Cheng Feng, who was lying on the ground and still unable to move his body, would already know what happened: one of the specialties of the little devil, the earthquake!

Fear, despair, this feeling unconsciously enveloped the whole body, I hope that there will be no telegraph poles or large pieces of glass hitting myself!

Instinctively made him curl up, and the rest will be explained to God for the time being. Any thoughts are surplus and insufficient.

I don't know how long it took, anyway, as long as several centuries, he suddenly found that he seemed to be able to stand up.

This will not be anxious, except for a slight scratch on the palm of his hand when he fell, and everything else is fine.

The two or three-story residential buildings on both sides did not collapse, except for some glass and tiles.

I was riding the bike by myself just now, and was falling in the middle of the road. Fortunately, he avoided all the dangers.

After getting up, he planned to retrieve the scattered newspapers. Cheng Feng saw old men and old ladies rushing out with quilts on their heads constantly in the houses on both sides. Several of them were still shouting: "Great changes! Another earthquake!.. ."

Of course, what the old men and old ladies shouted was in Japanese, and Cheng Feng automatically converted them into Chinese. Anyway, I think these people's language expressions are weird.

All the street lights were reimbursed. Fortunately, the sky was getting brighter and brighter. I looked at the whole street before and after. I didn't see any collapsed houses, and none of the old people who ran out had bloodshed and needed help.

In the past ten months, I saw news about an earthquake somewhere on the TV every three days or so. These old men and women who would run out after yelling a few words "An earthquake again" also quickly disappeared.


"Scared me to death! A small earthquake is so terrible!"

Speaking of the horror of the earthquake, Cheng Feng adjusted his mentality, retrieved his newspaper, and picked up his bicycle to continue delivering the newspaper along the street.

The residents were all standing outside the door, and they could even express their gratitude to the calm boy delivering the newspaper, which made Cheng Feng feel that he had overreacted when he was lying on the ground before.

Small scene.

This group of locals didn't seem to have any trouble looking at it. It seems that this earthquake is really a routine affair. It is estimated that there will be one or two encounters in the next few years of studying abroad.

After a while, the few remaining newspapers were delivered, and his dormitory for international students was nearby. He planned to ride back to catch up.

In order to reduce the burden on the family, Cheng Feng really lacked sleep every day for 300 days after this.

The dormitory is located on the fifth floor of a ten-story building on the edge of the old town where I delivered the newspaper. In fact, people here like to call it a dormitory.

The room is very small, a real cabin, shaped like a word.

Lie down and sleep, but after a while, before falling asleep, the bed starts to rock like a cradle.

Cheng Feng knew that little devils always had earthquakes, but this time it was still a small scene. These reinforced concrete houses are said to be able to withstand earthquakes of magnitude 7 or 8.

And I’ve heard more than once that the earthquake is the first wave of the most severe shocks, and the full aftershocks in the back have limited power.

I didn’t even collapse the old houses on the street just now, so the reinforced concrete building I lived in should be fine, so I can continue to sleep with peace of mind...

But seemingly unable to sleep, the aftershocks came in a short while, intermittently and endlessly!

Watching the refrigerator sliding around on the floor, the bed was even more interesting.

By the way, the quality of this little devil's house is really good...

What is a big heart?

If Cheng's father and Cheng's mother knew that his son would be able to sleep in bed at ease, I wonder if he would fly over and beat him up!

I promise not to kill you!

Shaking it, shaking and shaking is used to it, confused... the phone rang, and it felt more ear-piercing than usual.

Jumping up to pick up, one was inattentive, almost falling down by the inertia of this aftershock.


It was the head teacher, Mr. Isoda, who was a nice teacher. He was calling the students in the class one by one.

After confirming that Cheng Feng is currently safe, he was invited to go to Kobe to rescue Sheluba, a classmate from Nepal in his class, who could not be contacted!

As a good Chinese man, it is a tradition to help others, and it is even more obligatory to stand up in times of crisis!

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Feng reacted. It turned out that his side was not an earthquake center at all, so there was nothing serious.

Sheluba is in Kobe, so something must have happened!

Not sleeping, although Sheluba is not a compatriot, but he is very good, and he can play with himself in the usual way, and he definitely wants to save it.

Even if you go take a look.

I made an international long-distance call to my home and said there was an earthquake here. Everything is safe for me and my family need not worry.

There was an earthquake in Kobe, Osaka, and I didn’t even know what happened to my hometown. I’ll let you know and feel relieved.

Then I waited anxiously for Mr. Isoda's car and turned on the TV to see if there was any news.

