Thinking of the coastal road to Kobe as the nearest, but Cheng Feng soon discovered that this simply didn't work!

It took less than two kilometers to ride, and it was still people who rode together with bicycles and cyclists to get here. There was a hurdle in front of us: a building on the street that could have been more than ten stories collapsed, and it was still facing the road. The side-overturning collapse completely blocked the entire road!

It was even worse by the sea. The coastal avenue by the breakwater collapsed everywhere, and there were no roads in many places!

I couldn't make it by myself, and the fire trucks that set out for rescue in Osaka were even more helpless.

Sigh, the police said just now that they can get to Kobe along this road. It seems that there is poor information over there, and they are simply commanding blindly!

This is just past Nishinomiya, and yet to Ashiya city, and Kobe is more than ten kilometers away.

U-turn back?

Cheng Feng won't be overthrown by such a little difficulty!

Open the backpack and take out the little devil's map book from inside: when you are out, you must have a map, lest you don't know where you're going.

With a map, you can at least distinguish the north, south, east, and west in unfamiliar places. Otherwise, if you don’t even know where the sun rises from during the last period of time, it may happen.

This is not a joke. When Cheng Feng was still in China, he went to the mountain city a few years ago, and he could live for more than a week, but he couldn't figure out where the southeast, northwest and northwest were, because he didn't see the sun!

I bought this atlas every day, and kept it with me, and I used it again today.

After researching it, for the time being, I no longer go straight to the west, but ride a bicycle to the north. There are several roads leading to Kobe in the city of a few kilometers between the bay and the northern mountains.

But it’s not going well. It’s blocked everywhere, and you have to bypass the streets blocked by collapsed houses and avoid communities that are on fire.

It’s going to be cold, the little devil likes to use a heater, and the earthquake happens at the coldest time of the day...

Now it's good, there are fires everywhere, looking from a distance, it is estimated that the fire will continue to burn more and more!

There are wooden dwellings everywhere. Not to mention the fact that fire trucks from the outside can't get in for support, it is estimated that Kobe has nothing to do with self-help. It is 100% stuffed everywhere!

Imagine if someone is trapped in a collapsed house, and rescue cannot be carried out, another city will be burned...

It's scary to think about it!

He kept making detours, turning around and going west. After three o'clock in the afternoon, Cheng Feng found that he had only reached the boundary of Ashiya City.

The cities in the Hanshin area are actually connected together. If you don't distinguish them carefully, you won't be able to tell where the boundaries are on the street.

Tired out, in the past few hours, it seems that he has been riding a cart and a car more than when he is riding a bike!

It's not distance, it's time: it's cool to ride a bike, but you have to be able to ride it!

In order to avoid the ruins and fire fields blocking the way, he was already advancing along a road at the foot of the mountain.

This section of the road was not bad. There were not many collapsed houses, and some tiles and broken glass could not hit the road: there are single houses on both sides of the road, and there are still high-end goods such as gardens.

"One household is rich!"

Cheng Feng muttered something in his heart for a family that would pass by.

It looks like the garden of this house can be two or three hundred square meters, and the floor area of ​​a two-story residential house is estimated to be this number. A proper Japanese-style mansion.

One-family construction, what the little devil calls a single-family house, as for the one with a garden, it is called a villa in China.

The yard is so big, and the two floors of the house add up to at least 400 square meters. This is an absolute mansion in Little Devil.

This is in Ashiya City, next to the foot of the mountain. Both sides of the street are full of one-family houses. Cheng Feng knew that he had run into the Ashiya Mansion District, one of the five largest mansion districts in the whole day.

Along the way, it is estimated that the cheapest one-family building will cost hundreds of millions of yen, and the larger ones will cost hundreds of millions, or even more expensive.

They are all rich people.

The car didn't dare to ride too fast, and in some places I had to get out of the car and push it away. There were cracks in the road, and I didn't want to fall into a big horse like the early morning.

