The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1713: Mustache's Secret Reserve Base

Zhang Nan and the others listened quietly. The old lady Dorota sitting on the sofa took the conversation again and said to everyone: "From that fall, the Poles and Russians started to drive us Germans away. It was miserable then

The Marquis moved his family to the west before the end of the war. The situation started to be very bad in the fall. Our family originally wanted to leave and seek refuge in the Marquis.

But we were stayed by Poles because our family used to live in the castle.

The Russians dug, and the Poles wanted to dig, but they couldn't get enough manpower and equipment at once, and the matter was dragged down.

At that time, we couldn't leave even if we wanted to go, so we stayed in the farm to grow vegetables and grow food. Later, the Marquis' farm was divided into three by the Poles. One of them was stuffed into us, which became our family's property. "

Speaking of this, the old lady's tone and expression were a little sorrowful, and she seemed a bit annoyed that her family hadn't kept the property for her old owner.

I can see that she is a very traditional person, maybe the Marquis was really good to the Dorothy family.

At this time, Zhang Nan asked, "Mrs. Leopold, did the Polish government excavate the tunnels under the castle on a large scale?"

Leopold, this is a typical German surname, Zhang Nan is very appropriate to call the old lady.

"It was dug, and it was dragged on until 49. I remember that year Leo had to go to Breslau to attend high school.

The last German secondary school in Waubrecht could not be run anymore. The people were all driven out. The whole city was Poles who moved from the east, and there was another German secondary school in Breslau who insisted on it.

By the way, Breslau was changed to Wroclaw by the Poles at that time."

The old lady was really a little bit chattering, and she had been naturally saying in a German tone that the past few years have not been the Cold War. She is proud of her identity and is finally able to claim herself as a German.

Zhang Nan didn't urge him either. Listening to the story, listening to others' free play is the most authentic.

"We went to the castle a few times that year, and it would be worse than the end of the war. The newly moved Poles were addicted to digging the property sold by our Germans.

Not only did they dig at home, they also went to the castle for several years.

If you can't dig anything, you will steal all the valuable things left in the castle, a bunch of thieves! "

At this time, the old lady’s son reminded his mother that it probably means that the castle is now the legal property of the respected Mr. Allen. Some words

The old lady was also a bachelor, and she reacted and said directly: "It's okay, it's offended."

Zhang Nan said he didn't mind. Under the current situation, he is not so particular about it.

"The Poles have been digging for three or four months. From summer to winter, many people in the city are hired. Even our new neighbors are hired to work.

It is said that a few people died because of recklessness, and as a result, nothing was dug out except for some tatters.

Work stopped in the winter of that year, and no digging was done afterwards. The people here have basically lost interest in the castle, but the Polish government still closed the castle for a few years, probably because it was worried that it would be demolished.

I was engaged in development a few years ago, and I finally made it look a little bit outside, but it made a mess inside, and a movie theater was built. "

At this point, Zhang Nan asked: "The German army dug a tunnel in the middle of the war. Russia and Poland dug it. Did the moustache hide the treasure here?"

The old lady said: "Probably only God knows why they have to dig for such a long time. Many people have studied this in the past few decades."

At this time Leopold answered, "Many people have guessed this way, and I have studied with the trend when I was young. When digging in wartime, no strangers are allowed to approach.

When the war was about to end, the army should have destroyed all information about the underground projects here, and it should be to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Russians, but some news came out.

Since 4 years, the German army has built several huge underground fortifications in Lower Silesia, and one of them is the Krishion Castle here.

Some historians call this the ‘Giant Plan’, which is one of the most ambitious plans of the German Third Reich, but they still don’t know what to do.

The tunnel project should have been completed before the end of the war, and those who were eager to hunt for treasure thought that in the final stage of the war, these tunnels were changed into treasure caves."

It was the first time that Zhang Nan heard of the “Giant Plan” of World War II Germany. He had heard of the “Giant Plan” in the 1950s when the US military deployed a large number of sonar antenna arrays in the Atlantic and then in the Pacific.

Obviously, the two "giant plans" are not the same thing.

Leopold continued: "Some German historians said that the'Giant Plan' built Moustache's secret headquarters, with a total construction area of ​​more than 190,000 square meters. I don't know how to get the information. I think Shiyou are experts. We came out by ourselves.

Albert Speer, Hitler's personal architect, German director of World War II, and Minister of Armaments and War Production, wrote about these underground fortifications in his memoirs.

He said that Moustache and his cronies had sacrificed their lives to the point of madness. At that time, they had been building underground fortresses in the blood. These projects cost more than the entire population of Germany in 1944.

Some of the projects may be underground fortifications here, but there is no definite evidence.

I personally think that this memoir was written to earn some manuscript fees and to keep some notes. It is really not only the writers know.

Others believe that this is a pure air-raid shelter, which may also be used to design, manufacture and store aircraft.

If it’s a treasure, the most reliable information is: Shortly after the war, the original police chief of Waubrich said during the interrogation that in mid-November 44, he had helped the residents of Waubrich keep it. Gold, jewelry and other valuables.

The gold was stored in the police headquarters in a rubber-sealed iron box. Later, the box was buried in several hidden places during the retreat.

But this is just news, no one has dug it anyway, so some people think that the gold is hidden in the tunnel.

Some people think that the treasures stolen from the Soviet Union are hidden in the tunnel. The things stolen from the Polish National Bank and more than a dozen noble estates are also placed a bunch of news, and some people say they are. The golden train transferred from Breslau.

But as my mother said, now probably only God knows what this underground is for, true or false, one is more mysterious than the other. "

The story is almost the same. Zhang Nan gave some American products as a gift to the mother and son to send them home.

Later, he said to Joseph and Komorowski: "You think this is one of Mustache's backup command bases, and some items belonging to him have been dug up.

I didn't ask before, I planned to be a surprise, what's the matter? "

I don't know if it is regarded as a treasure hole, because it is still digging.

Zhang Nan came here this time, first to see the castle, and second to see what tatters were dug out during construction.

The boss was calm, he didn't ask before, and he didn't let the people tell him.

At this meeting, I didn’t rush to see it. I just asked. Komorowski had to say: “We have opened a tunnel that the Poles didn’t dig through. There is a large space in it, and there are three canvases. Wrapped Mercedes 770k

A 9-year convertible review vehicle, and two 7-year semi-hard tops.

It was a garage with a big blast door attached to the back. We didn't continue digging, we just waited for you to come. "

Komorowski really admires his backstage boss and the boss ladies!

Everyone knows that something has been dug up here. After arriving, I will first look at the scenery and the castle. I am not in a hurry to see what the good things are dug out. I even deliberately don't want to know in advance.

He didn't know that Zhang Nan and Nicole were almost immune to underground treasures or something!

The third-empire's gold?

The most in his family!

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