The dozens of squatters who were squatting panicked. They were more frightened than when they were killed by a rifle. There were a few conditioned reflexes. They usually stood up and wanted to escape, but they were directly hit by bullets fired from the pistol in the hands of the contractor. Legs, fell to the ground and howled miserably!

No one has pity for them, including a bunch of contractors who arrived here first.

When they arrived, they hadn’t seen these beasts killing people, but in an area enclosed by barbed wire in a corner of the wholesale market, there were more than a dozen clothes that were difficult to cover, even a trace of a poor Tutsi woman who was naked. .

Now some of those women are still inside, and they will not be allowed to leave until the city has stabilized a little bit. Besides, they have to find clothes for them.

Go out naked?

That's not a problem.

Falling to the ground and howling, no one pays any attention to them. The contractors have empty-point bullets in their pistols. If you don't get medical treatment, just wait for them to bleed slowly!

Kicked the individual to death with one kick, Guan Xingquan took off the shatter-proof eyes on the bridge of his nose like a okay person, and handed the AKM in his hand to a contractor next to him.

Coldly glanced at the group of beasts, and noticed that several of them unconsciously looked at the one who was squatting in the middle.

Most of the Hutu butchers were quite thin, but they looked quite burly, and they were quite conspicuous when they squatted down there.

With a finger, two contractors immediately dragged the man out, dragged him out in front of Guan Xingquan, kicked this guy on the bend of his leg, forced him to kneel, and pressed his shoulders to make him unable to move.

"Yam, look, is this the George Lutaganda?"

Squatting on the ground, the driver master who immediately stared at the guest translator standing beside Guan Xingquan with a fierce look, still swearing viciously.

Kinyarwanda, Guan Xingquan and the others did not move, but they already understood that this guy knew French.

Without translating, you can probably guess what the **** is cursing.

A contractor put a rope on this guy's stinky mouth, otherwise it would be too noisy.

Jam Kabare's face was a bit ugly, but he was not very scared, because Guan Xingquan had promised him a long time ago and would take his family and immigrate to the United States when he left in a few days.

"Yes, Mr. Guan, he is George Lutaganda."

Guan Xingquan nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, you can go and sit in the armored car for a while, it will be **** after a while."

"No, Mr. Guan, this **** threatens my family. I feel more at ease here."

Guan Xingquan's mouth showed a silky smile. When this man was fighting for his family, he often turned into a tiger!

"Just don't vomit later."

At this time, a contractor drove a pickup truck, took a large bag of clothes from the car, and sent it to the market.

Soon, a group of women ran out, and some of the courageous people took a few bricks scattered around the yard and threw their lives on the heads of the squatting beasts.

It seems like a good idea to give these women pistols and let them kill these beasts one by one...

In fact, this idea is not good at all. It’s just that way to make movies: not only may it waste time, but it’s not always necessary to teach them how to shoot.

Moreover, the random flying of bullets will be potentially dangerous. In the future, people will even be troubled by the joint forces, saying that they will kill civilians.

The women were randomly given some Rwandan francs previously found in the market, which caused them to leave, and then closed the door.

This place is pretty good, the wholesale market is almost single-family, and there are walls, and it won’t be too blatant to do something bloody.

Guan Xingquan still has a lot of things to do later today, and there is no time to waste too much time here, so the problem is solved in a hurry.

George Lutaganda, apparently an importer and wholesaler, is actually the leader of the militia in Kigali. At least tens of thousands of thugs have been affected by him!

In the past two days, he and his minions have been killing people, and the number is difficult to count!

This is the headquarters of his organization, so there are so few people. As for those outside, after throwing away the machetes and spears, you really can’t tell who is the civilian and who is the thug, let alone the contractors of the joint force. In other words, Rwandans look the same!

Just people confirm it, and Guan Xingquan said in Russian: "Leave this, and everyone else will be dragged to the warehouse and disposed of."

Those who could understand Russian drove people away, and greeted them directly with their gun butts at a slow speed. More than forty people rushed into the warehouse filled with all kinds of drinks and continued to squat.


The continuous firing of automatic rifles concealed the screams, and the contractors who carried out the orders did not feel much disturbance.

They were all veterans who had participated in the war, let alone that these offspring were beasts, not humans. They were killed for the sake of the people, and there was no feeling of killing prisoners.

Oh, they are militiamen, who are not qualified as prisoners of war. The provisions of the "Geneva Convention" formulated by civilized people can't be enjoyed by these animals.

Don't kill it, and then raise it for a few days and give it to the peacekeeping force?

There seems to be no death penalty, and a life sentence is a waste of resources.

Strangled and waited until George Lutaganda watched the scene in horror, several contractors brought a few barrels of gasoline from the pickup truck and poured them into the warehouse. By the way, they smashed some of the spirits on the ground~www. Drag this Hutu tribe onto an armored vehicle, step on the floor, drive the vehicle out of the yard, and close the gate.

Before the convoy started, a contractor standing on the roof of the armored car threw an ordinary Soviet-made grenade into the open door of the warehouse accurately through the fence.

The convoy was divided into two groups, one group headed to the south of the city. As for the two armored vehicles where Guan Xingquan was heading to the west, the destination was an orphanage.

At this point, George Lutagan was dragged out of the car, and then tied to a telephone pole. .

The truck that blocked the gate and lit up was already on the side, and I don't know who tried to remove it.

The corpse inside is still there, and it has begun to emit an unpleasant smell.

Guan Xingquan said to George Lutagan in French: "I heard that your people are here to kill the child. I accepted a child's five francs commission, and now it's time to honor part of it."

With that said, he took out his pistol, shot after shot, the shooting speed was very slow, a total of seven shots.

The first six shots hit George Lutagan's leg, and the seventh shot hit the murderer's abdomen, but it would not kill him immediately.

Seeing this George Lutagan let out an inhuman scream, Guan Xingquan said without emotion: "So you are also afraid of pain, don't worry, seven children, each of them counts as one shot, but we are not counted. of.

One of my brothers said to take your head back, but I think that is too bloody, and the children might be scared when they see it, so it's cheaper for you. "

George Lutagan actually didn't understand what Guan Xingquan was talking about. Under the pain caused by such an injury, he could not understand anything.

This Guan Xingquan didn't matter, he stopped for a moment, and said coldly, "Burn it!"


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