I was lucky if I didn't fall for a long time. If I do it again, I don't know if God will be polite to me.

I stop and go and feel hungry.

Only then did I remember that, except for a bit of food when I was sorting out the newspaper before dawn, I hadn't eaten anything by this time, and I didn't even drink water.

Looked around and stopped. There is a very good family in front, and there is a lawn about one meter wide by the asphalt road, and the fence is inside.

This household actually didn't build a fence on the border of their own home, probably for visual effects, how awesome!

The yard seems to be the largest on this road, and the front part is estimated to be thousands of square meters. I don't know how big the backyard is.

The house has only two floors, it looks like it is still a wooden structure, but it is very large. Chen Feng estimated that the two floors add up to at least thousands of square meters.

Coupled with the green trees in the courtyard, it is similar to the ancient aristocratic courtyard of the little devil seen in the film and television drama.

At this time, several fire trucks pulled the alarm from the side and passed by. Cheng Feng felt that if he stopped on the side of the road, he would eat something that would hinder the traffic, so he pushed forward.

When I got to the front, there was no fence. Instead, the fenced mansion was very generous, with the bicycle leaning against the fence.

Only then did he discover that the fence was very strong and should be made of steel.

Tired, sitting on the lawn, will not hinder the traffic.

This is still safe, even if the aftershocks are severe, the fence will not fall down.

Besides, the fence can be built in this way. It is estimated that the home inside will not mind someone taking a break on the lawn outside.

After taking a breath, took off the backpack and took a sip of water...cold!

He took out a packet of biscuits in his bag, and was about to tear it open when he heard someone coming over behind him.

I didn't bother to turn around and look, I didn't think that a nice female voice seemed to be saying to myself: "Sir, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Of course, it is Japanese.

Difficult, this meeting Cheng Feng’s image is not very good, this journey can be regarded as smoky, dusty, "over the mountains and ridges", not to mention the gray of his forehead, and even burned by the fire once, and his hair is a little bit Coke.

Not to mention the clothes. The thick sportswear that I changed deliberately is not too dirty. It's not easy to get here.

Now Cheng Feng can no longer be another person, the team sat half-turned and froze for a while!

There were three people in the fence behind him. The two men were slightly behind, both big men in short coats.

One of the yellow-haired ones was obviously a Westerner, and the other looked like a kid.

This is not the point, the point is this woman who speaks to herself...

A winter kimono, looks like a goddess!

No, not like a goddess, this is a goddess!

In the eyes of the little devils, this is the first beauty of the Showa era. This person is Sawaguchi Yasukiko. Cheng Feng recognizes her and has seen her on TV, movies and pictorials.

The actress who developed in the United States, is this her home in Japan?

Sawaguchi Yasuko was in a bad mood today. She went home to see her parents. After only living for two days, she encountered an earthquake.

The man who called him was actually said something unreasonably: "Are you in Kobe? Are you kidding me!?

Are you okay? I said why are you running to Kobe at this time! When did you go?..."

Sawaguchi Yasuko was caught off guard by the overbearing man's remarks.

I didn't dare to Finally, I could only aggrieved: "I am from Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. I'm not in Kobe, but in Ashiya City next door.

I bought a house here for my parents two years ago, and the environment is good.

Come back this time, my mother is not in good health some time ago..."

As for Ashiya, Kobe, Osaka, and Sakai, Zhang Nan can't understand the relationship between these **** cities.

After Sawaguchi Yasuko finished speaking, she understood why she was there.

Some time ago, she had been in Los Angeles, returning to her hometown to see her parents. She was so disheartened by the earthquake, and she was blamed for no reason. Zhang Nan was embarrassed to continue to scold her.

If she confirmed that she and her family were fine for the time being, she told a few more words not to run around, listen to the arrangements of the bodyguards, and someone will pick them up later.

Sawaguchi Yasuko was in a bad mood, she would walk around in the garden, but when she saw a humiliated refugee, she asked.

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