I don’t know, but I was shocked when I saw it, Cheng Feng was really scared for a while in his heart!

What a **** little earthquake, I was still sleeping just now...

My own side is considered lightly affected, and Kobe is already a **** of flames!

The TV pictures are full of collapsed houses, and many places are raging!

He has been to Kobe. Not far away, the houses and streets there are similar to those in Osaka, and there are wooden traditional Japanese-style blocks everywhere.

The earthquake shook the house, the fire together, and the blessing of the sea breeze near the sea, this is going to burn the company!

Seeing that the time is almost the same, I stuffed my passport and all the cash on my body, took a small backpack, turned off all the electrical appliances in the house, and even pulled out the main switch.

Learn now and use it now, so that when you come back, if you find that the house is burned out, there is no place to cry.

Going downstairs and waiting, it didn't take long to see the head teacher's car coming.

Mr. Isoda drove his car, and there were two classmates in it, one of whom was his fellow Teng Chao.

Don't rush to Kobe, first buy a bunch of mineral water and food in a nearby supermarket that is still open, and fill the trunk.

Cheng Feng admired this person's attitude towards the earthquake. In this case, he insisted on business even though the shelves in the supermarket had fallen down a lot.

When the disaster came, the citizens needed to purchase necessities urgently, and the shop owners and salespersons insisted on taking up their posts.

The four men drove towards Kobe. The closer they were to Kobe, the heavier Cheng Feng's mood became.

It was said on TV that the first wave of the first earthquake actually lasted only 12 seconds, but this will look around, and there are severely damaged buildings everywhere.

Some buildings were broken by the waist, and even saw that the entire fifth floor of a house was gone, and the fourth floor was directly pressed against the sixth floor!

The speed of the car was very slow, and he kept avoiding obstacles in the road. Isoda had rich experience and did not take the high speed.

Sure enough, the radio said that the expressway from Osaka to Kobe had been completely reimbursed, and the viaduct was almost completely destroyed.

However, before reaching the Kobe boundary, the car was stopped. The police commanding the traffic told the four brave men: Immediately drive to change lanes and not to go forward to avoid congestion!

Looking from a distance, there was smoke billowing everywhere in Kobe. Cheng Feng saw the head teacher Isoda holding back tears, greeted himself and his classmates, unloaded all the mineral water and food in the trunk, and arranged them neatly on the trees on the side of the road. Down.

There was a signature pen on the car, and Isoda wrote on the cardboard box: "This is clean food for the victims. Please feel free to take it for those who need it."

Cheng Feng saw that he bowed deeply towards the billowing Kobe, and said: "Don't give up, Kobe! Don't give up, Sheluba!"

No way, Mr. Isoda can only plan to return. At this time, Cheng Feng looked at Kobe in the distance, his best friend was still there, and he made a decision in his heart.

"Teacher, will we have class these days?"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Isoda said with some doubts: "No these few days. I have to wait for the aftershocks to heal. What's the matter?"

"Please come back first. I have good physical strength and plan to take a walk.

I have been to the house where Sheluba lives a few times, knowing the way, and returning after making sure it’s safe. "

After finishing speaking, before Isoda expressed his opinion, he said to Teng Chao: "Help me, tomorrow's newspaper will be delivered to me. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in case."

Teng Chao also sent newspapers to work. The two helped each other and knew each other's delivery route and subscriber status.

Isoda is getting older, and another Malay classmate has small arms and legs, and asked him to go to the rescue on foot... forget it.

But Teng Chao is a little fat, and it is considered to lose weight to send newspapers, and it is not realistic to hike dozens of kilometers!

This time it was a The rescue had to do what we could. After persuading Cheng Feng to no avail, the other three had to remind him to pay attention to safety again and again.

I stuffed two bottles of mineral water into the bag, then put biscuits, cakes and instant ham, Cheng Feng planned to set off.

"Wait!" Teng Chao came over on a fairly new bicycle, and there was no one for two minutes just now.

Give the car to Cheng Feng, "ride this."

"Where did it come from?" Cheng Feng asked.

"When I asked someone to buy it, it was right in front of their house. I said I wanted to go to Kobe by bike. The person said to lend me. I said I might not be able to pay it back. I asked for a new car for less than half the price."

You're not very polite, a bicycle is super affordable.

The police stopped stopping bicycles, and they could ride as long as they could. Ride people on bicycles where they couldn’t, so they entered the hardest hit area.

The road was blocked, most of the streets that caught fire were too small, and once the house was damaged, let alone the fire truck, even people could not get in!

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