The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1715: Ancient Behemoth

Interested but interested, but not enough to make Zhang Nan go to the tunnel to watch the car regardless of now.

I was really tired today. I drank some raspberry sweet wine during dinner, and then listened to the story for a while. Now I can’t lift my energy at all. I just want to take a shower and get a good night’s sleep. .

After checking the time, he said to Komorowski: "We will go to see the car at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and you should rest earlier."

"Okay, boss, you can order anytime if you have anything to do. I'm also staying at the Castle Hotel."

Komorowski, Joseph and the others left now. Zhang Nan and Nicole stopped discussing the underground fortifications of the castle and the moustache special car. They went back to their suite and took time to rest.

On the way here, Ni might be resting in bed, even so, she was exhausted by this time, and felt the feeling of her own man in the back cabin.

My own man is the boss. Although he usually exercises, he doesn't have the ability to fly across the ocean after a few hours in the first-class airline seats of the bodyguards.

At 12 midnight, Adjani also arrived. She flew over from Paris after having dinner, and she has been very busy recently.

There was nothing to say all night, and after breakfast the next day, the group of people walked to the underground fortification mightily.

Alexander Komorowski was next to Zhang Nan and said as he walked: "We have repaired the two elevator shafts in the castle with a depth of 2 meters and replaced them with a brand new German Krupp elevator. Not far away, the connecting channel was also destroyed by blasting.

Due to the difficulty of construction and the speed of restoration of the castle, we did not continue to excavate and clean from the inside of the castle. Those passages should be connected to an exit that has been found under the canyon. The construction speed of digging from the outside will be faster, sooner or later. Can dig through"

Leaving the top of the hill where the castle is located, from the eastern entrance of the castle, follow a stone steps in the forest on the south side and walk down to the depths of the canyon on the west side.

At the bottom, there is a narrow winding road newly paved with asphalt.

“Originally, this was a deserted walking path. It was supposed to be a simple road during the war. We repaired it and widened it slightly to facilitate construction, and it leads directly to the only entrance to the entire Castle Hill area 16 kilometers away from the south.

All other places are fenced with barbed wire"

Listening to Komorowski’s introduction, he made a bend when he reached the bottom of the valley. After walking about 200 meters, he saw a huge artificial hole on a large solid rock wall enough for buses to enter and exit. The location is a thick and heavy steel gate facing away.

The security personnel who arrived early guarded the gate, "This is it. When we bought this, the door of this cave was long gone, so we made a temporary one, and we can replace it with a stronger one in the future." Komorowski road.

The entrance of the cave is cast with heavy reinforced concrete into a door ring. The road is not particularly clean, with a very small amount of scattered granite debris, just like the rock mass here.

There are two rows of explosion-proof lights in the tunnel, and you can't see the head at first glance.

As I just said, the parking garage is about 250 meters in the tunnel. Zhang Nan didn't plan to take a car, so he could walk around.

I walked only forty to fifty meters, and saw a fork road on the left with the same light on. At this time Weng Qianhui and the two children didn't want to go inside.

Especially Lily, her little face was a little scared.

Well, this is called claustrophobia, which is relatively mild, and if it is severe, this hole will not enter.

Don't force it, there are also fun outside.

Komorowski said: "There are the best Arabian horses in the south racecourse. If the two ladies and young ladies are interested, they can go there. There are also gentle horses."

Alice left with her, she didn't like the deep tunnel very much, so she let the bodyguards go out with her.

After the person left, Zhang Nan glanced at the narrow side road, which was also lit on the left, and asked, "What's inside?"

"There are a few rooms, there are ventilation pipes, basically there is nothing, but a copper eagle emblem decoration was found. The others should have been taken away by the Poles long ago."

None of the people who entered the tunnel together were the Poles under Komorowski, so he could speak in the voice of a Soviet, very relaxed.

This section of the tunnel wall was newly poured. It was blown up in the first place. The restoration work last year obviously took a lot of effort.

Along the way, about 200 meters later, a huge space appeared in front of you: a small wheeled excavator was parked on one side, and three huge black painted cars were parked like ancient giants on the other side relatively close to the side wall. There, three large canvas tarpaulins were folded and put aside.

Only the three huge cars remained in Zhang Nan's eyes. He ignored the huge side blast door at the back, and walked straight to the nearest 770k convertible.

It’s 6 meters long. This car seems to be slightly wider than the two 5-year-old models at the back. It will only appear in a few years. The Maybach 62, which I have seen in my previous life, is a bit longer than it, but it’s wider. It is narrower than 770k.

It would feel like if you put a Maybach 62 next to it, poorly, the Maybach 62 would immediately become a hapless little grass chicken!

The Mercedes-Benz logo in the middle also exudes a metallic Two large and two small, a total of four headlights, two silver-white long horns in the middle, and a smaller front on each fender. For the lamp, the silver-white luster on both sides of the front windshield is not a reflector, but a forward headlight.

The two large spare tires on both sides of the engine compartment are also there. The two small metal flagpoles on the inside of the fender are also decorated with gold embroidered patterns, and the six side window glasses are in a raised state.

Niu breaking, this car has one thing in common with the two cars behind-no mirrors!

Zhang Nan sees cars without mirrors a lot, and the streets of Asana in India are all over the streets, but the meaning of the mirrorless car with the mustache in front of me is really different.

Does Mustache's car need a mirror?

There was no trace of dust on the car. It was wiped by people yesterday, and even the silver door handles can be seen.

Mark opened the rear seat door for the boss, where the first two rows of seats and the middle row of simple leather seats can be removed. Zhang Nan touched the seat. The elasticity was quite good, and there was not much feeling of death due to too long time.

Instead of getting in the car, he said to Mark: "You opened the wrong door." He motioned to the front passenger door that opened from front to back.

The giant Mark's face was taken aback, and Guan Xingquan smiled and said to others: "This is a review car. Unless it's Mussolini's stupid who goes to Germany, otherwise Mustache will be in the co-pilot position in this car."

The big guy smiled awkwardly, and quickly opened the door for the boss again.

I got into the car, didn't sit down, and stood ahead, naturally holding the front windshield with amazing thickness with my left hand, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes to feel it.

No one disturbed Zhang Nan to feel this moment. The Langer tourbillon and the front windshield frame on his left wrist exuded a faint luster under the light.

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