than the general level of black African guerrillas.

Now the "United Nations" has even dispatched modern tanks and combat aircraft. This is a hilly area, not a dense jungle.

Has your own troops fought fiercely with the "peacekeeping force" on the periphery of the airport?

The generals of the Hutu tribe are not stupid, knowing that this is just the rhetoric of their subordinates, to find some face, and it may be true that they run faster than the rabbit.

what to do?

Let's run, don't run to wait for death and get caught!

Run to the south first. If you really can’t do anything in the future, you can go to Burundi in the south, or go to Tanzania to hide.

The generals of the Hutu tribe estimated that they had at most half an hour, or even only 20 minutes, before the gang of white people should arrive.

If I don’t have time to go back to the city to get some money, I just find a way to tell the family members who can still leave to leave...

The **** didn’t know that the location of their new headquarters had long been controlled by the joint forces. While preparing for an emergency evacuation, Guan Xingquan in the Miller Collins Hotel in the west of the city gave an order to the air cover forces in Russian. : "Blow up the South Command of the Government Army!"

The two Su-30s traveling in circles at a height of 3,500 meters received this instruction and immediately responded to understand-they would return to the voyage after a short while, just to throw the two big guys that were mounted!

The airborne laser-guided pod mounted on the long plane began to indicate the target. Two KAB-1500 laser-guided bombs with a diameter of 0.58 meters, a length of 4.28 meters, and a wingspan of 1.30 meters, weighing 1525 kilograms, were dropped.

The huge aerial bomb whizzed down and the guidance head accurately captured the laser scattering at the aiming point, and the aerial bomb dropped faster and faster!

Suddenly, two huge black-brown gunpowder smoke similar to mushroom clouds rose from the south of the city. The huge shock wave and air wave produced by the explosion completely blew all the buildings within a radius of 100 meters!

The KAB-1500's high-explosive warhead weighs more than 1,100 kilograms, and the high-energy explosive equivalent of each bomb is more than one ton of TNT!

A military camp was hit by two in succession. Not to mention the nearly 400-meter kill radius of shrapnel, the huge shock wave and vibration alone made it almost impossible to have alive within two to three hundred meters of the impact point!

This is a 1500 kg heavy aerial bomb, not a hand grenade, a mortar shell, or a small petrol bomb used by pyrotechnics to make movies!

The first laser-guided bomb dropped less than 20 meters from the office of Augustine Bizmung, Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Government Army. The high heat and shock waves produced by the explosion directly made the scum nearly molecular and completely wiped it out of the world. NS!

There were at least 500 people in the barracks. After the two bombs exploded, less than one-tenth of them could still breathe, and most of them would die within a short period of time.

Trauma is not the most terrible, the most terrifying injury is in the body: the air wave and the vibration from the explosion are combined, and the internal organs of a person can be easily mixed into a paste from one or two hundred meters away!

A few years ago, most of the bunkers reinforced and built by Uncle Sa could not withstand this level of aerial bomb attack, let alone an ordinary black African military camp. Two aerial bombs easily wiped out this goal.

Standing on the top of the fifth floor of the hotel, Guan Xingquan clearly saw the smoke plumes rising from the south of the city, and a huge explosion sounded more than twenty seconds later.

The city has changed ownership, and now he is the real master of Kigali.

Brigadier General Romeo Dallaire intends to return to his original peacekeeping camp. There is no problem. He has drawn up an outline for the implementation of the peacekeeping mission, and the joint forces can implement the plan in accordance with the above plan.

The Rwandan government army has now become the dog of the bereavement. The Tutsi armed forces in the north can reach the northern area of ​​Kigali at the earliest tonight, but will not enter the city for the time being.

The Tutsi armed forces are also afraid that the joint forces can't clearly distinguish the differences between these Rwandan armed personnel, and the uniforms are not easy to recognize. If one is not careful, it is possible for the joint forces to tidy up.

A reliable connection must be established first, and the city can be handed over to real peacekeeping forces and Tutsi armed forces in a few days.

As for how to deal with those Hutu militias who kill civilians with machetes in the future, it is a matter for the Tutsi army, which has nothing to do with Guan Xingquan and others, and is not interested.

However, there is still something to be done.

Guan Xingquan found Pavel and told him, "Next, I will give you the command. I have to do something."

Pavel smiled, "Be careful, and bring back the heads of those scumbags."

Know what Guan Boss is going to do.

Fully armed, twenty contractors assembled, plus a translator Jam-Kabare, there were already three BTR-80 wheeled armored vehicles waiting at the entrance of the hotel, which came all the way from the airport at a speed of fifty or sixty kilometers per hour.

Kigali, where there will be levels left, drive at this speed, bull!

Twenty contractors went directly on the roof of the armored car, and the translators stuffed it into the car. All of them were wearing Level 4 body armor on the roof, and they were almost ready to be used as steel plates!

The engine of the armored car roared and started, and went straight to the southeast of the city along the avenue.

Just now, a bunch of airborne troops from the airport took armored vehicles and surrounded a wholesale market in the city, which was the headquarters of one of the main militia organizations in Kigali.

It took less than 10 minutes to get to the place, the armored car braked, Guan Xingquan jumped off the car, his eyes swept around, feeling a little boring.

The wholesale market has been completely controlled. Forty or fifty black militiamen are squatting on the open ground, their backhands are **** with straps, and several Russian contractors armed with assault rifles are watching them.

A leading contractor came up and reported: When they first arrived, there were still people in the market with knives shouting, "This is Rwanda, what peacekeeping force, go back to your hometown!"

A few shots killed seven or eight, and then they were all honest.

"Who is George Lutagan?"

Guan Xingquan asked the nearest Hutu militiaman in French, and the interpreter repeated it in Kinyarwanda on the side.

The militiaman glanced at Guan Xingquan with resentment, and said nothing.

"Bang!" With a bang, this chopstick has no chance to see people.

The Hutu militiamen in this wholesale market have been shot ten times one by one without being wronged!


There were several exclamations on the side: I finally saw Boss Guan’s legendary killing skills, my eyes opened!

It wasn't a gun, or it seemed to be kicked slantingly. The squatting **** not only had his neck broken, his head was tilted, and his skull was dented by the army boots!


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