Wu Wei also flew several times in the past. As for the long-distance flight of more than 10 hours each way, it was only three times. This is the fourth time.

  I came to Italy three years ago, went home at the end of last year, and flew back and forth. Even if I was young and in good health, it would still be a little uncomfortable to sit down in the economy class after a journey of thousands of miles.

   For more than ten hours, I was crammed into a small seating space. Going to the toilet was considered exercise, and no one would feel comfortable changing it.

   But this time, the next ten hours are cool. Even dinner is an optional menu. Today, the first class of this flight has not been purchased, and no passengers requested an upgrade. There is a lot of room for dinner.

   After Wu Wei ordered steak and Spanish raw ham, the flight attendant also specially reminded that the first-class cabin was not full, and if needed, he could add lobster.

   The flight attendant has rich experience. Although the Asian passenger is not big, he looks very smart. Such men generally have a good appetite, at least better than those middle-aged beer belly men in suits and shoes.

   I've prepared a lot. Since it's not full, don't waste it.

   Of course, Wu Wei has a good appetite. He did physical work as a child. The army has been training for seven years, and his small appetite is eliminated early!

   When he arrived in Italy, he was a salesperson and a porter. He was able to eat a few bowls of rice while doing physical work.

   At noon, Air France’s "French Meal" is rich, but it is 70% full.

  Since the flight attendants say so, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. A good appetite means health. Many Westerners also think so.

   If you can't eat much, then this man still has something to do!

   A fruit platter and a cream cake. I have been used to it in Italy in recent years.

This is the plane of the Spanish national airline. Paella is also available in the menu, which is much better than the pasta of Air France: the old people who often fly on the plane have said that the meal is heated by the microwave and oven. There is rice and rice is selected. Noodles are needed for rice.

   only has rice. After such reheating, the original taste can be better maintained. The noodles are almost a bit sticky and usually become sticky.

  The flight attendant recommended that the champagne and wine provided in the first-class cabin this season are good, but the passenger with a good appetite said: "Don't use alcoholic beverages, give me a glass of hot milk, plus a small bottle of mineral water, thank you!"

   First-class Champagne can be refilled almost infinitely, but Wu Wei thinks that the company is so foolish in recruiting itself to Peru, it is impossible to let it go.

   Do not touch alcohol. From the moment he made up his mind to become a military contractor, he decided not to drink alcohol during the mission, and he did not drink as much as possible in ordinary times.

   I am already 30 years old, so I should pay more attention to my diet, work for a few more years, and earn more money.

   After the plane takes off to the endurance height, this dinner is here. The dinner plate is different from the plastic and paper plates in the economy class. They are all porcelain.

   tastes good, the only downside is that the paella is a little bit raw, very Spanish.

   It doesn’t matter if I chew more and swallow it. Even the paella I have eaten in Italy is often a bit raw. It is said that it is authentic.

   It’s good to eat and drink. I went to the restroom and read a French textbook that I could have for an hour. I really did nothing.

   Simply lay down the seat, leaned on the pillow, and went to bed with a blanket.

   slept a little early, two or three hours after Wu Wei fell asleep, the other passengers in the first-class cabin began to fall asleep.

   luck, no one snored, it was more than 6 hours after waking up.

   went to wash up, one hour before the plane landed, it was breakfast time again.

   The earth is turning, the plane is flying, the sky outside is actually still dark, and Madrid at this meeting is estimated to have just dawned at most.

   But breakfast is still provided, so Wu Wei just pretended to have supper.

   There are not many people who have a great appetite at this point, especially other passengers. Some people order a drink. Two of the flight attendants have also reminded the flight attendants that they can wake up as long as they can, and they don’t eat at all.

   Bread, milk, ham slices, and nuts are added to a meal.

   After all these 12 hours, Wu Wei, who was carrying a backpack, got off the plane and passed through customs. When he walked to the exit, it was already 11:30 in the evening local time.

   This flight is really late!

   In fact, I still feel a little bit worried. If there is no one outside to pick up the airport, or a translator who only speaks Spanish or English will be dumbfounded!

   I have a good look. As soon as I reached the exit, I saw two Chinese characters from the seven or eight pick-up signs: Wu Wei!

A piece of white cardboard, probably torn from a packing box, with his own name on it and an exclamation mark. It was lifted by a large local man who was over 1.8 meters tall and had a burly body and skin a bit deeper than himself. write.

   is conspicuous and well written.

   The other party also saw him, taller has the advantage of taller, and then...

   Wu Wei almost suffocated himself!

   "Wu Wei? Here, I was sent by the company to pick you up. Today, I'm missing you!"

   Spoken Mandarin Chinese, with a little bit of accent.

   is the kind of local accent. Wu Wei, a Wenzhou native, also has similar flaws when he speaks Mandarin, but he is not Wenzhou accent. It is just because he has heard too many Southern accents in the past, and he has some small accent problems.

   "Hello, I am Wu Wei, how do I call it?"

   Take a few steps forward, now I can see clearly: What kind of Peruvian native is this? This face is not black, but red on the plateau.

   South Americans also have plateau red, and this one, this plateau red is more standard than the Andean residents seen on TV.

   The big guy took the sign away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ reached out and said: "Hello, hello, I am Awang, this time I will be responsible for picking you up in Lima.

  Go, go to the hotel first, and go to the mine tomorrow morning. "

   He glanced at the small backpack Wu Wei was carrying, obviously there was no other luggage, so he led the way.

   Wu Wei hurriedly followed, more doubts in his mind.

   This is obviously a Tibetan brother, but I am a security contractor and mercenary who is still in the learning stage, what mine do I go to?

   "I said brother, what mine?"

  "The Las Bambas copper mine, a super giant copper mine, will take the company's plane at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and drive from Lima for at least two days.

  Also, the driver who drove us today is a local hired, so don’t talk nonsense later. "

   While talking, I saw a van parked in front of him. The driver was an Indian. At first glance, his skin color looked a bit like Brother Awang.

   Lima is at a very low altitude. This driver is obviously from a high altitude area.

   With doubts, I got in the car first and arrived at the hotel in a few minutes, which is still near the airport.

   The hotel is not big, only four floors, and the conditions for entering are average.

   Awang gave Wu Wei a key. The room is on the second floor.

   "Time is in a hurry, the conditions are okay. There is a brother in your room who came from Africa, who arrived half a day earlier than you.

   I do logistics as soon as I have something. If you ask him something, he knows more than I do.

  Also, even if you don’t ask, you will know what is going on tomorrow. "

   After that, Ah Wang left for himself.



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