After a meal, it was already close to the evening, and everyone had no idea of ​​going to the old city a few kilometers to the south. They took a walk around the castle, and then took a rest after an hour or two. Jet lag.

The highest point of the castle is the two towers on the west side. Zhang Nan and his team climbed up and looked up. Under the shining sun, the nearby scenery of more than ten or twenty kilometers can be seen.

Sudeten in early summer is so beautiful!

Nearby, the foundation on the west side of the castle is on a gorge, and the mountain on the opposite side of the gorge also belongs to the scope of the castle mountain, both of which are company properties.

Zhang Nan deliberately watched the Sudeten Mountains in the southwest. He was familiar with this term when he was studying. The Sudetenland was the area where the Germans were welcoming the German army.


Not long after the Czech Republic was swallowed, Slovakia became a protectorate.

As for now, there are not many Germans in the entire Sudetenland. German-speaking people in that area after World War II, like the Germans in the Silesian region in the east, were driven to the German mainland in the northwest. It is commonly called " Territorial adjustment, population migration".

If you lose the battle, it is the meat on the chopping board. Anyone can come up and cut a few knives.

The Waubrich region is also within the geographic scope of the Sudeten Mountains. Today, there are not many Germans in the entire province, and they were also driven to the German mainland after World War II.


Basically, it is not absolutely not. There are still a few Germans who stay alive and die. Some of them lived in this castle before and during the war.

Just after seven o’clock in the evening, Alexander Komorowski’s men invited an eighty-year-old woman and her nearly sixty-year-old son—Dorota and her son Opod were the whole In Waubrich City, the only people who still remember the appearance of Krixiong Castle before the war.

The old lady is still living in a farmhouse next to the inverted-shaped hotel halfway up the mountain, but she will move tomorrow: the whole area has been bought by Komorowski, including Dorothy’s house of course.

It is not an official-business collusion to engage in forced demolition, because there is no need at all!

In the current economic downturn, the old lady, his unemployed son as a geophysicist, and several grandchildren are very happy to receive a large amount of compensation.

"What happens if you don't move?"

I have never thought about it, and it is best not to think about it. Nail households are not easy to be used, especially in Poland, which is currently depressed and socially disordered.

The compensation given by others is pretty good, but you have to go around and provoke others. You don't need to buy the land, and the local department can make you happy!

Those who see the dollar's eyes shining brightly can do anything for this business.

They continued to live nearby. It was only because they needed to remember how some castles looked like before they were transformed by the Germans. For this reason, the two of them also took an additional consultant allowance from the company.

Now that the renovation of the castle has entered the final stage, the two will also move to the city to live with their families. They stay here today to tell Zhang Nan some past events. Except for the mother and son, no one in the entire region knows about the old things anymore.

The old lady is short and has a very good spirit. She didn’t use Polish but spoke to the audience in German: “I married here when I was 18, and I have been serving the Marquis’s family for 12 years. My husband’s family has been for several generations. Everyone is the head of the marquise's groom

Later, Leo became the little follower of the little marquis, and he received formal education from the age of six. The best kind, you can't become a scientist unless you come later."

The old lady talked a little bit, but Guan Xingquan and Joseph were interpreters. Zhang Nan always respected the elders. She didn't think she was trivial, so she listened quietly.

It's interesting to listen to an old lady in the castle talking about the old things about the noble castle before World War II. There are not many opportunities like this.

"I remember at the beginning of the 4th year, the castle, the entire castle hill, and the nearby land that could have about 40 square kilometers were all taken by the army. By the way, it was requisitioned by the Germans.

All the Germans didn't make much sense, so they were asked to take away some valuables, which was almost ridden away, arrogant and unreasonable!

We and the Marquis’s family could only move, and later this neighborhood was not allowed to be approached. It was surrounded by barbed wire, and there were guard posts at several intersections.

Our family lived in a farm near the Marquis about four kilometers to the south. Now there is a car factory that makes parts for the Polonez car in Poland. "

"That Poland", literally translated, obviously, this old lady Dorothy is still a German in her bones!

When Zhang Nan heard this, a little smile appeared on his face, as if he had thought of something funny and couldn't help but laugh.

He was thinking of Huaxia people, and there is one thing that people who are very familiar with Chinese understand: Polonaise cars, the Huaxia people in this meeting are quite familiar.

The well-known Polish car brands have been exporting to China in large quantities 10 years ago. This will be fun on the land of China, but most of them are in the north.

According to the Chinese pronunciation, the name of this car brand is really interesting-Polo (pineapple) is (milk) here (zi)!

Not to mention, there are more funny ones, such as omitting the two characters and directly becoming 波)(奶)车、()车".” The spoof of the 1980s can break out of the Fortunately, the river crab **** didn't show off against this in those years.

"The farm where we live is right next to the cordon, and every day thereafter, we can hear the explosions coming from the ground. For more than a year, two small times, just as on time as a clockwork.

At that time, no one knew what the soldiers were doing. There were various versions of rumors. The most popular saying was that they were building houses for the head of state.

Then the Russians came, and the fighting was fierce. They were shelled and bombed all day long, and many people died.

The old lady didn't say much in this passage. As a German, it was not a happy memory.

"After the war, I went back to the castle quietly. There was no one on the whole castle hill. Many of the old furnishings in the castle were either gone, burned or blown up.

But there was a lot more. Those soldiers dug wells in the castle and built two elevator shafts, but they were all blown up and blocked.

There are also more tunnel openings under the cliff on the west side. Leo even went in to see it when he was a teenager. "

At this time, her son took the conversation and said, "It was the summer of 45, I was 12 years old, and I went in with the blacksmith's son to see it.

But soon the Russians blocked it again, and some still lived in our farm.

They excavated the tunnels of the castle, but after less than two weeks of digging, they left again.

Those Russians didn’t know that I knew Russian. When I was giving them vegetables, I heard that I wanted to dig out some secrets that the Empire might hide, but everything was dug up, so I blew up those tunnels again."

A 12-year-old German child has been learning Russian together with the little marquis and a tutor since he was more than 6 years old. At that time, a few in the Soviet Red Army could think of this!

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