The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1721: Nicole's small investment

"Time Tunnel..." Nicole, who didn't want to sit on the transformer with Zhang Nan, remembered that very good old TV show in his mind.

This head Andre is still saying, " is said that if the theory they studied is finally successful, it can distort space and time, and people can travel to different time and space...

For example, going to a theoretical parallel universe, a certain time and space in the past, I don't know the specifics, the category of high-end physics. "

Zhang Nan graduated from high school and didn't understand the same, and the others here were just like him.

Nicole graduated from the best finance school, but her knowledge of physics is not much better, but she understands one thing!

Her Majesty's face was slightly serious, and said, "Andre, according to what you said, if you spend hundreds of billions of dollars, or even hundreds of billions, within 20 to 30 years, even if you don't have the big clock inside, there is a chance of realizing time. travel?"

Zhang Nan glanced at his woman, then noticed that Charlize Theron's eyes seemed to flash, and then heard Andre say: "It is possible, but the possibility is extremely small!

This is not only possible with a huge amount of funds, a suitable and large number of scientific researchers, but also a huge high-end industrial system. For example, there are several suppliers of electronic components required for research.

There are also the required nuclear materials, which can only be achieved by a nuclear power plant that is completely self-controlled.

It is even more likely that it will be discovered ten years later that the money that has been thrown down has created a new type of nuclear reactor, or a hugely lethal stationary nuclear device with little practical value, and it has directly entered a dead end.

It may also be discovered that nuclear matter is not used at all, and that it can be driven by sufficiently powerful electricity...

Of course, is it possible? Only those crazy physicists can come to the conclusion that it is more likely to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to discover that it is impossible to succeed.

Traveling in time and space, turning back in time, is too far-fetched. Our company makes nuclear bombs hundreds of times easier than this. "

It’s a fantasy, but...

Nicole said: "You mean that as long as you find someone, you may invest a few hundred million dollars in theoretical research in the first few years?"

Andrei shrugged his shoulders and said: "The theoretical research in the past ten years has not cost 10 million rubles. Even if the dollar is slowly depreciating now, it may not even be used for 100 million in five or ten years.

The theory doesn't cost much. The company even has supercomputers, and these don't require investment.

If the theory does not go on, I think it will be a dead end in the end, and follow-up funds do not need to be invested...

Madam, you don’t really want to work on this project, do you? "

Nicole smiled and said: "I may live for half a century, or even longer. If there is such a possibility of realization of this research, I can see it while I am alive, it's very interesting, isn't it?

Andre, don’t you want to go back in time and see some people’s thoughts?

Hundreds of millions of dollars..."

A strange smile appeared on Nicole's face, "It's just pocket money.

Let alone 100 billion, the company's transfer of 500 billion in cash within half a year is a trivial matter, and it will not affect the company's operation much..."

Only 100 billion in a few decades, there is no pressure at all.

"You probably know how many assets the company and our interest group have. We also have trillions, not just those green papers.

Andre, can the experts and lunatics you mentioned be brought in to serve the company?

It may be good, and even if it is discovered that it is absolutely impossible after a few years, we will not lose much.

There are several well-known physics research rooms in the group, and those people will not be the furnishings of eating and not working. "

Everyone stared at the boss’s wife, Zhang Nan blinked and said to her: "Are you serious?"

"has a problem?

Alan, can we run out of money?

After half a century, we are all old. If it is longer, we may not be able to walk. Maybe then I will want to go back in time and see my parents. Don't you want to?

Even if we can't go back in time, when we are dying of old age and don't care about anything, we can put it in a big hour.

Take the radiation, turn it on for a few minutes, after coming out, this body will return to when we first met...


It's wonderful to think about it!

Even if time goes back, our memory goes back to 1986. Would our children still want us? ..."

Women, if there is a possibility of going back in time, basically everyone will find a way to catch it.

What about the man?

Actually it's the same.

Zhang Nan smiled and put his head down, and said to Andre: "According to what Nicole said, send someone to find the lunatics you said.

Anyway, our family has a big business, and we don't care about raising hundreds or thousands of people.

It doesn't matter if you plan to look forward to it, it doesn't matter if it fails, just as a project investment fails.

Over the years, we have invested too smoothly. Any venture capital or holding company is worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

If it succeeds, we won't have to hang on the wall in three hundred years, and it's not bad to become an old monster directly! "

Andre nodded and said, "As you wish, boss, madam.

However, it doesn't need thousands of people. I estimate that at the beginning, there are dozens of people at most, or even a few or more than a dozen. This research direction is almost impossible to succeed, and there are very few people involved.

It's best to be happy, and to be unhappy, tie it up too! "

Let's do it, no one here really thinks that this fantastic and unbelievable project has the possibility of success.

Not to mention twenty to thirty years, fifty years, it is estimated that it will not be possible in a few hundred years.

But that’s what Nicole did, and Zhang Nan also supports it. The reason is simple: I invested tens of millions and hundreds of millions of dollars in the first few years. According to his family, it is like ordinary people going to a small restaurant to eat a meal and fight a tooth. Similar spending thoughts.

As for the next 20 to 30 years, it is possible to throw in hundreds or hundreds of billions of dollars in total. This is a trivial matter.

A household with a net balance of 100,000 U.S. dollars a year is still earning more and more. A wealthy home with total assets of one million U.S. dollars will spend at most a few hundred, one or two thousand dollars a year in 20 to 30 years. Would it be too expensive to travel for a trip?

No, it makes you feel happy and feels good value for money, and this head is for rejuvenating people, or when there is a chance to go back to the past...

Even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter. Maybe that million-dollar wealthy home will go to a Michelin three-star restaurant every year for a luxury meal and eat a thousand dollars.

Don't use ordinary people's thinking to understand the world of the rich. People really feel that money is just a number.

Buying a supercar, even better than ordinary people buying a pair of three-dollar slippers, feels nothing, how can it be!


Don't think about how much hope you have in the last 20 to 30 years. Zhang Nan and Nicole know this in their minds.

This is the kind of investment project that throws some money at will, and results are the best, and it doesn't matter if there is no result.


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