According to Guan Xingquan’s introduction last month, he went to Milan to see the situation. After the new job was settled smoothly, after returning to Turin, he found an excuse to quit his uncle’s job.

   did not say to be a security contractor, but said that it was introduced by an old comrade-in-arms, first went to receive professional security training, and came out to be the kind of bodyguard wearing a suit and sunglasses, making a lot of money!

   Uncle Tang didn't stop, the local Italians here don't actually welcome Chinese people to grab their jobs, so it's very difficult for Chinese to integrate into this mainstream society.

   The pain of doing business is only known to the businessman, and there may even be times of precariousness! Now the cousin has the opportunity to be a professional bodyguard, and the treatment sounds pretty good, which is a good thing.

   As for safety or something, the cousin doesn’t worry about it. He used to come to Italy with a lot of hard work. It’s dangerous? Fear of a ball!

   Let alone a nephew, it was a warrior, and everything encountered was a small scene.

   What about being a clerk for yourself? Nine out of ten, that is, ten or twenty years later, you will become another self.

   We Wenzhou people are not afraid of creation, so we are afraid not to break!

   Of course, the uncle also added: "If you find it inappropriate over there, then come back. It's okay to eat in the big market."

   Uncle Tang, is a good person.

  Wu Wei sent his salary home. Some things he couldn't take were either temporarily stored by his cousin, or simply given away. He took some living expenses and very little luggage and went to Milan again.

   The company implements a rationing system during training. It is troublesome to bring too much money and personal belongings. Even if you only wear your clothes, you can report to the office.

   As a result, I only lived in Milan for a few days, and then transferred to a training camp near Nice, France, to learn about security attempts and company systems, as well as some things on paper and sitting in the classroom.

   As for the tactics, it is said that I will go to Africa next month.

   Very good. This is still the training stage. I only pay a weekly allowance. I haven't done any work yet, and I earn more than before.

   Study at ease. I didn’t expect to receive a notice to come to the city last night, saying that I might go out for a few days.

   This came with a bag on my back, I didn't want to kick it to South America across the Atlantic Ocean!

   "Lima, Peru, why do you want me to go to that horned ghost?"

   Leave the office manager with questions, go downstairs, and ask the front desk by the way, which bus should go to the airport.

   asked this not to lose face, the airport is close to the city center, he knows that according to the habits of southern Europeans, it is normal to take a bus in this situation.

   Thanks for the detailed answers from the beauty at the front desk. After three years of watching the store and exercising, Wu Wei is familiar with this.

   Going out, it takes five minutes to walk to the bus stop, halfway through seeing a bookstore that just opened, walk in...

   I didn't buy anything, so I found a map of the world in the school supplies, looked at South America for a while, and finally found out where Lima is.

   graduated from high school, I only know that Peru seems to be in a relatively northern part of South America, but where is it...

   I didn't know before, but I had an intuitive impression first.

   You don’t need to buy the map, put it back on the shelf, read it and know it, so that you don’t even know where you are flying on the plane later, and it’s not good to feel that you don’t have a bottom!

   I didn’t waste any time. I rushed to the bus stop when I left the bookstore and got on the bus after five o’clock.

  98 road, city bus, there are seats, 15 minutes to the airport.

   After completing the check-in procedures, I went to the waiting area and saw that there was a toilet on the side. I went there, sat down, and took out the French learning materials from my bag to kill time.

   French, I can speak some before, but I don’t understand much, and I don’t know how to write. I need to recharge myself.

   Not long after boarding, a dual-aisle Airbus A300 was seated for most of the people.

  Economy class, from the back, I hope I will smell kerosene.

   The seats are not by the window, or even the aisles. Obviously, the plane tickets are bought in a hurry, but they are not particular, let alone the awkward smell of perfume on the sides of the few guys who speak unintelligible Spanish.

   The backs of the hands are all hairy, and they haven't evolved completely yet. Without perfume, this airplane is a cattle-pull!

   took off smoothly, waited for leveling, the flight attendants began to deliver meals.

   There is food to eat on the noon flight, Wu Wei knows, save money!

   Even better, this is an Air France airliner, and it's still eating well!

  Sure enough, the flight attendants handed out lunch one by one, all meal plates, including orange juice drinks, there were eight kinds in total!

The Air France meal is really well-deserved. I have heard of it in Turin: the pre-dinner snack is peanuts, salad and fruit, the main course is steak, there is also a good-looking pasta, plus a pocket-sized baguette. Chocolate cake and ice cream are also available.

   Those who have served as soldiers eat fast and have a good appetite. They can solve the problem of three times five and two, and wait for the flight attendants to collect the tableware and have a cup of coffee.

   This reminds me of the people who have been in business all over the world eating by plane, except for those low-cost airlines that pay for their meals, ordinary airlines, this economy class flight meal is very different!

   Those who run in Russia can support you, so you need to be big!

   People who mix in the UK are often half-dead and have no appetite, and those who have been to the United States say that the bits and pieces on a tray are messy and dazzling.

   As for those who have run through the Nordic countries... it's a terrible word!

  Nordic airlines’ flight meals, regardless of whether it’s Norway, Finland or Sweden, are usually just a bun and two vegetable leaves to kill you. It’s called the Nordic minimalist style.

   If you fly farther and the flight time is and you don’t have something to eat, as long as you get on a plane from a Nordic country, then you will starve to death!

   At two hours, the plane landed at Madrid Airport.

   In a hurry to transfer, fortunately, there are airport staff here who can understand French and Italian, and they finally got themselves into the flying Lima plane.

   is still Airbus, but replaced by a big four-engine A340, and the company is really good at buying tickets, not bad for money, it is actually the legendary first class!

   is wearing a clean, company-issued daily training suit, green but not camouflage, and carrying an ordinary outdoor sports backpack.

  , a pair of brand-new sneakers are the most valuable, Italian brand, but most of all, it is "reprocessed" in a small factory, but the experts will not see it when they come.

   People are clean and refreshing, but Wu Wei feels that this is really not suitable in this first-class cabin.

  The other passengers all dressed up as successful people, and they...

   is not the smell of migrant workers, but how to feel like a mercenary!

   Contrast, the contrast is too obvious.

   Don't care, this sitting down is not conspicuous.

   The model of the aircraft is quite new.

  The seats are all semi-private spaces, with half-height fences, the seats can be completely flat to sleep, slippers are provided, the flight attendants bring menus, and dinners can be ordered after the meeting.

   It takes about 12 hours to fly, this trip is comfortable!



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