The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1711: Buy 5 get 1 free

Children are always interested in beautiful castles, not to mention that this castle is not only beautiful, but also big enough!

Kschonj Castle is not only the third largest castle in Europe, but also the third largest palace in Poland, so its scale is naturally not small.

It looks a little baroque, but it is exquisite, especially the gorgeous cascade garden that was carved out of the rock 200 years ago.

The entire castle stands directly on top of the rock mass, without building an outer wall, the mountain mass gives this main five-story castle a very good defensive barrier.

Many reconstructions after the 19th century have also improved the light extraction of the castle. There are many windows. From the appearance, it does not have the shadow of a traditional castle, and it is more like a palace on a hilltop.

In a word, defense is first-rate and suitable for living.

However, these two little girls have not visited the castle much after the freshness of their first arrival here, not only because they are not only knowledgeable, but the most important reason is that they are hungry!

The jet lag hasn't reversed, it's time for dinner.

When going out to play, the family is centered on children, Zhang Nan said: "Eat first!"

Don't visit first, the sky is big and the land is big, the biggest meal.

It was arranged early, and the chef arrived in advance, and was arranged at the castle hotel to be stayed in. The butler and the servant were preparing, and Alexander Komorowski’s own personal Polish local chef cooperated.

The safety standards of the boss when traveling can be referenced by the President of the United States. Komorowski didn't dare to ask a few cooks to make up the number. He was relieved to take part in this matter.

Otherwise, in case, he must be out of luck!

The tall dining room in the style of the late 19th century, with long tables, you can see the plains in the northeast through the tall French windows, and it is pleasant to sit in the dining room.

Zhang Nan asked Komorowski to sit on his right, waiting for the food to be served, and inquired about the business situation of the company in Poland.

"According to the latest news, Russia is about to completely sell off their inventory of Scud missiles. The basic model is priced at $200,000 per round. Buy five and get one free. Large quantities can even be shipped by sea.

The company has booked a lot in the name of Botswana and Gambia, and the price on your side cannot exceed 100,000 rounds, otherwise it will lose money and make no sense.

Many of the missiles on the Russian side are still the final models with a range of 480 kilometers, and we get half the price."

Zhang Nan said that Komorowski listened honestly, and waited until the boss of La had finished speaking, before he said: "The price is controlled at 50,000 to 60,000. We have to rely on our own transportation. The launch vehicle and supporting vehicles will also be relatively expensive. "

There is a big sale of "Sud-b" at Da Maozi. It is said that the Russian inventory alone has nearly 10,000 pieces, which is too much. If you don’t sell or sell it, you can only scrap it slowly and turn it into scrap. road.

In recent years, due to lack of money and manpower, if those missiles and equipment are not maintained for the system, they will reach the critical line of scrapping in the technical manual.

They are all good things, even if they are temporarily not used, they can be stored for a few years, and they can be sold for a big price in Africa!

The circular probability error of the basic model of "Sud" b is about 00 meters at a range of 00 kilometers, which seems not high, but the most basic warhead weighs one ton, has a charge of 860 kilograms, and has a killing radius of 150 meters. It's enough to deal with urban goals.

The hit is a building!

During the Gulf War, the United States claimed that the "Patriot" air defense missile had a successful interception rate of 96 for the "Scud". Because of this open-eyed and nonsense family statement, most of the world believed that the "Scud" missile was bad.

The actual situation is that the interception success rate of the "Patriot" at that time was pitifully low, that is, between 15 and 0. The "Sud" has a very strong penetration ability, and this is a very powerful ballistic missile!

Besides, let alone now, 20 years later, how many countries will have "patriots"?

Even if there is, what is the deployment density? What is the first-level combat readiness duty rate?

A one-ton warhead, a probability error of 00 meters, a kill radius of at least 150 meters, and the most basic conventional warhead data, no city can handle it!

During the Gulf War, the "scud" felt poor accuracy and power. That's because the missiles were almost all "improved monkey scuds" developed by Iraq to increase the range and reduce the warhead load.

The accuracy errors of Saddam’s "Monkey Scud" are all calculated in "km", and many of them are not problematic (Iraqis’ improved "Sud" often falls apart in mid-air after launching). They are all above kilometers, and the warhead weight is still It seems to be only 150 kilograms.

One ton warhead, 150 kilogram warhead, this is not in the same order of magnitude, let alone the difference between the accuracy of 00 meters and kilometers!

The hair is also bad. We always like to engage in the "personal use version" and "export monkey version" routines for weapon exports. Like their T72 tanks, the self-use model is very different from the export model in terms of quality and performance. Weapons such as the "Sud" missile are even better. So it is.

From the perspective of conventional warheads alone, the monkey version exported has only a basic high-explosive single warhead. Compared with the missiles for its own use, there are differences in accuracy, warhead design, and even range.

Moreover, there are also differences in Maozi’s arms export version. For example, the "pure monkey version of Scud" for countries such as Iraq and Libya is the worst, but the original version provided to the Warsaw Pact countries will be much better, and some are even the same as the Soviet Army. The self-use version is exactly the same.

Monkey version, Huayue version, self-use version, routines in routines.

The Warsaw Pact Allied Forces are going to fight the NATO army first. The equipment given by, of course, can’t be too monkey, otherwise it’s a pitfall.

The Polish "Scud-b" has only a single warhead, but it is the same as the Soviet single warhead model, so the "Joint Force" will take a fancy.

The accuracy is good, and the test firing under actual combat conditions can achieve an error within 00 meters. This is not the same as the error of more than one kilometer with the pure imported "Scud" used by the Iraqi and Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War. comparable.

The restaurant is full of their own people, Zhang Nan and Komorowski said that these are all right, "Scud" is nothing but an intercontinental missile.

You know, several SS-20s obtained from Kazakhstan have long been quietly moved into the basement of Botswana. In contrast, for big countries, Scuds should not be placed near their own turf. That is the old antique.

This is my first time in Poland, and I still have my first dinner, so I have to order Polish food.

Polish pork mixed with a small amount of beef sausage, turkey sausage, wild duck, roast pork ham steak, Polish mixed meat dumplings

There are long tables full of famous Polish dishes from the southwest, and they are full of calories!

"Boss, this wine is also our special variety, raspberry sweet wine, tastes first-class with food!"

Komorowski poured wine to Zhang Nan and tasted it. The wine has a little sweetness, which is not bad.

Tree raspberry brewing, this reminds Zhang Nan of his previous life, a shochu made purely with tree raspberries in his previous life. It is super expensive, and the cost is at least RMB 00 per catty!

No one seems to make wine like that in my hometown. Raspberries need to be wild. Now there is no such thing as artificial cultivation. It is too much trouble to get the raw materials.

"This wine is good, get me some to take away when the time comes."

It's delicious.

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