The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1720: Empire Rhapsody

Gamma rays, super penetrating power, are extremely destructive and destructive to living things! Hearing Joseph's words, Li Panfeng and the others had no time to waste time. They immediately checked everyone with a Geiger counter in the "garage".

Everyone didn’t speak. After a quick detection of the unique sound from the small instrument, Li Panfeng exhaled deeply and said, “It’s still more than twice and a half outside the external indicators and within the safe range. Boss, this It is a model that can detect gamma rays. We are safe."

Gamma rays (γ rays), also called γ particle flow, are not easy to measure, because general Geiger counters are used to detect alpha particles and beta particles, while the Geiger counters usually carried by Zhang Nan’s security team can Models that detect gamma rays and X-rays are relatively rare.

It's okay, Zhang Nan was relieved, took two steps, sat down on a cut-off transformer, looked at Joseph and said, "Have you heard of the big clock with mustache?"

This time not only Zhang Nan, but everyone here focused their attention on Joseph.

Joseph nodded and said to Zhang Nan: "Yes, boss.

Coincidentally, I have seen some top-secret information about the doomsday clock seized at the end of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, but some of the accompanying theoretical analysis data of the Soviet Union in the mid-to-late 1940s believed that the thing was either fabricated. Things that are fictitious, or like most of the whimsical research in the Third-Empire Doomsday Technology, can't have results.

He came up with an unreliable principle. In the end, the research couldn't go on at all, and it was found that it was wrong. Therefore, the Soviet Union did not follow up the research, so a few physicists took a little thought and analysis.

Boss, there is that thing in there? "

Just now he and Andre hadn't had time to walk into the big warehouse, so they didn't see the "big clock" at all.

"You will know if you go in and take a look. According to the legend, if the thing doesn't work, the mysterious rays will not erupt..." Zhang Nan said, "By the way, gamma rays were only discovered 20 years ago. How do you know that the thing shoots? Will it be gamma rays?"

When Joseph heard this, he replied: "There are also several paper research speculation reports made by Soviet nuclear physicists more than ten years ago. If it really existed, it could cause a silly clock. The kill mode is most likely to be gamma rays, and it is unlikely that the irradiated organism will rot in a short time..."

Zhang Nan has seen hearsay about this "big clock" on the Internet in his previous life, plus some pictures made by painters and computer graphics masters. It really looks like the big guy I just saw.

Joseph is different. He really has seen a small amount of original information about Na (river crab) Cui Zhong, and he knows that it is a creepy weapon experiment.

Let's call it a weapon experiment, because Zhang Nan and Joseph don't know how to describe the thing in the depths of the tunnel—the original alternative liquid metal nuclear reactor?

Anti-gravity engine?

The original prototype of the super weapon of "Alien Technology"?

The ghost knew what it was, and even the person who made it might not understand what he was going to make.

Joseph was not eager to enter the depths of the tunnel again to see the thing. Instead, at the request of the boss, he briefly talked to everyone about the Na (river crab) quintessential clock that he knew shouldn't exist in the world.

I want to talk about it, otherwise people like Nicole, Guan Xingquan, Komorowski and others are still confused.

Na (the river crab pure clock, it looks like a super big bell in a church, it should be between 2 meters 5 to 3 meters in diameter, and about 4.5 meters in height.

Inside the "big bell" are two layers of "cylinders" with a three-centimeter-thick lead sleeve, containing a purple liquid metal liquid. When it starts, the mysterious liquid rotates at high speed in the two "cylinders" in opposite directions, and emits strong electromagnetic/ionizing radiation when it is running.

Just now Zhang Nan ran away as soon as he saw "Big Bell", and Joseph called "Gamma Ray" as soon as he heard of his name. Ionizing radiation will not be emitted, but if the legendary mysterious liquid in it is still there and leaked, what should be done!

That thing has been in the tunnel for almost half a century. God knows if it has leaked!

Liquid metal is most likely to be mercury mixed with radioactive elements. Otherwise, why do you need lead?

It’s dangerous if it’s not turned on, and it’s horrible when it’s turned on—strong radiation. According to related legends known to Zhang Nan, the big guy killed the scientists who made him when he turned it on for the first time.

In the follow-up experiments, the Germans used a variety of animals and plants for testing. All the animals and plants exposed to the big guys either decomposed into a black viscous substance within a few minutes to a few hours. An abnormal state of decay.

Even technicians several hundred meters away reported that they could taste metal in their mouths after the test, which seemed to be heavy metal poisoning.

At this time, Andre, who didn’t want to stand aside, said: “The laboratory for testing the Na (river crab) clock is all lined with ceramics and rubber. After each test, the rubber will be burned and destroyed. Of prisoners thoroughly rinsed and cleaned with salt water."

Zhang Nan took a look at Andrei—I really admire this guy's city mansion. There was no strange reaction to the situation just now, and Joseph was obviously short of it.

"Have you seen those documents?" Joseph asked.

Andre shook his head slightly, "No, the captain told me during a small chat seven or eight years ago. Said that there was a silly person who took pains to study a time machine that is not like a time machine, and an anti-gravity engine is not like an engine for ten years. .

It cost millions of rubles before and after, and it was still too early to straighten out the principle. As a result, the project ended, and there was no progress.

The original experimental principles should come from the original materials you have read, and the two documents you mentioned more than ten years ago should also be put in by them.

In the end, they had no funds. They did an initial research for more than ten years, and the team leader knew the person in charge of the project.

The person said that if they are given another 20 to 30 years, the matching funds will increase substantially, and after 10 years, they will spend 2 to 5 billion or even 10 billion rubles each year, they may make a big breakthrough in black technology within 20 years The ruble that Andre said was of course the ruble in the mid-1980s. At that time, the Soviet ruble was worth more than the dollar!

For at least two decades, the currency value of hundreds of billions of rubles in the mid-1980s, or even more, will properly exceed the total cost of American moon landing plans in the 1960s and 1970s.

At that meeting seven or eight years ago, the Soviet Union was already suffering from domestic troubles that had accumulated so much that it was difficult to return to, and the war in Afghanistan was dragged down. How could there be spare money to continue to invest in research that was not very consistent with known scientific principles.

The most deadly thing is that this research looks like a stalemate. Instead of wasting the money, it is better to give up, let alone no money.

Zhang Nan heard this and said to Andre: "Nuclear-powered anti-gravity counter-motive? It would be nice to install a spacecraft to fight Star Wars, but it is of little use to modern society for the time being. The intercontinental nuclear missiles of several major countries are enough to destroy. Earth dozens of times."

Andre smiled and said, "No, boss, it's still useful in theory.

For example, theoretically using the principle of anti-gravity, weapons developed may be so fast that they can easily be used against intercontinental missiles and satellites.

Moreover, the boss. In the relevant theoretical research conducted by the Soviet Union, the long-term focus of this item is not actually anti-gravity, but tearing apart space and time. "

Well, few people in the "garage" are physicists. Seeing everyone's reaction, Andre smiled hard to describe.

"Boss, the final result of that research is to create a time machine, similar to the one in Time Tunnel.

It may also allow a certain object to go back in time, while the external time remains unchanged, directly rejuvenating.

Crazy doomsday technology, I really don’t know how the brains of those physicists grow! "

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