The unlucky natives of the highlands and mountainous areas of South America. Thousands of years ago, the large mammals they could domesticate on this continent were several kinds of alpacas, and they had too little choice.

Even hunting, it is far worse than the distant neighbors in North America, there are at least bison there.

In the Andes Mountains, there were really no cows, pigs, sheep, let alone horses.

With horns and isolation from the world, there is no connection with the old road for thousands of years. As a result, when the Spanish invaded, the soldiers of the Inca Empire thought that the huge horse was a super monster!

Before the fight started, we lost for a while.

The altitude is high and the resources are relatively single. Before the Spanish arrived, the aborigines wanted to eat meat, so it was impossible to kill alpacas?

If you do that, the landlord's family will have surplus food!

The aborigines also have a way to eat, relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, adapting to local conditions, and catching a guinea pig weighing one or two catties everywhere.

Not only do they eat, but they also raise them. As a result, guinea pigs have become a very common small domestic animal just like rabbits raised by old passers-by, and the popularity of raising them is far higher than that of rabbits raised by the old people.

More funny thing: Nowadays, domestic guinea pigs are everywhere, but they are extinct in the wild!

According to André, in Bolivia, except for European families in some large cities, guinea pig breeding is very popular.

Just like all rodents, guinea pigs are very easy to serve. They don’t pick anything. They can feed themselves with leftovers from the house. They are a bit like the situation where there is nothing to raise chickens and ducks in the Russian countryside.

Zhang Nan heard that this situation is also common in rural China, except that each household raises one or two pigs, and then raises a few chickens and ducks.

Usually there are eggs in exchange for some money, or to improve the food by yourself. Kill a chicken before the busy farming period to make up for it. The New Year pig is rich and has delicious meat!

The concept is different, guinea pigs, I have seen many in the flower and bird market in my previous life.

You said that this one looks like a pet, and it looks pretty cute.

But the skin cramps, the stomach is broken, and it’s on the grill. It looks disgusting, and the visual effect is better than some stupid/forced bat/bat stew soup in the previous life.

After I walked away, the street here is a small grid, there is no way to return, and the parking place is at most more than 100 meters away. Take a small circle back.

It was disgusting, but the origin of the tomb robber was not so scared to flee.

The result... Another roasted guinea pig was found two corners away.

This place is obviously more upscale than the barbecue stall just now. It is a comprehensive restaurant with barbecue grills at the door.

Well, La Paz is where everyone eats guinea pigs. Every restaurant has this stuff. Just like Huaxia's restaurants, how many do not have chickens and ducks?

Standing a little further away, watching the barbecue guy at the entrance of the store operating there, I didn't agree with the meat on the grill, but I felt that this grill was really unique!

There is a large demand for barbecues in restaurants. There is a charcoal fire under the grill, and above it is a guy similar to a hand-cranked Gatling gun. The unlucky grilled guinea pigs whose mouths are opened wide because of the muscle contraction in the heat are all covered in the ass. It is inserted backwards on the "barrels".

Don't look down!

From time to time, the barbecue guy shook the "Gatlin" handle, brushing some unknown sauce on the circle of guinea pigs stuck in his head, and sprinkling some spices or something.

In the restaurant, western tourists are dining, and they can see that they seem to be gnawed by one person, or they can be cut into a large piece of meat separately. I don't know what it's like to take a bite!

Enough is enough. For the mouse, Zhang Nan will not try to taste what it is like to kill the mouse.

Turn around the corner and you will return to the parking place. There are some people who sell agricultural products on the street. They are simply street stalls. Obviously, there is no urban management.

Sure enough, just like Tom said in the morning, there are very few types of vegetables, just potatoes and corn. Especially potatoes, there is less than a temporary small market composed of ten farmers, and the variety of potatoes is dazzling!

Zhang Nan still prefers to eat potatoes, such as roast beef with potatoes and dried potatoes with salt and pepper, which he often eats in his hometown. In Long Island, my own team of private chefs almost always cook these two dishes for the boss once or twice a week.

But whether it’s in China or the United States, potatoes are almost round and yellow-skinned. The difference between different varieties is the size, the shade of ocher, and the degree of roundness.

Small potatoes with salt and pepper, big potatoes cut into stew, this is Zhang Nan’s concept, and the potatoes here seem to be more varieties than he saw in Peru, some of them don’t look like potatoes, how to deal with them when you eat them ?

Yellow, red, blue, purple, violet, red with yellow ribbons, and pink with yellow spots simply look like ladybugs.

Color is like a kaleidoscope!

As for this shape, it’s even more funny. The round and round ones have fewer varieties. Most of them are weird and long. It’s not strange that they are twisted together. There are also hook-shaped like crutches, and some with spirals like tops. Both of them look like goat horns.

After confirming that this was a potato, I thought it was funny, and said to Andre: "We buy some to go back. We haven't tasted so many potatoes in South America last time."

The boss’s words are instructions, so follow them.

Andre asked the price, and Alyosha used the intercom to contact the man who was watching the car, and drove over to the Land Cruiser.

Buy a few kilograms of each, and there are several kinds of relatively small quantities on the stall, and simply buy them with their pockets, and the stallholders are all smiles.

When the things were loaded into the car, Zhang Nan asked Andre: "I said, we weren't treated as fat sheep by them, right?"

There is no clear price tag for this item. Although it is impossible to make a sky-high price no matter how expensive it is, Zhang Nan still doesn't like being treated as a stupid sheep with a lot of money.

"It's okay. Before I came, I asked Danny. He knew about the general prices here yesterday. These people are pretty honest ~ not expensive." Andre said, "These are messy. Every potato still has a name, what makes a wife cry, old bones, black beauty, white deer nose, red shadow."

Zhang Nan, who was just about to leave, stopped and said strangely: "Is there a deer here?"

Andre was taken aback for a moment, then he smiled and said, "Boss, there are deer in the Amazon jungle, and there are quite a few species."

"Oh, let's go."

Zhang Nan was stunned. This is South America, not Australia.

After cleaning up, turn around the corner and get in the car back to the hotel.

If Zhang Nan comes to La Paz in 20 years, there is still a very cool way of transportation back to the south of the city, directly taking the transportation cable car that belongs to the city's public transport system.

The fare is cheap, the movement is quick, and it is much more convenient than driving slowly on the narrow roads in the city.

But now, the plan to build the cable car has been proposed for more than two decades, and the poor shadow has yet to be seen.

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