Outside of the tunnel, only three 770k cars have been preserved in the world. Those three cars Zhang Nan really didn't get it. Two of them are kept in the national museums of Russia and Portugal.

As for the third one, it is still used occasionally, in the imperial garage of the imperial family, a baby bump passed down by Emperor Hirohito of the dog day.

Opening his eyes, he twisted the Lange watch on his wrist that once belonged to the mustache, and Zhang Nan, who lowered his head slightly, noticed that there was a transparent sealed bag on the side of the front seat.

He picked it up and looked at it, and said to Komorowski next to the car: "Original?"

"Yes, boss. When we opened the canvas, these were all over the lights"

The lamp covers are all there, and the accessories that belong to this car are almost the same. One of the car keys is inserted in the keyhole.

At this time, I noticed that Nicole and Adjani got in the second car, and Charlize Theron ran to the third car, and Zhang Nan got off the review car and walked to the back.

I just heard Adjani talking to Nicole’ "Can this car drive?"

It doesn't mean whether it can be started, the Big Ben in this state will naturally be able to start after comprehensive overhaul and maintenance. Obviously, she was referring to the peculiarities of this car.

The 5-year-old 770k semi-hard roof, the roof is not a whole piece of steel plate, but a combination of metal and leather, revealing a strong atmosphere of the top luxury cars of the 1930s.

Just now, Nicole rolled down the car window. It felt too heavy to touch. She only rolled it halfway. There was no power window that year.

This will hear Adjani’s question, and she replied: "Of course you can open it, the emperor of the little devil is sitting, and we can just like it.

If someone asks, it is said that it was obtained from an old warehouse in Eastern Europe. At the beginning, the Red Army moved East Germany and the area so that it was not surprising to get a few more cars.

By the way, Lisa, how do I feel that you are a little weird today, a little different than usual, it seems that you have considered too much.

I said, my dear, one thing is very important, where does our car need to be explained to others? "

Isabel Adjani always does her own way, which is a bit strange today.

Now the French Rose also directly pointed to a small inlaid "10,000" sign on the inside of the car door, and said: "This is a mustache car. If I can be normal, it will be abnormal!"

As he said, he pulled a switch under the mark, and a small storage compartment was revealed. There were two Walter ppk pistols with inlaid decorations in it, and there was a row of empty magazines on the lower shelf.

The mustache's car has several hidden compartments for storing Walter pistols and p8 submachine guns. This is also a major feature of the 770k.

Relatively speaking, the head of state liked Walter, not Ruger.

This place should have been closed in the final stage of the war. The people who performed this task clearly knew that the situation was gone. Even Moustache evacuated here after Berlin committed suicide.

At that time, once these three 770k appeared in the outside world, 100% of them would become the spoils of the Soviet Red Army. Those people chose to blow up the tunnel, perhaps imagining that the Third Reich could have a rebirth.

Standing outside the car, Zhang Nan listened to the conversation between the two women in his family and interjected: "Such a good car is a waste of furnishings. Of course you have to use it."

Speaking and looking at the window glass, he said to the two people in the car: "Let me take care of these three cars as soon as possible. I like them.

This is it"

The finger flicked the glass, "It seems to be a little discolored."

Zhang Nan's eyes have a strong ability to observe the color and transparency of objects. Even if the explosion-proof lamp is connected here, some problems are still detected.

I took out the 5600k color temperature flashlight that I would put in my pocket in advance when I was hunting for treasures or looking at antiques, and opened the window of the car.

Then I took a look at the windshield again, and finally looked at all three cars.

All the glass in the car where Nicole is sitting is slightly yellowed, but ordinary people can't notice it;

The review car is okay, the windshield of the third car is slightly flowery.

It's not a scratched flower, but from the inside of the glass, like a flower that resembles white hair. If you look closely, it will be a little awkward after a long time.

After half a century, they are a bit old.

Bulletproof glass before and during the Second World War, the glass material and structure are not essentially different from the current products, generally three layers of glass sandwiched two special transparent adhesive materials, film, this Zhang Nan knows.

Hearing the boss said that the glass was a bit discolored, Pavel said at the back: "I don't know the World War II standard. Now the industry standard for bulletproof glass without discoloration and transparency should be 18 to 20 years.

Boss, the German glass is pretty good. It's still at this level for more than 50 years. I haven't seen the problem. It's pretty good.


Pavel touched the thickness of the car's window glass, and said, "All the glass must be replaced, the car must be overhauled, and the interior will be changed."

Zhang Nan frowned slightly.

A classic car is just an original one, and the consequence of changing east and west is that the meaning has plummeted, and the taste is gone.

At this time, Guan Xingquan also said: "I want to change it. I remember some information I have read before. The 770k that Stalin sent to Stalin was tested in front of him.

It may be that he drove an extra car over and fired it with a submachine gun, but the glass was a little flowery and some body paint fell off. The result was that Stalin suffocated his stomach. "

It's strange that Stalin didn't get annoyed even if it was a gift!

Knocked on the glass, Guan Xingquan said again: "I think the thickness of the window glass is 0 mm, and the thickness of the inner armor is mostly 4 mm, which means it can withstand pistol bullets.

Anan, the bulletproof cars you used before are all of the highest level b7, at least against full-power rifle bullets, including the Jill given by Alexander.

This car can't reach this level, and assault rifles can penetrate it.

According to the company's internal regulations, unless you only ride in the Long Island Manor and the Chiefs of Botswana, these vehicles must be changed.

The first thing to change is this bulletproof glass! "

Moustaches were anti-assault. Submachine guns and pistols were the most popular in those days. Snipers were not very effective in dealing with the people in the moving cars. They were even stupid to assassinate at close range with their rifles!

Years and months are different. Like in the United States, which idiot now takes a pistol and a submachine gun against the president’s motorcade?

Hear a sound, and then he was beaten into torn sacks?

Even if it is sniping, the gun contains full-power rifle ammunition!

The convertible 770k is really going to be a toy. It is probably only in the great plains of Botswana that Zhang Nan can sit on it for a little chic.

In undulating terrain or in an urban environment, Zhang Nan was prohibited from riding in a convertible by the company's security department, and there was no room for negotiation!

How did Kennedy die?

The core staff of the company didn't want the boss to have a case, and ended up being sniped from a height just like the hapless guy.

Even if the roof is not bulletproof, it can at least block the line of sight.

It can’t be canvas either.


The load-bearing capacity of a car is limited, and the structure of a classic car cannot be greatly changed. The simplest one, thickening the window glass is a big problem!

With the door structure there, even if the weight is thrown aside, thickening is a big problem.

Zhang Nan is upset. His other bulletproof cars have the thinnest glass of 50mm, most of which are 70mm, which are completely immune to rifle bullets.

It’s not that much, it’s even more exaggerated: Some time ago, Nicole was asking people to customize two new super bulletproof cars. They were actually truck chassis. The windshield glass was 150 mm thick and the window glass was 127 mm, which can withstand it. The armor-piercing projectile fired by Barrett!

Zhang Nan had to smile wryly, and said to everyone: "The windshields of these cars are 50mm thick. It is not difficult to change it. But the United States does not seem to have 0mm bulletproof glass that can block full-power rifles, right?"

Now even Komorowski frowned: In the Warsaw Pact era, it seems that the entire Warsaw Pact world did not have bulletproof glass of this indicator.

Without thinking, Guan Xingquan said relaxedly: "The United States doesn't have it, China has already had it, so what should I worry about?

I know that the 29mm thick fj79 bulletproof glass was available ten years ago. At a distance of 50 meters, a 42 by 42 cm piece can withstand three ordinary steel core bullets fired by a Type 79 sniper rifle.

This is more than that. In the past two years, I have heard that some factories have produced bulletproof glass with a thickness of 15mm and 21mm to fj79~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know if it is true or not.

Thickened to 0 mm, it is estimated that the top of the armor-piercing projectile will not be able to penetrate.

Even if the following information is inaccurate, the middle two layers of film are each thicker by half a millimeter, with a total thickness of 0,50 meters outside the steel core bullets.

Guys are not furnishings, and more recent situations are impossible.

Now those special glass factories are basically converted from military to civilian, you can buy as much as you want, and the price is favorable.

A custom-made front windshield, I think RMB 20,000 to 30,000, it is cheap! "

Ok! American goods are very good?

In bullet-proof glass, Huaxia technology seems to be better than Yankee!

The glass has a solution, what about the car body?

Joseph said: "The original 4 mm steel plate of the inner layer was removed and replaced with a Russian-made ultra-high-strength titanium alloy plate. The thickness of 68 mm is sufficient and it is not overweight.

In addition to the original car body steel plate on the outer layer, the boss 50 meters away, even if someone shoots at your car with a general-purpose machine gun, it will not be able to penetrate!

That's the one

It's a little bit expensive, the manufacturing cost of those plates is high, and the welding process is even more troublesome. Professionals have to be hired, and a lot of equipment should be used for site construction. "

Okay, Zhang Nan's mood immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, and it would be fine if he could solve it.

With the exception of the atomic bombs and intercontinental missiles, the products produced by Huaxia are not just a phone call, let alone a few pieces of glass!

The general high-strength titanium alloy steel plate has an anti-ballistic performance comparable to that of high-quality armored steel plates of the same thickness, and the kind described by Josephus must be even better.

It’s expensive. The titanium alloy shell nuclear submarine customized in Russia’s shipyard that will be leased for 0 years has been launched, and I will care about a few armor plates!

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